"My car is all the way over there," Ethan pointed from afar. "I'll see you at home."

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The two drove their own car, so they'll have to go back separately. After Ethan helped Lillie put the things she'd bought in her trunk, he went back to his own and drove it just behind Lillie's until they arrived at Tranquil Villa.

"Don't eat all of them." Lillie lightly glared at her ecstatic senior brother holding the box of desserts above his head.

As soon as they entered the house, Death was there to greet them before snatching the box from her grip—his keen eyes instantly recognizing the brand logo of the pastry shop.

Death absentmindedly nodded, too busy drooling at the delicious cakes.

This irked Ethan and muttered under his breath, "Damn freeloader."

His wife was bullied just to get those. If this shameless punk ate all of it, he'll kick his ass out for sure.

"You didn't have anything to do?" Lillie asked him.

Death shook his head. "Nope! The higher ups said I can take a break. Man, catching all of those stupid greenhorns was boring! Next time, I'll ask them to let me fight that arrogant Qili—"

A hand promptly flew to his mouth, smacking it shut. "Mind your words, senior brother." Lillie said lowly, her eyes darkening.

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Death removed her hand from his mouth. "Relax, junior sister. You know I wouldn't talk about that if I knew someone's listening. Well, unless pretty boy right here was not exempted."

"I could make him forget." He suggested with a wicked grin.

"No, he's good."

"Aww..." Death pouted. He really thought he could finally use that baseball bat he bought on someone.

The action movie he recently watched used it to fight. It looked fun so he wanted to try.

Death brought the box of desserts with him to the living room and laze on the couch to watch another movie. The people in the house were no longer frightened to death when they this white-haired man wandering around as if he owns the place.

"What are you doing with that?" Ethan came out of the bathroom after his turn with a puzzled look on his face. He witnessed as Lillie scrape a coin on her exposed neck.

In front of the mirror in her bathrobe, Lillie held a coin on her hand and scraped the purplish red marks on her neck.

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm hiding evidence." She nonchalantly replied.

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Where did you learn that from?"

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"I searched it up online."

"Is it effective?"

Lillie stopped and glanced at him from her back. "Want to try?" She offered a coin.

"What for?"

Lillie pointed at the hickeys on his neck. "Ah, so that's why everyone looked so frightened." Ethan forgot about the love bites he received from this vicious temptress.

Back in the company, everyone he came across with looked as if they've seen a ghost.

Rumor now spread about Lillie Bai being a vigorous lover.


"Ah! There's our special guests!" Alexander Bai's eyes lit up at the sight of his younger brother and his family entering the Bai estate. He opened his arms and hugged him.

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"Elder brother, it's been a while." Arthur Bai's grin matches his eldest brother. The Bai family gene is really astonishing, they all have good looks and seem to age at a slow phase.

Arthur Bai is a charismatic man who don't look a day over 40. His wife stood beside him and greeted his brother-in-law.

"Thank you for your warm greetings, brother. You didn't really need to do all of this." Arthur Bai's wife is beautiful American woman who's around the same age as his husband, but her appearance also doesn't match her age.

"Nonsense! We haven't seen each other for so long, and this is also to celebrate the existence of two more members to the Bai family!" Alexander Bai reasonably said.

"Oh? And who is this blooming young lady I see?"

"Uncle is jesting. I'm not young anymore nor blooming." Lillie's cousin sister appeared behind along with her husband and son, her huge belly carrying two lives who had yet to see the world. "It's good to see you again, uncle."

"Hello, uncle." Her husband sends him a polite smile and offered a handshake.

"Good to see you all as well!" Mr. Bai accepted the man's handshake. "So, how are yours and the twin's health going?"

"We're all perfectly fine, uncle. There aren't any problems with the twins health and development." She reassured. "Is Thea here already?"

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"She said they're on their way."

Veronica Bai rubber her protruding belly. "Aunt Agathe said she'll come with her fiancee, Ethan Li? I really can't wait to meet both of them." The excitement in her voice was evident.

Alexander Bai chuckled and patted his niece's head. "You two are really close, huh. Don't worry, they'll be here soon."

Veronica nodded. She turned her head and glanced at her eldest son who's shying away behind his father's legs. "Ren, come and greet your granduncle." She softly ushered to the boy.

The seven year old boy peaked his head out and shyly muttered a quick hello.

"Still shy as ever, I see." Alexander Bai crouched down to the boy's level and ruffled his hair. "Are you also excited to see your favorite aunt again?"

Hearing his favorite aunt being mentioned, the boy grinned, showing his missing tooth. He excitedly nodded, "Auntie Thea!"

The adults chuckled at the boy's innocent enthusiasm.

"In the meantime, let's head to the dining hall while we wait for the others. The elders have already arrived, we should let them know you're here." Everyone nodded and followed the head of the family.

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