Doctor Song continued his narration of the incident.

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After Ethan collapsed with blood oozing from his head, he and the others quickly beat the rest of the gangsters into pulp before rushing Ethan to the Song hospital.

Song Zihao called his uncle, Song Mo Kun's father who was one of the best neurosurgeons in the country, to perform an operation to remove the bullet on Ethan's head.

All of this was done secretly, he begged his uncle not to tell anyone. Not even Ethan's parents know that he was shot.

They did something foolish and dangerous. Song Zihao was young and cowardly, he was fearful of being blamed and for implicating his family.

\"Zihao, ah...please don't do something like this again. If the Li family found out the truth, it will be the end of our Song family.\" His soft-hearted uncle held his shoulders as he said this.

His kind uncle risked his career and his name just to cover up from their mess.

\"Let me handle this, alright? We will save your friend.\"

Song Zihao cried. \"Forgive me, uncle! I promise I'll make up to you!\" This became one of the reasons why he choose to be a doctor.

His uncle and his personalized surgical team that consists of his wife and eldest daughter, helped him with the operation.

Song Zihao was ashamed of himself for making his uncle lie to Ethan's family that his head injury was because of a bat hitting him—which was still concerning, but not so much than a bullet.

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Ethan's parents demands the name of the suspect, but Song Zihao and the others made excuses until they finally drop the subject and let them off the hook for being reckless.

When Ethan regained consciousness, he did not blame them for hiding his injury.

\"You did the right thing. No one must know.\" Were Ethan's words.

Now, Song Zihao had to lie again.

It pained him to lie, especially now that he was a licensed doctor. This must be what his uncle was feeling back then when he had to lie to Ethan's parents just to protect him.

\"It's nothing serious, the heat just got to him.\" He told Mr. and Mrs. Li when they asked what happened over the phone. \"Miss Bai is with him now, I'll be sure to tell her what she needs to know.\"

[Thank you so much, Doctor Song. You've helped this reckless child once again.] Mrs. Li's grateful voice clenched his heart.

No, he doesn't deserve their gratitude.

\"What happened, Doctor Song?\" Lillie Bai, his friend's fiancée and the boss of his cousin brother, arrived in Ethan room and demands an answer.

Worry had painted this lovely, yet terrifying woman's face. Her brows knitted together, and her lips curled into a frown.

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He was planning to lie again...he was about to, but...

Strangely, Doctor Song could not find himself able to lie to Ethan's fiancée, Lillie Bai.

There was this ominous instinct whispering in his ears, telling him that if he lied to this woman, his life might no longer belong to him.

In the end, Song Zihao had told Lillie Bai everything, leaving the sensitive parts about Ethan joining the Underworld.

\"Miraculously, Ethan's recovery was fast and did not sustained any untreatable disabilities. He had mild traumatic brain injury, but that's to be expected.\"

\"That guy's injury had already completely healed. He wouldn't have collapsed like that if it weren't for overworking himself.\" He sighed, annoyed at his friend's stubbornness.

\"What happened to the gangsters?\"

\"Well, I'm not sure. I stayed in the hospital to look after Ethan. It was the others who came back to get revenge.\"

\"Were the gangsters caught?\"

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\"Most of them. The people we fought and the guy who shot Ethan are already living the rest of their lives behind bars. But their group was quite big, they have a lot of members. The group we fought are probably just a small faction.\" Doctor Song glanced at his wristwatch.

\"Aiyo, I'm afraid I'll be cutting our talk short. I need to look after my other patients.\" He apologetically said.

\"I'll be taking care of him now, doctor, thank you for the trouble.\"

\"No, no,'s my job.\" Doctor Song shook his head, awkwardly rubbing his neck. \"Just press that button over there if you need anything. I'll come back to check up on him after I'm done.\"

Doctor Song waved his hand and bid farewell. \"See you later.\"

Lillie reverted her attention back on the unconscious man after Doctor Song left. Her hands cupped Ethan's calloused one and brought it to her lips.

His facial muscle are relaxed. He looks like one of those cute, k-pop boys when asleep, but a devilishly handsome tyrant when awake.

Who could of thought that this cold man was rash and impulsive in his youth? Letting himself get shot in the head?

He's quite the opposite of the man he is now.

Sigh. Boys will be boys, huh...

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Hot-headed, reckless, impulsive, arrogant...

Doctor Song had reassured her that his condition wasn't critical, and that he has completely healed. Though he's still under medication for headaches.

She's well aware how Ethan was when he was young—it's how he became Vermillion Dragon in the first place.

\"That was unwise of you, Ethan.\" She muttered, upset. \"Why willingly jump towards danger? What are you trying to prove? How could you let yourself get hurt?\"

\"What would've happened if that bullet went deeper? What would've happened if they didn't get you treated quickly?\"

\"Wouldn't you be on my side right able to keep your promises? Wasn't it your dream to take me as your wife?\"

\" worry me...\" Lillie let out a weak laugh. \"We have both went through a lot of situations where we almost lost our lives...that's what happen if you affiliate yourself to the dark side of society.\"

Her hands gripped tightened slightly, her cerulean blue irises flashed deep red before shifting back to their original hue.

\"Wake up soon, have so much explaining to do.\" Lillie kissed his hand before resting it on top of the other. \"I'll be back...\"

Closing the door behind her, \"Hmm...let's hunt the rest of those imbeciles, shall we?\" she muttered under her breath.

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