Gabriel stood by the railings of the dining room's balcony. The cool evening wind gently kissed his skin and danced with his ash-blonde locks. His chin propped on his knuckle as he let out a tired sigh.

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The adults were inside, talking about stuffs he didn't find interesting. Though it's great to see your relatives once in awhile, he couldn't help but find this kind of occasion boring.

There wasn't anyone around his age. He played with his nephew, Renren, and taught him how to play one of his favorite games in the phone before he was snatched by the adults to fondle him.

One of the reasons why Gabriel was in the balcony was to escaped having his cheeks pulled and his hair ruffled by his relatives.

How embarrassing is that! He's almost 19 for goodness' sake!

Sigh, how much he wished he could just climb up from here to his bedroom. Yifei and the team are probably online, waiting for him to log-in.

And that woman was probably ringing his phone multiple times by now. Even before he asked for a leave, she wouldn't stop bothering him and prying in his business.

So, he temporarily blocked her only connection to him.

"Gab! Come and greet your second aunt!" His mother called him from the window doors' frame.

Pushing himself off the railings, he walked back inside.

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"Gabriel!" His second aunt, Celine Bai, grabbed both of his cheeks and squeezed them.

"Ow, ow, ow!"

"Hehe, so handsome! You look just like your father!" Celine Bai may look innocent, but she's the craftiest and the most cunning out of his father's siblings.

She's the youngest and a certified troublemaker in her youth—and probably even now that's why she isn't married yet.

Gabriel grunted as he caressed his beaten-up cheeks.

Yeah, he looked just like his father that's why his second aunt love to bully him.

Alexander Bai, in the past, love to tease his youngest sister. Celine cannot do anything about it, so she retaliates by disposing her annoyance on her nephew.

Despite that, Celine Bai was fond of him the most—not that her actions shows it.

"Your good daughter isn't here yet? What's taking her so long?" Celine Bai asked her eldest sister-in-law.

"Lillie said something urgent came up so, she and Ethan will be late." Agathe replied.

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Celine rubbed her chin, "Hmm...the infamous devil, CEO Li, is coming here too, I see."

Celine Bai is an A-list actress that worked with Sunrise Entertainment, and one of the few who got a role in a famous Hollywood movie.

Of course, as someone who worked for Sunrise, it wouldn't be a surprise if Celine Bai knew Ethan Li, especially his father.

Li Yefeng is her brother's good friend. Back then, the young Celine had a huge crush on him.

But that infatuation died down when she

found out he was already engaged.

"Aiyo, that daughter of yours was like a cold rock. She never had a relationship, and now she's getting married soon? Are you sure you didn't forced her into this?" Celine Bai gave her eldest sister-in-law a dirty look.

"Of course not! Is that how you see me? I'm offended!" Agathe raised both of her hands in defense. "I only gave those two a little push. The truth is, they actually knew each other since high school. Alex's friend, Li Yefeng, knew his son was in love with our Lillie, and I accidentally found out that Lillie had a crush with him."

"If that's so, then why were they fighting like cats and dogs before?"

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Agathe sighed, "I'm not sure. Lillie never disclosed her relationships with anyone to me anymore. Not since that boy."

"That boy?"

"Wei Fang." Veronica came in between the two women, and answered her second aunt.

"Nica, my dear! How are you and the twins?" Celine gently hugged her niece, and cooed at her stomach.

"We're all doing good, Aunt Celine." Veronica smiled.

"Wei Fang, you say? Ah, I remember that boy now. Lillie never stopped talking about him back then." Celine sighed. "I missed how Lillie used to be a sweetheart. She was so shy around new people, but once she warms up to them, she wouldn't stop talking."

"Nica, you and Lillie attended the same middle school, didn't you?" Agathe asked.

Veronica nodded. Before she and her family moved to the US, she and Lillie went to the same school. Unfortunately, they were at a different class. The first day, Lillie came to her with a boy who introduced himself as Wei Fang.

Veronica didn't see anything wrong with him. He was sincere with his friendship with Lillie. At least, compare to that brat, Yu Mei, Veronica approved of Wei Fang.

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When it was their break time, she always see those two together. She would often tease the younger Lillie that it made her jealous how she would choose to spend most of her time with Wei Fang instead of her dear cousin.

Lillie then admitted to her cousin sister that she had a crush with Wei Fang, and was soon to confess her feelings to him.

Then, that day came, Wei Fang suddenly transferred out, leaving her cousin sister, broken-hearted. She tried to asked Lillie about what happened between them, but she wouldn't budge.

Veronica knew it wasn't just about Wei Fang's departure that left her baby cousin depressed. It also didn't seem like Lillie was rejected, since she hadn't yet confessed to the boy.

There was something more into it, something she couldn't quite understand.

It couldn't be about the rumor that spread about Lillie, right? That rumor was debunked and the perpetrator who spread was caught and admitted they were envious of Lillie.

Wei Fang couldn't have believed that bullsh*t if he claimed to be Lillie's best friend.

"The past stays in the past. We best not talk about it anymore. Lillie's relationship with Ethan is blooming beautifully, she's happy with him." Agathe concluded and changed the subject.

Gabriel was listening the whole time, clueless about the boy they were talking about.

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