\"Hm! Mr. Li is free to leave.\" A middle aged nurse approved. \"When you get home, Mrs. Li should cook him a light meal; preferably chicken soup.\"

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Lillie nodded, listening carefully to the nurse's instructions—not bothering to correct her name. \"I will, thank you.\"

\"As for you, Mr. Li, you're still young but you shouldn't overwork yourself and make your wife worried. Look at how skinny she is! A happy and healthy wife is equivalent to a happy family!\"

Ethan rubbed his neck meekly, letting the nurse scold him.

\"Ah, hello again.\" Doctor Song cautiously peek his head in. He was relieved when he saw another presence inside. \"I just dropped by to say goodbye.\" He grinned.

Ethan glared at him, not forgetting his abandonment.

\"Hehe...I think my next patient is calling me so excuse me!\" He left as quickly as he appeared.

Despite his body being considered in a weak state, Ethan insisted that he walk. Lillie agreed only if he hold onto her for support.

Ethan did not mind. On the contrary, he gladly accept her offer.

The two went down to the parking lot. Lillie drove back to Tranquil Villa.

When they arrived, Butler Tian assists Ethan to their bedroom while she went on to do as what the nurse told her.

Nanny Ying then let her know that Gabriel and Yifei already went home but are to be expected tomorrow to visit Ethan.

In the kitchen, the head chef became Lillie's sous-chef and helped her make the chicken soup.

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Lillie carried a tray with a bowl of steaming chicken soup to the bedroom and a cup of water that has bitter medicine mixed into it.

\"Eat before you take your medicine.\" She set down the tray on his lap.

Ethan looked at her expectingly.

\"What's wrong?\" Lillie raised her eyebrow.

\"Feed me.\"

\"Your hands are not broken, use them.\"

\"But you're suppose to spoil me when I'm like this.\"

\"And whose fault was it again that you're in this state?\"

\"Mine...\" Ethan pouted.

Lillie cave in to the pitiful expression he's casting her. She sat next to him and took the tray. \"Here.\" She held the spoon towards his lips after cooling it.

Ethan happily ate.

\"You're so spoiled.\" Lillie shook her head in amusement.

\"That's because you love me.\"

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\"Uh huh, maybe I should hold back?\"

\"Please don't.\"

Ethan finished the entire soup.

Lillie set aside the empty bowl and gave Ethan the glass of 'water'.

\"Ugh!\" Ethan almost spewed the liquid when his tongue tasted something extremely bitter.

\"Wha-what's this?!\" He coughed uncontrollably.

\"It's your medicine.\" Lillie answered indifferently.

\"A-aren't they suppose to be capsules?\"

\"They were.\"


\"This is better, don't complain.\" She said, leaving him no chance to argue. \"Hurry up and drink it so I can take the dirty dishes back.\"

This isn't the ancient times, give me back my capsule!

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Ethan's heart cried unwillingly. His medicine is too bitter!

Song Zihao you bastard! I know you're also behind this!



\"Was that a sneeze?\" A male doctor raised his eyebrow at his college, Song Zihao.

\"Ah. It's my there's-someone-cursing-me sneeze.\" Doctor Song replied in all seriousness.

\"Uh huh...\" The doctor send him a weirded-out look. \"I think there's someone with that name so please don't use it carelessly. They might think you're cursing them.\"

\"Rude! You're so rude to me, ah!\"


The sun rose in the horizon for another new day. People woke up, made coffee and turned on the TV only to watch a shocking news.

[ around 3:21 am, the police department received an anonymous call that hinted them the location of a notorious group that had been plaguing the city for many years. When the police arrived at the place, they were greeted by a gruesome scene that immediately pull them out of their drowsiness. What greeted them was a sea of corpses littering area. Burned bodies that are far from recognition and decapitated heads were discovered. Even the veteran police and investigators who have seen many deaths in their field, couldn't stomach the horrifying sight...]

[ is highly believed that this group must've offended a bigger figure in the Underworld, and thus their lives are paid for it...]

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Ethan's cup stayed mid-air, too engrossed at the TV. He had never heard of this group before. Who could they possibly offend to meet this kind of fate?

Ethan did not know that the thugs that almost killed him belong to this group who just got annihilated.

\"Who are this group again?

\"Don't know, don't care.\" Lillie shrugged nonchalantly.

Ethan examines Lillie.

She was on her phone again, uninterested with what was happening.

His instincts are trying to tell him something.

But he's not sure what...


Inside City K's biggest prison, a guard walked around the cells. Passing into one, he secretly nodded at one of the prisoners who he had his eyes locked on.

The prisoner briefly nodded back at the signal.

When the guard disappeared from the view, the prisoner return his gaze at the people he share a cell with. Finally, he can take off this itchy fake face soon once he finish his mission.

His mission: kill these thugs for offending their boss, White Bird.

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