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Discussion among the guests erupted the room once again. They have never seen or heard of this girl before.

Although, some who have ears everywhere have heard of a rumor before that the An family house an illegitimate child.

"Don't tell me she's the bastard child everyone was talking about back then?"

"Hm hm! The An family did a great job hiding her...To think she only resurfaced to the public just now."

"Well you really can't blame them. No family would want to expose a bastard child in public. It's equivalent to a slap in the face!"

"If only men learn how to keep their pants up..."

"Hey, hey. Don't give me that look..."

"But to have someone like Sound of Dawn for a daughter? I wouldn't mind keeping her even if she's an illegitimate child."

The loud chattering did not manage to catch An Jiaying's attention. There was a loud ringing in her ears that irritates her due to shock.

This can't be happening! How did my plan come to this?!

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First, her father is here and alive. Second, this slut actually had the guts to show her face in front of members of the Elite Society and bravely introduce herself as the An family's bastard daughter?

Isn't she afraid to face everyone's contempt and ridicule?

For them, having an illegitimate child will sully their dignified family name. Since these people are from the upperclass, they're not too keen in keeping one.

An Xiuling ignored these arrogant people's words and faced them with a gentle smile. "I believe I have caused everyone to be confused, so I would like to introduce myself properly..."

The crowd stopped bickering to listen.

"I am An Xiuling...owner of Zhu Dinghong Pavilion."


"I apologize for making everyone wait for my arrival. Also, I'm truly thankful to see that everyone were eager in participating with our little charity event. To express my gratitude, I will be parting everyone a small gift from Zhu Dinghong." An Xiuling made a gesture with her hand.

From the backstage, people in uniform came out small carrying boxes covered in black wrappings for the men, and white for the women. They went to each tables and hand everyone their gifts.

Excitement spread across the recipients faces. Opening their gifts, their eyes widen.

T-too extravagant!

The ladies were gifted with beautifully crafted jewelry set. All of which have different designs.

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While the gentlemen were given the latest model of the wristwatch that Zhu Dinghong Pavilion haven't yet launch in the public, each have their names carved behind the watch.

Experiencing first hand how extremely generous An Xiuling is, these people couldn't help but feel guilty.

I wish she was my daughter!

The guests gritted their teeth bitterly.

Damn those An family! How could you throw such gem?! This girl, An Xiuling, doesn't deserve your unfair treatment!

If you don't want her, give her to us!

She's not only a talented artist who's well-known and greatly respected by everyone, she's also a successful businesswoman who created Zhu Dinghong Pavilion!

As for her sister...

Humph! This little princess managed to climb the ladders with the help of her family!
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An Jiaying felt everyone's eyes on her.

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She've now realized An Xiuling's immense and highly regarded achievements, An Jiaying's face didn't know whether to turn black in anger or green in envy.

She can't believe that the slut who they kicked out of their An family with nothing, not even a single penny, actually survived and made herself wealthy and famous!

In the table with Lan Wu Cheng and Song Mo Kun, An Qi Sheng chest was filled with pride.

He was proud of his daughter.

Back then, he couldn't do anything to stop his meddling family from kicking her out. It was unfortunate that he was not around when they did that. When he came back home and found out, he tried to search for her but to no avail.

He suspected those old fools in his family prevented him from finding her. They sabotage his search and corrupted his investigators. He tried for many years until finally loosing hope and gave up.

Then until recently, the boy who saved him from his death, Lan Wu Cheng, mentioned that his daughter actually hid herself on purpose.

He said she didn't want to be targeted by his An family.

It was a smart move, but An Qi Sheng still felt regretful and wished his daughter trusted him.

He knew he wasn't the most affectionate father, but he still care for all of his children.

No...his 'child' to be exact.

With determination rushing through his veins, An Qi Sheng stood up and strode towards the stage.

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He shall end An Jiaying's schemes and exposed them once and for all!

He will not let this felon continue to torment him and his family any longer!

An Xiuling saw her father's approaching figure and was puzzled.

Then she caught Lan Wu Cheng smirking at her direction.

What's this guy up to now?

An Jiaying trembled in fear.

She can feel her plans collapsing. She already come too far! She's so near in reaching her goal!

But wait...

An Jiaying chuckled in her mind, realization dawning.

"He doesn't have any evidences! White Bird made sure to erase my tracks!" She thought, feeling triumphant. She just remembered that she still have a powerful person backing her up.

With White Bird on her side, she's certain that these people can't do anything to her!

They'll be facing the most malicious Demon if they continue the path to take her down.

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