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Multiple heads rotated towards the scandalous voice. The guests were displeased at the person who rudely interrupted the revelation.

As they were about to fire complains, they found themselves swallowing their breaths.

It's Alexander Bai!

The President of White Phoenix Empire, the man who swept the Business World's grounds, the man who build the most successful empire!

Especially the father of the notorious She-Devil, Lillie Bai!

What on earth is he doing here? Didn't the rumors told them that his health was not too good ever since his empire got into a predicament?

Also, who is that man standing behind him?

An Jiaying's body suddenly went rigid. Her eyes dilates as her hands begin to tremble. A lump seem to form on her throat, finding it hard to breathe. can this be?!

What is An Qi Sheng doing here?! And why is he alive!

An Jiaying made sure that the final visit she had with her father, An Qi Sheng, would be the last! Her men doused the abandoned house with gasoline! She personally witnessed how the fire ate the entire building!
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She was sure that he wouldn't survive it so how come?!

How did a supposed burned up corpse be moving around in a lavish suit without a speck of ashes or burns on his skin?!

An Qi Sheng saw the frightened and panicked expression on her good daughter's face.

He locked his gaze at her and smirked triumphantly.

I'm alive, dear daughter of mine.

An Jiaying's face turned black and ugly.

"Please, forgive our sudden interruption." Mr. Bai earnestly said.

"Yes. And also, please do forgive us for being late." An Qi Sheng, or simply Mr. An, added to their excuse. "There were some 'unforeseen' events that happened to delayed us."

Mr. Bai and his good friend, Mr. An, entered the ballroom. The pair emits an air of aloofness. The way they bring themselves made the others feel as if they were witnessing two kings walking down to meet their subjects.

Even in their late 40s, the two don't look a day over 30.

Mr. Bai and Mr. An parted and went into other directions. Mr. Bai approached the table where Lillie and Ethan are.

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Without saying anything, he sat—rudely—between the couple.

Ethan: "..."

Whereas Mr. An went towards Lan Wu Cheng and Song Mo Kun's table. "Sorry for being late, son."

"It's fine, dad." Lan Wu Cheng's grinned and winked at his future father-in-law.

Sound of Dawn saw Lan Wu Cheng's action and internally groaned.

What is he up to now? And why did he brought him here?

She looked at the woman in red for answers. The woman in red winked, not giving her a clue.

Was she the only one who's clueless?

Sound of Dawn looked at An Jiaying's pale face and couldn't help but be suspicious.

It looks like she just saw a ghost.

"Miss An, is everything alright?" Sound of Dawn asked.

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She saw An Jiaying flinched.

"A-ah, oh..o-oh no. I...I was just surprised and nervous to see Miss Sound of Dawn's face." She quickly whipped out a lie.

"Is that so?" Sound of Dawn pretended to accept her answer. "Oh, isn't that your father just now? I didn't know he's close to President Bai."

An Jiaying sweated profusely.

Why are you so nosy! Stop asking me questions and give me your mask already!

"A-a lot aren't aware of it..."

"He also seem to know those two gentlemen there. Isn't one of them Lan Wu Cheng? I saw you talking to his parents a while ago." Sound of Dawn smiled slyly. "What's this? Don't tell me you two are dating?"

"Miss Sound of Dawn appear to have a pair of sharp eyes for you to see us from a distance." An Jiaying almost gritted her teeth in annoyance.

What's wrong with this girl?!

"From where I stand, I can see everyone." Sound of Dawn shrugged.

"I think that's enough chit-chatting, you two. We have guests who are eager to see Sound of Dawn's face." An Jiaying mentally sighed in relief when the woman in red butt in.

The faster she gets the mask, the faster she gets out of here! That father of hers is up to something, and she won't linger too long for it to happen!

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Her plan to be close to Ethan Li had been ruined! Her reputation is also ruined because of that slut, Lillie Bai!

And this woman in front of her, Sound of Dawn. Oh, An Jiaying will not forget her too.

She's too curious!

An Jiaying failed to acknowledge how Sound of Dawn's eyes glinted malice and her lips curling into a smirk.

Her hands held the cold mask once again.

And in one swift pull, the mask left Sound of Dawn's face...

...revealing a beautiful face with luscious white skin and a pair of rosy red cheeks.

An Jiaying's eyes widen. Her mouth wide widen in disbelief.


The sound of metal hitting the ground echoed through the room.

"What's wrong, Eldest Miss An? Surprised to see your sister?" An Xiuling tilted her head and smiled mockingly.

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