[You little punk! How dare you not return yet?!]

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[You've seen my message and not reply? Good, good! I swear it won't only be beatings you will receive from me once you get back!]


[I'll gouge your eyes out once you return!]

Lillie looked down at the white-haired man kneeling on their bedroom's floor.

"Junior sister, save me!"

She wasn't even wondering how he snuck pass the compound and the house's tight security.

"Don't come barging into people's house all of a sudden!" Ethan's hands twitched, resisting the urge to wring Death's neck.

He and Lillie were peacefully enjoying their time with one another when Death suddenly launched through their window and wordlessly shove his phone to Lillie's hand, allowing her to read the messages their master sent him.

Death only fears three things; an angered Lillie, being deprived of food, and his master's excruciating punishments.

One time, all of those came together. He angered his junior sister; as punishment, their master forced him watch them eat while he stands in the corner without any.

Lillie had also experienced one of Grandmaster Wei's punishments, and it was Death's fault.

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"And who the hell did this old man terrorized for them to teach him how to use a cellphone?! He even use an extremely angry emoji with a f*cking knife!"

"You should've just listened to master and stayed in the academy with him."

Death snapped his head up and stared her incredulously.

"You want me to stay in that boring place and annoying place? No, thank you!" He scoffed, crossing his arms.

"Come on, Lillie, you're the only one who can appease the master." Death clasped his hands together. "If you come back with me, I'm sure he'll forget all about sending me to the disciplinary room!"

"You lost the bet. Honor your defeat." She indifferently said. "Besides, I already told the master before that I'll be visiting once I'm done with most of my work."

Death did not gave up. "I beg you!" He wailed.

Stunned, was not the correct word for Ethan's reaction.

This pompous bastard would actually kneel and beg? The world does show spectacular things. Ethan was amazed.

"You know you're overreacting, right? The master may be stern but he won't kill you."

And if he did try to kill you with another training in the mountains, I'm sure you could slip your way out of it with ease.

Death is stronger than Lillie, believe it or not. With his monstrous strength and agility, he can easily beat hundreds of men in a flash.

When Grandmaster Wei berate Death and compare him to Lillie, that's just to piss him off. Both Lillie and Death knew that he didn't really mean any of it.

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"You know nothing!" He aggresively retorted. "The master's temper had gotten worst when you left the academy. And since I was there, I always receive his displeasure and unfair treatment!"

Lillie shook her head. He's overreacting alright. Maybe the threats made him paranoid? If she remember correctly, her senior brother hadn't return to the academy ever since they met in France.

That would definitely make the master livid.

Death seem to understand this that's why he refuse to come back.

"I'll let him know I'll visit soon."

"You really are my favorite junior sister!"

Lillie rolled her eyes. "I'm your only junior sister." She reached out for her phone and dialed their master's number.

[Little flower!] It only took three rings before the call was answered by their eccentric master.

Death covered his ears instantly. He didn't want to listen to their master acting like a doting grandfather to his junior sister, while he receive tongue-lashings.

"How is master doing lately? Have you been taking care of your health?"

[En, en! Master is doing well! How about you, little flower? I heard from the radio that you're engaged to this Li boy? You let me find out in the news instead of hearing it directly from you! Master is upset!]

"It's my fault. Please forgive me, master. It was suppose to be a surprise." Lillie was quick to admit her wrongs to pacify Grandmaster Wei.

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[Oh? Was he the surprise you have mentioned before?]

"En. I wanted to introduce him to you personally. I'm sorry if you find out about him in a different way."

[I see, I see, so it's like that! Ah, you have chosen a handsome man! I hope he takes good care of you. If not, I'll have your senior brother dispose of him for you!]

Openly eavesdropping, Ethan felt worried by that statement.

"I would gladly dispose him without you telling me." Death wanted to reply but he's afraid his presence might be exposed.

[Speaking of that useless senior brother of yours, have you two been together lately?]

"We haven't seen each other after that time in France." Lillie smoothly lied through her teeth.

Death kowtowed to his junior sister in gratitude.

[Hmm...Are you sure? Knowing him, he would pester you nonstop and ask you to give him money or food.]

Grandmaster Wei knew his students well.

[But if you say so, then I believe you.]

Ah, Lillie knew better than to fall into their master's guilt-trip.

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[So, why exactly did you call? I have the inkling impression that it's not all about asking how I was, is it?]

"I'm planning to visit you with my fiancee."

[Really?! Good, good, good! Let me know beforehand the exact day you'll arrive so that I can prepare your favorite meal! I'll even open my homemade plum wine just for you two!]

Death's face was turning green from envy.

If that's what it takes for you to open one of your wines, then maybe I should stay out longer until you miss me and bribe me with it!

"Thank you, master. We'll be seeing you soon." Ending the call, Lillie riveted her eyes to her depressed senior brother.

"What's wrong with you now?" She really can't understand him sometimes.

"I'm mad at you!" He exclaimed. "Repent by letting me stay here!"

"No." Ethan's face turned black. "Get out, you've stayed long enough."

"I'm not asking for your permission."

"This is my house too!"

Lillie puffed out a tired sigh and rubbed the tension on her forehead. "Senior brother, don't provoke him." She said as if she's talking to a toddler.

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