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The three Elders on the stage pretended to be scared.

Pleased at their reaction, An Jiaying laughed.

"Yes, one of the Leaders of the Underworld is on my side! I bet non of you expect that one, huh?"

"You evil woman, do you know what kind of dangerous deal you made? You're asking for an early death!" Mr. An's heart trembled in fear.

Who doesn't know of the nefarious organization White Bird? One of the Legendary Leaders of the Underworld!

For a man who tackles the Business World, An Qi Sheng faced enemies who seeks the Underworld's help to take him down.

He admitted that he also hire men from the Underworld, but it is for self-defense.

However, no one had the guts to ask for White Bird's help unless you're courting death.

A deal with White Bird is the same as selling your soul to the devil!

Unbeknownst to almost everyone, White and her Elders are currently among them.

Lillie and Ethan had their earpiece on and heard everything An Jiaying claimed.

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The Elders scoffed at the irony of it.

Foolish girl.

White Bird you say? I believe I made no such deal with a woman who stole my properties and want to steal my man.
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Lillie twirled the ends of her hair. Her eyes locked on the clueless girl's body that will soon be rendered into a rotting corpse once she's done here.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk...Sweetheart, are you sure your dear sister doesn't have any brain damage?" Lan Wu Cheng came to An Xiuling and slithered his arm around her waist, no longer acting.

An Xiuling jabbed him in the ribs.


"Too close." She muttered.

Feng Chunhua placed a hand on her head and sighed. "Aiyo, Miss An. Exposing your cards is a bad move."

"Dad, you don't need to fear anything. Miss An was just bluffing." Lan Wu Cheng reassured An Qi Sheng.

"Hah?!" An Jiaying exclaimed incredulously.

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An Qi Sheng immediately believed him, not minding that he called him dad. This boy is asking for his daughter, An Xiuling's hand, and he approve of him.

"To answer Miss An's generous offer, I believe I must decline." Lan Wu Cheng grinned. "I don't want to be on my wife's bad side."

An Xiuling smacked his head. "Who's your wife?"

An Jiaying took a step back, completely not expecting his rejection, and confused of his words.

Lan Wu Cheng took a small remote from his pocket and turned on the large projector screen by the stage.

The lights in the ballroom faded as the screen lit up to play a video.

[I have half of the White Phoenix Empire's properties. I'll send the documents to you later.] The screen displayed An Jiaying speaking to someone over the phone.

It's like a cold bucket of water was poured on her. An Jiaying's eyes dilated and clenched her teeth as fear took over her.

"What's happening? Is that eldest miss An?"

"So it was actually her who caused trouble in White Phoenix Empire?"

"Thief! You're a disgrace!"

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An Jiaying paled, remembering the scene that will happen next. The location where the video was taken was inside the abandoned building where she took An Qi Sheng hostage.

To make her point, the video showed An Qi Sheng tied and beaten up.

The guests gasped in disbelief. They couldn't believe that a woman like An Jiaying would do something like that, especially to her own father!

Ungrateful! Deceitful wench!

[See, If only you listened to me since the beginning and just gave me the An family, non of this would've happened. I heard that you're still searching for that slut, Xiuling? Too bad, I won't let you!] An Jiaying in the video kicked Mr. An in the guts, causing a violent reaction from the viewers.

"I can't believe it! How could someone be so black bellied as to beat the hand that fed you and gave you life?!"

"You monster!"

"We won't let you get away with this!"

"Quick, call the police and get this woman arrested!"

"Call the hotel's security first!"

Being thrown curses and profanities left and right, An Jiaying was ready to bolt out and escape when her body suddenly went numb.

It was not out of fear, but someone hit her pressure point, paralyzing her.

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"I-I can't move..." She could only blink and speak.

A cold hand touched the back of her neck, massaging the part where one wrong move could end her life.

"Ah, ah, ah~ You heard our dear guests, we won't let you get away with this~" Feng Chunhua's red lips stretched into a sickening sweet grin.

"If only I could bring you to my little...paradise," Her finger traced An Jiaying's sweaty chin. "I'm sure you'll find it...enjoyable there~"

"Stop it with your sweet talks, Sis Hua, or else you might give my sweetheart's dear sister a heart attack. Then she won't be useful anymore." Lan Wu Cheng whined.

Feng Chunhua raised both of her hands in surrender. "Ah, you're right. Sorry~" She chuckled.

"Ahem!" An Xiuling cleared her throat and glared at the two. "Mind explaining? Everything?"

Lan Wu Cheng sheepishly rub his neck. "I think I'll let dad make his important announcement first."

He nodded at Mr. An, signaling him to do what he must.

Mr. An took the microphone Feng Chunhua offered and faced the overwhelmed crowd.

"Because of my ignorance, I have almost cause the downfall of my good friend's family, and mine as well." He glanced hatefully at the frozen An Jiaying as he narrates.

"I've been searching for my daughter, An Xiuling for many years, perceiving that no one can hold the reigns as head of the An family if not her....Because recently, I found out that my deceased wife...had not given birth to any of my children!"

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