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An Jiaying had no idea that the 'White Bird' she spoke highly of, is nothing but a fake.

A fake who's capabilities are not even a quarter of what the real White Bird can do.

Lillie lethargically twirled her glass filled with wine as she leaned back on her seat to watch everything unfold.

Ethan sneak a glance at his wife. He held the temptation of just standing up and gathering her in his arms to escape this place.

He wants nothing more than to go home and cuddle with her.

Unfortunately, there's a great wall that hinders him from doing so.

"I heard you and Lillie come into...good terms." The great wall, Mr. Bai, asked his future son-in-law with unhidden animosity.

Even now, he still can't accept that his only princess will be marrying soon.

Ethan did not acknowledge his future father-in-law's tone. "Yes, we have. Our relationship is doing great, so there's no need for father to be concerned."

A vein popped out of Mr. Bai's forehead.

F-father? Did this stinky boy just called me father?

Mr. Bai's hand was itching to strangle Ethan's neck.

"Ahem." Lillie interrupted before his dark desire took over him.

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"Is something wrong, little flower?" Mr. Bai went on full concerned-daddy mode. "I told you to stop drinking alcohol. Here, here, drink more water instead."


She placed the wine down and accepted the glass of water, making her father happy that she listen to him this time.

At the stage,

"Xiuling..." Mr. An called his daughter's name, regret in his voice.

"Mr. An, what a pleasant surprise." An Xiuling fake a smile for pleasantry. She did not understand why he would want to acknowledge someone like her.

Is he regretting kicking her out? Does he want her wealth as well?

"I don't believe the Bai's properties aren't enough in satisfying your greed," She did not need to filter her harsh words. "You came here for mine next?"

Mr. An frowned, feeling wronged.

"You misunderstood. I have nothing to do with the problems in Alex's empire." He explained, motioning his head at Mr. Bai's direction.

Something's amiss. An Xiuling's lips twitched, certain that she wasn't informed with any of this unexpected episode. Now that her father pointed it out, isn't it strange for Mr. Bai to accompany him if the two aren't in good terms?

She met her boss' eyes for answers. But Lillie just gave her a shrug.

Boss! How could you!

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Since the microphone was off, the guests could not hear their conversation. But by observing their movements, they assume some drama is happening.

An Qi Sheng turned his attention at the oddly calm An Jiaying. He noticed how her posture relaxed just now.

And he's not the only one who noticed it.

"It was this good-for-nothing daughter who manipulated everyone and almost caused the Bai's downfall." He glared at her hatefully.

An Xiuling was aware of that already, but she didn't know that An Qi Sheng had nothing to do with it.

"Allow me to explain, dad."

Lan Wu Cheng intervened, appearing from behind.

"Wu Cheng...what are you doing?" An Xiuling raised her eyebrow.

This was not the plan! Wait...she didn't know the plan!

And who is he calling dad?!

"Sis Hua, what's going on?!" She leaned at the woman in red—now identified as Feng Chunhua—and whispered.

"That, my dear junior sister, is what you call a boyfriend getting the father's good graces." Feng Chunhua giggled.
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What suitor?

She looked at Lan Wu Cheng, who winked at her in return, and blanched.

This playboy?! No way!

"You have no idea of the things I found out, sweetheart. Who knew your sister have so many skeletons in the closet," Lan Wu Cheng shook his head and clicked his tongue.

"Young master Lan, I have no idea what kind of relationship you have with my half-sister, but you must not believe what she says!" An Jiaying frantically explained in a soft voice, making herself appear as if she's the victim.

No man could endure seeing a white lotus like her being bullied.

"My father also has been sick and was confined in the hospital. The doctors said there's something wrong with his mental health." If Lan Wu Cheng was an ordinary man, An Jiaying would've successfully pulled him on her side with her acting so innocent.

"Tsk, tsk. My eyes have opened, I can't believe there's someone who's more shameless and thick-skinned than I!"

"H-huh?" An Jiaying was stunned. "I...I don't understand..."

"Still pretending to be clueless?" Lan Wu Cheng crossed his arms. "I've found out all of Miss An's schemes and crimes. Kidnapping Mr. An and attempting to murder him, stealing White Phoenix Empire's properties, dealing with the mafia, helping them transport drugs and weapons, and hmm...would you like me to continue?"

An Jiaying was lost for words.

So this man is their accomplice too?!

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Humph! So what if you know, you don't have any evidences!

Lan Wu Cheng witnessed how An Jiaying's beautiful, gentle features suddenly turned smug and ugly.

She harrumphed arrogantly, not caring at her behavior. The stage is far from everyone. His figure block their view of her and wouldn't hear her speak without the microphone.

"You did a pretty good job with your assignment, young master Lan. Tell me, how much did my father or sister paid you?" She placed her hands on her hips and tilted her head. "If you promise to not tell anyone of your findings, I would offer you a much higher payment than them."

What a shame. His good looks would go to waste if he choose wrong.

"Hoh?" Lan Wu Cheng rubbed his chin and smiled. "Interesting. What kind of offer would Miss An give me?"

An Jiaying smirked. As expected, a man like him couldn't stand the temptation.

"What else? I'll give you not only money but power as well. If you do as I told you, I can also assure that you'll live a good life."

"If I refuse?"

"Then we'll have a problem." She also gave An Xiuling and An Qi Sheng a crazed smile. "You wouldn't want to mess with me now that I have a powerful person backing me up."

An Xiuling was not fazed. "Then who, dear sister, is your powerful backup?"

Chuckling darkly, she said, "White Bird."

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