"Ethan, stop pretending you're asleep."

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"People don't say the word snore when they're asleep."

"I'm sleep talking. Zzzz..."

"Get up, you need to drink your medicine." Lillie rolled her eyes.

"But it's too bitter!" He said, the duvet muffling his voice.

"That's how you know it's a good medicine. Get up now or I'll push you off the bed."

Ethan grumbled, reluctantly removing himself from his makeshift cocoon. Lillie she saw him covered in a lot of sweat.

"Were you in there for long?" It's morning and it's quite chilly, so he wouldn't be this sweaty even if he cocooned himself in the duvet.

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Her hand quickly reach out for his forehead to feel his temperature.

"You're hot." Her eyebrows knitted together.

"Thank you?"

"Your temperature." Lillie woke up earlier than him to finish the work Elliot send her. Since she needed to stay home to take care of Ethan, Lillie didn't go to the office today.

His temperature was fine before she went to her study room. "Why didn't you tell me you were running a fever?"

"I—uh, thought it was hot again today..." He was not lying. Lillie opened the drawer and took out a thermometer.

Ethan stared intently at his wife as she ran her slender fingers to unbutton his shirt halfway to stick the thermometer on his armpit. This was the first time she did this so he's relishing the moment.

"38.7 Celsius. It's not high, good." She mumbled. "The medicine you took yesterday is all you need for your fever. Doctor Song said if it's higher than 39 degrees, I'll have to call him to give you another set of medicine."

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Ethan mentally sighed in relief. He had enough bitter medicine, thank you very much.

Lillie gave him a glass of water and a pill.

"It's a pill this time?" Ethan looked at her in puzzlement.

"I think it's time to lift your punishment." Lillie nonchalantly said.

Ethan mentally teared up. His wife really can't stand the sight of him suffering.

Lillie noticed his expression. "Don't think too much. I did this so you don't whine anymore."

"Just admit that you can't stand me suffering—ouch!" Ethan winced when Lillie flicked her fingers at his forehead.

"Shut up." The pink blush dusting her cheeks did not escape Ethan's eyes.

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His heart skipped a beat. "Cute." He unconsciously said. Lillie's face turned a brighter shade of pink when she heard this.

"Wha—why are you still dawdling? Quickly change, your shirt is wet." Lillie was about to leave when her body was pulled down on the bed.

Ethan towered over her, pinning her hands on top of her head.

"Ethan!" She gasped in surprise. "There's no time to be horny, you're sick!"

Lillie's eyes widen at the sight on top of her. Ethan's expression was hazy, his breath labored, face was red and his body glistened with sweat. His unbuttoned clung to his body, and Lillie had a full view of his well-structured chest.

He looked as if he just came out from a hot shower.

Lillie did not noticed that she's biting her lower lip.

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"Oh? Aren't you the one to talk, Mrs. Li? Weren't you just like this when you were sick?" Lillie face flustered red when her mind reminded her of that day.

"D-don't be ridiculous, I have no recollection of it."

"Let me remind you then."

"Ethan, stop, you need to rest." Lillie looked at him incredulously

Where did this man hid this strength? Isn't he suppose to be weak from his fever?

"I also remember that you owe me a lot of shirts..." His hot breath tingled her neck, sending delightful shivers down her spine. "Won't you accompany this empress for awhile, my emperor?"

Oh how the tables have turned.

Lillie came down with a fever the next day...

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