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The military forces dragged An Jiaying.

"I will not give up! Just you wait, you bitch! I'll get out and ruin your pathetic life!"

"Shut her up." Tang He Jiu commands with a wave of his hand.

His men immediately complied, having been annoyed by her constant screeching and struggling.

An Jiaying's body limped, her eyes rolling back. One of the men pressed a nerve that made her lose consciousness.

Turmoils in the room slowly faded. The group of frightening burly men in military uniforms left the glamorous ballroom, carrying with them the unconscious body of the evil woman.

The small press that were invited in the party furiously wrote down everything that happened.

Unfortunately, their cameras and voice recorders were confiscated. Being invited was honor enough so they obliged to the agreement without fuss.

But later after the party, they would be elated to see someone giving them the whole video of tonight's earth-shattering affairs.

The informant reassured that it was safe for them to air it in the media.

"Miss An Xiuling gave her permission." The informant said. The press gladly accepted the evidence hearing this.

"Urgh, my head hurts..." An Xiuling groaned, setting down her head on her arms that were sprawled on the table.

All of them came down and went backstage to take a break.

Lan Wu Cheng pushed the large curtain and entered with bottles of cold water for everyone.

An Xiuling's head is spinning. She didn't know if she should continue the event and risk fainting in front of everyone.

She really wanted to scold her co-Elders for not saying anything to her.

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An Xiuling looked at her father, who appeared much older after undergoing so much stress. There still still some dark bruises on his face but she could tell that they are healing efficiently.

Probably Mo Kun's doing. Even though he did not take the physician road, he knows his way around treating wounds, and is familiar with medicines.

Perks of being surrounded by doctors throughout your life perhaps.

"Are you able to come home with me later? To talk things out?" He asked hesitantly, his eyes pleading.

An Xiuling sighed, she have no time for this.


She then felt a large hand patting her head. An Xiuling raised her head to meet Lan Wu Cheng's gentle face.

"I'll come with you, don't worry."

An Xiuling's heart felt warm.

What is this feeling?

She mumbled, "Fine...I'll go." without putting much thought into it.

Mr. An exhaled in relief, silently thanking his potential son-in-law.

"I'll just make a quick announce before I end this...event, so get back to your seats first." She shooed them with her hand.

"Yes, ma'am!" Lan Wu Cheng sneakily kissed her cheek before making a dash for it while pulling his future father-in-law's hand.

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An Xiuling flinched. For a long time, there's not a day when Lan Wu Cheng would not flirt with her and try to steal a kiss.

Every time, she manage to dodge him and would always knock his head for trying.

She should've seen it why did she not avoid him this time?

An Xiuling is unaware that her face went red. Her heart was racing, she could practically hear it too!

Feng Chunhua reveled at her junior sister's expression and smirked slyly. She has been rooting for this troublesome couple for long.

Ah Cheng, your hard works will be rewarded soon.


Mrs. Lan's foot impatiently tap the ground as she and her husband remained at the lounge after the party.

"Where is that stinky boy? I swear if he pulled one of his disappearing stunts on us again, I'll beat him to death!"

What happened in the charity event made her dizzy in confusion. The An woman that caught her son's eyes was not the one she and her husband was speaking to awhile ago.

Her son seem to be intimate with An Xiuling and is already making his move on earning An Qi Sheng's good graces.

Mrs. Lan never imagined that her young idol, Sound of Dawn, was actually the real eldest miss—no, the only young miss of the An family, and the owner of Zhu Dinghong Pavilion.

Aiyo, youngsters these days are too outstanding, surpassing them, the older generation by leaps and bounds! Would kill them to take a break from time-to-time?


"Don't mom me, you punk!" Mrs. Lan roared and wack her son's head as soon as he arrived. She pulled him by the collar with both hands and shook him roughly.

"How dare you hide something like this to us! Is this how I raised you, huh?!"

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Good thing Lan Wu Cheng didn't eat anything or else the floor would not be in good condition.

Mr. Lan pitied his son and cautiously coax his wife. "There, there...Ah Cheng have learn his lesson, let go of him so he can talk."

Seeing her son's eyes turning white, Mrs. Lan removed her hands off him. "Hmph!"

Lan Wu Cheng shakily find his footing. "I-I...I told you, didn't I? That the woman I like came from the An family..."

"You should've been specific! How on earth would I know that An Jiuling was not the real eldest miss of the An family?" Mrs. Lan crossed her arms, stubbornly not admitting that she was wrong too.

"This is exactly why I don't want to say anything!" Lan Wu Cheng pretended to act pitiful. "Who knew mother would actually approach her, my taste is not rotten!"

"You!" She slapped his head again. "Fine, it's mother's fault for being blind! But the majority goes to you!"

Mr. Lan shook his head at the mother-son duo. That prideful and stubborn behavior of his son, it's unmistakable that he did not got it from him.

"Lingling still denies me, so I'm doing my best to get her affection." Lan Wu Cheng rubbed his aching head. "Just let me do things my way, alright? I promise that sooner or later, I'll bring her home as my wife."

Joy swelled in the Lan couple's chest at their son's determination. They can see it in his eyes how sincere his feeling are towards the An girl.

"Be sure to hold on to your promise. If not, I'll make sure to personally bring her home for you." Mrs. Lan playfully ruffled her son's hair like what she used to do when he was still a brat.

Lan Wu Cheng whined, trying to keep the hand off his precious hair.

Mrs. Lan no longer doubt his son, putting her trust in his choices this time. Sound of Dawn is her idol, she's certain that it wouldn't be hard to like the girl. She came from an exceptional family and maintained a good reputation.

Tomorrow, the world will know An Xiuling as the An family's real young miss, the face behind Sound of Dawn's mask, the owner of the multimillion jewelry brand Zhu Dinghong Pavilion, and also a board member in White Phoenix Empire.

"She's a board member in WPE?" Mrs. Lan's eye widen as she listen to her son tattle about his "sweetheart".

No wonder Lillie Bai and her father were present. So the An girl was actually an important factor in White Phoenix Empire.

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"Lingling and CEO Bai are good friends. Father An didn't know this. When we told him, he plan on transferring his shares of the Empire to Lingling."

Mr. and Mrs. Lan's minds could no longer hold anymore information.

Really, this An girl need to take a break sometimes. Her achievements are too much to take in.

They suddenly felt as if they've wronged her somehow. This son of theirs did not lack the intelligence, wealth, face, and power.
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However, his reputation is not that good.

Also, it seemed as though it's their son who's latching on a golden thigh.

"Wait, how do you know all of this?" Mr. Lan asked.

"Ah, hehe..." Lan Wu Cheng sheepishly rub his neck. "I haven't told you that I'm working at White Phoenix for awhile now, have I?"

"I believe you missed that part every time you visit!" Mrs. Lan clenched her hands, ready to smack her son again.

"Son, you will have your own company to run once I retired. Why go for a small position at White Phoenix?" Mr. Lan had the impression that his son acquired a small position.

His son may be capable, but White Phoenix Empire's standards are too heaven-defying. It's a miracle that his son was even accepted considering his reputation.

Mrs. Lan nodded, having the same thoughts as her husband. "You're already experienced in running the company, you don't need to find more."

"Don't tell me it's because the An girl was there?" She questioned.

What resolve her son has.

"No, no, you misunderstood," Lan Wu Cheng shook his head and pointed a thumb at himself. "I'm one of the board of directors too."


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