Bedsheets slipped out from her naked frame. A quiet groan left her throat as the soreness in her body begin to make itself known upon trying to prop herself up. Lillie stared at the man beside him who slept peacefully with a content smile on his face.

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She had the sudden urge to pinch his nose, but decided against it and let him sleep while she ventured towards the bathroom to soak her muscle with a warm bath.

Throwing in her favorite essential oil, Lillie dipped herself in, sighing as the warm water uncoiled her muscles.

Her phone then vibrated on the small table beside her. Wiping her hands dry, she look to see what it was.

[Anthony Bai and Ming Ting's relationship publicized!]

It was from the media.

Clicking her tongue, Lillie turned off her phone and sunk herself deeper into the water until her lips touches it. Last night, she dispatched another team of spies to watch over her cousin brother and Ming Ting.

Anthony had mentioned before that they were now living together, which was a good thing because it would make it easier for her spies to observe them in one setting.

Lillie then issued a retreat order to the spies she stationed at the Wei family's estate. Premonition churned her guts, telling her that she need to let the matter cool down before going back.

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Those captured Azure Tortoise assassins might've caused the Wei family to be on guard, and thus, they might start searching deeper into the shadows for any lurking intruders.

If Wei Fang was really from the Underworld, then he's someone who held power to subdue even Azure Tortoise's people.

"Don't fall asleep." Ethan appeared from behind and wrapped his arms around her torso, pulling her up from sinking any further.

"I wasn't," Lillie denied, scooting forward to give him space in the bathtub. "there's just something on my mind."

He hummed, joining his wife in the warm water. Ethan positioned himself behind her in the bathtub and slid her between his legs, his strong arms coiling around her waist. He nuzzled her neck, inhaling the sweet scent of the essential oil on her skin.

Lillie relaxed her back against his chest, not minding his intrusion as long as he keeps his playfulness at bay.

Unfortunately, with an irresistible treat like her in his arms, resisting the desire to have a taste, had been difficult.

Her already flustered skin turned a darken shade of red when she felt something harden on her tailbone. "Didn't we just..."

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"You expect me to be calm in front of such enticing sight?" His eyebrow shot upward as if he heard something ridiculous. "Impossible."

"Well, you aren't having any." Lillie said firmly. If this continues, then her legs might give up. He wasn't kidding when he said he'll punish her; gnawing her mercilessly like a beast eating a delicious piece of meat.

"As tempting it is to eat you this early, I wouldn't want to tire you out at a busy day." Ethan sighed defeatedly, his neck touching the cold, marble tub.

"Shall I remind you that you still need to train? I finally had Senior Brother to give us his assistance." She said.

Ethan's throat created a short grunt, not entirely pleased. "What did you bribe him with this time?"

"Not a bribe, it's a formal negotiation." She corrected.

"I find that hard to believe."

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For Lillie to not send hell at him for eating all of her sweet and turning her living room into a garbage pit, Death agreed that he will see to Ethan's training.

If Ethan knew about this, he might've pitied him.

The water in the tub had cooled, indicating that they have spend their time a bit longer than necessary.

Having dried up and dressed in something comfortable, the two came downstairs to start off with a light breakfast before going to the home gym with Death already waiting for them for almost an hour.

He sat in the middle of the room in a full lotus pose. "You're late." His eyes snapped open and gave the two a disapproving look.

Lillie and Ethan were silent like two students caught red-handed.

Death raised his head to give them full view of the dark bags under his eyes. "A warning next time, alright? No matter how hard you try to contain your voices, I can still hear you!"

Their late night activity is the reason why Death regret having extremely heightened hearing. Having his room situated just below theirs didn't do him any good either.

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The red-handed couple exchanged glances.

Ethan placed a hand over his mouth to stop himself from letting out a chortle, then groaned when Lillie harshly jabbed his side with her elbow.

"You think this is funny?" Death narrowed his eyes in the most threatening way. He turned to Lillie and said, "Don't blame me if I accidentally kill him."

Lillie slowly nodded. Though, she wouldn't allow that to happen. Besides, Ethan Li wouldn't be easily defeated.

At the same time, an angered and sleep-deprived Senior Brother is certainly troublesome.

Patting his shoulder, Lillie said, "There you go. Now we're sure he won't hold back."

"I appreciate it." Ethan grimly replied and step forward to receive the fury her sleep-deprived Senior Brother.

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