\"M-mercy, please! I don't know what my blind subordinates have done to offend the White Bird, but—but please spare me!\" A big-bellied naked old man cried on his knees, begging pathetically to the man wearing the mask of a crow. \"P-please forgive me just this once!\"

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Sweat profusely stream down his face, his eyes widen with tears, and snot hung out of his nose. \"I'll give you anything! Money, weapons, drugs, liquor, women! Anything!\"

He was just leisurely minding his own business with his playthings when someone barged into his room. Never would he anticipate to see a man in white, wearing a well-known mask.

White Crow, the right-hand man of the nefarious White Bird. This man's appearance is as rare as his leader.

But even so, everyone in the Underworld recognize him.

His room was soundproof, so when the doors opened, he heard the series of loud gunshots and agonizing screams.

Without a doubt, those screams belong to his men being slaughtered in a one-sided fight.

He's just a boss of puny organization, they're not notable in the Underworld.

So, why would one of the great Underworld Leaders come for his life when he doesn't even have the guts to offend even the weakest member of one of these Leaders?

The pudgy man frantically pushed the women off him roughly and immediately prostrate himself to the ground. He didn't even get to cover himself; there's no time for being embarrassed if your life is at stake.

\"Please, please! Have mercy!\"

The women on the bed covered themselves with the bedsheet. They were shivering in fear but their eyes ferociously glared at the man.

They don't know who this man wearing a crow mask was or White Bird, but this pig is willing to get on his knees and beg for his life.

Kill him! Kill him! That disgusting man deserves to be gutted!

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These women are some of his many victims of human trafficking. The others are sold off to the black market while the rest stayed to please him and his men.

Not only that, this vile man also kidnaps innocent children, selling them off to the black market for their organs or used for their sick experiment.

\"We only need one thing...\" White Crow's synthesized voice echoed. The blood on his katana blade dripped on the carpeted floor like a clock ticking, provoking the fear of the fat man even further.

From the outside, the noise disappeared; it was dead silent.

Hope filled the man's eyes. \"Please, please, tell me! I-I'll give it—!\"



Ethan tried to keep himself calm in front of his wife who had a very blank expression.

Her blank, stoic face is the most frightening in his list. Ethan could not read her, he could not tell what she's thinking.

Over the time they have spent together, Lillie was gradually being expressive. The one that stands out the most were her eyes.

How they brightened when she eats her favorite sweets, how they narrowed menacingly when angered, or how they glistened when she's feeling emotional.

But now, there were as cold and blank as before.

The Ice Queen has return! He's doomed!

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He can practically hear the couch calling him!

\" that your fiancée is here, I'll be going now...\" Song Zihao sneakily retreated.

Coward! Don't leave me here! Aren't you a doctor? Save me ah!

Ethan wanted to reach out his hand to stop him, but the stare his wife was sending him glued him on his spot.

\"Lillie...before I answer your questions,\" Ethan looked at her with a serious face.

\"What are you wearing?\"


\"You'll catch a cold.\"

\"You're in no position to lecture me, Mr. Li.\"

\"Yes, ma'am...\"

Redirecting my attention? Who do you think I am?

Lillie sighed. \"Doctor Song told me to look after you. That's what I'll be doing starting today.\"

Ethan's skin crawled when Lillie glared at him. \"Neglect your health again and I'll beat you up.\"

\"Am I making myself clear, Mr. Li?\"

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\"Y-yes, ma'am...\"

\"I have already bought the medicine Doctor Song prescribed. We'll just wait for the nurse to do another check before discharging you.\"

The room went completely silent after that. Ethan's hands fidget on his lap. He sneak a few glances at Lillie, who was now on her phone.

Ethan wanted to say something to break the tension and silence. He wanted to apologize for hiding his condition from everyone, especially from her.

Lillie trust him with her secrets. She told him her traumatic past, she trust him with her alter ego.

But here he was, hiding a serious secret.

Guilt gnaw him.

Ethan thought it didn't matter anymore since he's already healed. Besides, he didn't know where to start discussing this subject to her.

He truly planned on telling her someday.

\"Lillie...\" He slowly called her attention. \"Are you angry?\"

Lillie did not averted her gaze from her phone, but her ears opened to listen to his next words.

\"I...I'm sorry...\" He continued, \"for being selfish.\"

Ethan lifted his head to look at her. But her eyes are still set on the contents of her phone.

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\"Lillie, please look at me.\"


\"Lillie...please.\" Ethan reached out for her. His hand looming over the hand that held her phone and gently pushed it down.

\"I'm sorry, please forgive me.\" He earnestly said, lightly squeezing her hand.

\"I'm not angry at you...just upset.\" She finally spoke. \"I understand your reason because I would have done the same thing.\"

Lillie look him in the eyes. \"We are both selfish, Ethan. Humans are's our nature.\"

\"It's alright to keep secrets, I'm not a hypocrite.\" Lillie smiled at him. \"I respect your privacy.\"

She raised her other hand and stroke his cheek tenderly. \"I forgive you, Ethan. I already have since the beginning.\"

Ethan was astonished, but his face soon changed into an affectionate smile.

He held the hand that caressed his face and kissed it. \"I must have done a great deed in my past life to deserve someone like you.\"

\"You're too perfect for me, Lillie.\"

\"Too bad you're stuck with me.\"

Ethan laughed and pulled her closer, \"I'm not complaining...\" and sealed her lips with a chaste kiss.

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