In the end, Ethan listened to his wife and agreed to letting Death stay with them for awhile.

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"You're so whipped." Death snide remarks almost got himself thrown out of the window if not for Lillie smacking her senior brother's head.

"Don't be rude to the person who let you stay in his home." She rebuked.

"Should've thrown him out, he'll survive the night." Ethan incoherently muttered.

Preparing Death's sleeping arrangement had been amusing so far. Nanny Ying and Butler Tian were frightened when they saw a stranger behind Lillie and Ethan.

Lillie explained that he's a guest. The two elderly housekeepers questioned their memory.

Did he entered from the entrance? How did he got in without them or the security being alerted?

Lillie and Ethan stood by the doorframe of the guest room where Death will be staying, and watch him excitedly jump on the bed.

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"Ah, soft, soft, soft! Nice bed you got here. Would you mind if I take it back to the academy to replace mine?" He popped his head out from the duvet.

Ethan had a blank expression, not exactly sure how to react in this situation. He leaned to Lillie and asked, "Isn't he a Reaper? Why is he acting like he's poor?"

"Master raised him like that." She briefly said.

The couple lingered for awhile, witnessing a full grown man run around the room like a child going to the park for the first time.

"You can freshen up first while waiting for dinner." Lillie said.

Death's ears perked at the mention of food. "Ooh! Can I have grilled salmon with grated radish?"

"Of course." A soft smile graced her features. Her senior brother certainly isn't accustomed to living in luxury.

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Even if he's insanely rich, he choose to live in simplicity like what their master had taught him since he was young...

...that, and Grandmaster Wei confiscating most of his money.

"Is that all?"

Death titled his head from side-to-side and pinched his chin. "Hmm...." His eyes were closed in deep thoughts.

"We can open a bottle of wine." She remembered he was upset before that their master would open wine for her and Ethan but not him.

"Hm! Sounds good!" He nodded then asked, "Master taught us how to brew wine. How's yours going?"

"Good. But it's not better than master's."

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"En, of course it wouldn't be better than the master's." Death did not try to sugarcoat his words. "Let's open one."

"Fine." The rest of the wine she brewed were at the Bai estate. Fortunately, she remembered to bring a few jars with her when she moved to Tranquil Villa.

"I wasn't aware you brew wines." Ethan stated as they left Death in the guest room.

They walk along the halls to go down to the kitchen so that Lillie can tell the chef to cook Death's requested meal.

"I only do it on a yearly basis, and I happened to have already brewed a batch before I moved here." She explained.

"I want to taste it."

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Lillie chuckled. "You will."

Ethan did not want to openly admit it but, Death's presence and his laidback personality brightened the dullness in the house.

Dinner with a quirky person like Death had been a nice change with their usual quiet or monotone ones.

He saw how Lillie's face relaxes and lighten up when she and Death talk—it was Death doing most of the talking—about their moments together back then.

Her smiles are becoming more and more genuine by the days he spent with her.

Lillie is like his favorite book; each chapter brings its readers different emotions, a new experience, and overall a rollercoaster of exciting events.

He wouldn't want this book to end.

He want to be with Lillie for the rest of his life, and be a part of her story.

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