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"An Xiuling is my only child!"

Overwhelmed by this news, the guests gasped in surprise.

Lan Wu Cheng pulled An Xiuling in his chest, taking notice how her body sway.

"Listen carefully, sweetheart. Dad will put everything into light." He rubbed her shoulder in reassurance. An Xiuling did not pull away. Lan Wu Cheng's warmth comforts her troubled heart.

"Non of the children my wife gave birth to are fathered by me, but a man she had an affair with since the beginning of our marriage! My daughter, Xiuling, may have not come from my official wife, she's still my flesh and blood nonetheless! She's the real eldest miss of my An family and my only heir!"

An Qi Sheng, when he found out everything, wanted to beat himself. He swore that if he ever find his daughter, An Xiuling, he will kneel down and knock his head on the ground to ask for forgiveness.

All this time, he had neglected his real child and polished the children that wild woman brought to his family.

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His supposed son, An Qi Yong, would've been his heir if not for the incident that made his crippled. An Jiali is just 15 years old, too young to run the family.

He did not even considered An Xiuling to be his heir because she did not came from his official wife, thus deeming her as the illegitimate child.

That left An Jialing as his last resort.

He was really fortunate that he haven't given the reigns yet.

He had considered these children as his own still even when he discovered that wild woman's secrets, and did not blame them.
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But he never would have anticipated that one of them has malicious intents and felt not a single bit of gratitude towards him.

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An Jiaying found out about his plan of making An Xiuling his heir. She've known for a long time that An Qi Sheng was not her father. Her soul turn black and her heart became greedy.

She grabbed every chance she could get so that the An family and business would fall on her hands.

To make her plan a success, she did not hesitated in attempting to murder the hand that fed her.

An Jiaying will face the heaven's retribution.

So he did not feel an ounce of remorse as men in military uniforms burst inside the ballroom, their heavy boots made loud stomping noises, and apprehended An Jiaying, whose pressure points were released right before the soldiers grab her.

An Jiaying screamed and trashed her body crazily, struggling to free herself from their tight grip.

"Ah! Let go of me! How dare you! How dare you touch me! You will all pay! White Bird will not let any of you escape! Hahahaha!" This was the final blow, her sanity has been dissolve.

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Tang He Jiu, donning his sharp military uniform, marched in long stride towards Mr. An and gave him a salute.

"You no longer need to worry, Mr. An," Tang He Jiu's tone was not like his usual playful one. It was deep and rough, befitting his title as Major General. "Since this woman has connections with the Underworld, we of the military force will handle everything."

"Thank you for your help, General Tang. I'm forever in your debt."

Tang He Jiu tipped his peaked cap before turning around to leave.

He passed Lillie and Ethan's table without glancing at their direction. It was difficult for him to hold back the allure of greeting Lillie and pushing Ethan out of way.

Unfortunately, he needs to stay professional.

It was Lillie who threa—ahem, asked him to. Of course he would gladly oblige.

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Ethan secretly glanced at Tang He Jiu's retreating figure icily.

Humphed! What are you acting cool in front of my wife?

Don't assume that just by wearing your uniform will make Lillie's eyes turn to your direction! Hmp hmp!

"Aiyo..." Ethan winced when Lillie pinched his arm.

"Stop overreacting." Even with a 'great wall' separating them, Lillie could still see Ethan's behavior.

Mr. Bai alternately looked at the two, clueless on what's going on between them.

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