Around 5:30 in the morning, the two Devils woke up to find out that their eccentric guest had left, but not before exploiting a heavy breakfast from the cook, and leaving a letter that he will come back after he's done with his work—which the two concluded to be Underworld-related.

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The house live up to its name once again. Although there was nothing wrong with the tranquility, as the two preferred it that way, but Death's exuberance was really refreshing and endearing.

It's a shame he didn't join them for breakfast. Who knew he could cause such an impact to their lives.

Lillie was about to take a bite of her breakfast when something alarmed her mind. The rather loud clanking of her cutlery hitting the plate caught Ethan's attention immediately.

"What's wrong?" He asked, puzzled why she would put down her cutlery when she barely touches her food.

"Is it the food?" But his wife did not replied, just starring at nothing in particular.

"Lillie?" He tried to call her again.

Blinking, Lillie pivoted her head at his direction as his calls were finally heard. "You need to train."

Ethan looked at her in confusion, waiting for her to elucidate.

"The remaining days before we visit Grandmaster Wei, I'm going to train you." There was not even the slightest hint of humor when she said this. Lillie was dead serious that it caused Ethan to be concerned.

"Why?" He's not going to war, is he?

"There's a high possibility that master will ask you to have a spar with him." She gravely said.

"He's not going to kill me...right?"

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Her silence really worried him.


"...I'm not sure."

"Then, I'll be in your care." Ethan did not hesitated to accept her gracious offer.

His wife will help him survive her master's beatings, that's how much she loves him.

If he will meet the master who had produced someone like Lillie and Death, he will not reject the offer of learning how to survive from his "spar".

Lillie and Death's master, the person who produced literal demons.

If he's not the ultimate demon lord, Ethan don't know who else he could be.

"Senior brother and I secretly calls him Leonidas [1]."

Hm, a fitting name.


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Situated on the topmost floor of White Phoenix Empire, was the president's office, and the target destination of Lillie Bai.

"The president is unoccupied, CEO Bai," Her father's secretary opened the door for her. "You may come in."

Lillie thanked the secretary before entering.

"Little flower," Alexander Bai stopped scribbling on his paperworks, and greeted his daughter with a wide smile. "Why are you looking for me?"

"Dad, I'll be leaving to visit Grandmaster Wei for a few days. Elliot will take in-charge as acting CEO in my absence." She said, straight to the point.

The fountain pen in Mr. Bai's hand almost dropped. "E-eh? Why so suddenly?"

"It's long overdue. Master is getting quite upset with me." She sighed.

Mr. Bai rubbed his chin. At a time like this, his daughter's presence as CEO is demanded in the company. However, he also believe that Elliot can put on the mantle.

"What about your uncle and cousin's welcoming party?"

"I'll attend before we leave, don't worry."

"We?" Mr. Bai repeated.

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"I plan to take Ethan with me."

Mr. Bai frowned. "Lillie, ah, this...wouldn't this trouble Hong Long as well? Without their CEO..."

"Ethan said he'll take care of it."

"I know he can." Mr. Bai sighed and pinched his nose.

"Lillie, you know I understand how Grandmaster Wei is as much as you do...I grew up with him beating me to a pulp instead of your grandfather." He chuckled half-heartedly, shivering at the memory. "I'm not against you asking for a leave to pay him a visit, and I know Elliot can handle the job, but..."

"There's a high chance that Grandmaster Wei might kill him, you know." He said, highlighting the word "might".

"Dad, please don't curse him before we even get married." Lillie deadpanned.

"I'm speaking the truth!" He spluttered.

Mr. Bai did not told her about the phone conversation he had with Grandmaster Wei recently.

He can literally hear the thunder and venom in the master's voice when he found out Lillie was engaged. Worst of all, he found out in the radio!

Grandmaster Wei treats both of his disciples as his own, and he's really protective of them—yes, he's protective to Death too.

"I've already taken precaution." Lillie reassured. "He'll be fine."

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"Hmm...if that's the case, then alright." Mr. Bai complied with his daughter's request.

It might actually be a good thing for Lillie to pay a visit to the master again. Also, maybe he can ask Lillie to bring home some of Grandmaster Wei's hand-brewed plum wine.

"Before you leave, just be sure to finish as much work as possible." He gently reminded.

Lillie nodded, "Of course. Thank you, dad."

Mr. Bai coughed, suddenly feeling bashful.

"Sure, sure." He waved his hand to hide his blush. "Is that all you wanted to say?"

"Yes. I'll be excusing myself then."

Lillie bobbed her head before withdrawing.

Mr. Bai sunk into his chair and sighed when the door closed as she left. He rubbed his tired eyes and pick up his pen.


Mr. Bai's previous words processed in his mind.

Why is he getting worried for that punk's safety? Let him get a taste of the master's not-so-gentle fists!

"Aiyo, I need a drink."

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