Rumors surrounding prominent individuals had always been everyone's favorite topic to talk about.

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So when they heard that Anthony Bai was dating the frivolous youngest miss of the Ming family, discussions erupted.

Many were skeptical and couldn't believe that an eldest young master from the Bai family would take interest to a daughter of a family that's soon to be dismissed from the Elite Society.

Truth comes to light when Anthony Bai posted a photo in his social media together with his rumored girlfriend, Ming Ting. In his post, he admitted that the rumors were true, and that they were indeed dating and is planning to marry her soon.

The netizens hovered their fingers over the keyboards and fiercely fired comments and discussion.

"I can't believe this! Why would Anthony Bai like that flirt? Was he living under a rock? Hadn't he heard of Ming Ting dating several men before him?"

"What can I say? Men can't help but be smitten by pretty girls. Their good looks can get them to anywhere they want to."

"The Ming family is soon to fall into ruins. Isn't it obvious that she's just targeting him for his wealth?"

"Person above me, men turn a blind eye to anything as long as the girl has a good looks."

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"She came from a rich family and still stoop down to become a gold digger. How shameless!"

"Her motives are clear. She wanted to use Anthony Bai to save her family's business. Anthony Bai, wake up! There are a lot of respectable young misses out there! You don't have to force yourself with that one!"

"Her action speaks that she's just a spoiled brat and know nothing about hard work. She lets her daddy do every work while she laze around, spend money on designer bags, jewelries and men. Urgh, disgusting."

Ming Ting leisurely sat under the parasol by the pool of the house she and Anthony shared. She read the harsh comments from her phone without batting an eye.

They can spew whatever nonsense they want. As long as Anthony knows the truth, she couldn't care less.

"Stop reading that garbage, it'll hurt your eyes." The phone on her hand was suddenly confiscated by her boyfriend.

Ming Ting looked up at her boyfriend with a smile, "I'm just entertaining myself."

Anthony Bai shook his head. "I think you're the only person I know who finds entertainment in reading about themselves being insulted." He grasped her cheek and gave it a squeeze.

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"Ow..." Ming Ting pouted, half-heartedly glaring at him. "That's because they aren't true. Also, I find it funny how people's envy and insecurities appear when they're trash-talking people who made them feel that way."

To prove her point, Ming Ting snatched her phone back and showed Anthony a comment.

"Why would Anthony Bai like a hustler you? You're not rich anymore, your family is being kicked out from the Elite Society. All you have is a slightly pretty face, so why don't you use it for something else and leave him alone..." Ming Ting read it for him, laughing at the end. "Ridiculous."

"You're taking this remarkably well." He praised, still slightly perplexed.

"Low-lives have nothing better to do than diss those who stood above them." She said, twirling the cold glass in her hand before drinking the cool beverage.

"Are you sure you need my help? It seems like you already have everything under control." Anthony chuckled.

"Honey, I have everything control because of you." Ming Ting beckoned him to sit beside her, to which he gladly obliged.

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"This is what I want, for everyone to think that Ming Ting is a hussy, a leech, a gold digger."

Blackening her name on purpose and acting helpless will help her hide the wealth she accumulated as Azure Tortoise.

On the outside, it looks like Ming Ting was really using Anthony Bai's power to help the Ming family stay within the Elite Society. When in truth, Ming Ting will use her own money to rebuild her family's business.

Ming Ting genuinely loves Anthony. She only needs him to shelter her, that's all, and she admitted this to him. She told him she didn't need his money. No one but him knew she was filthy rich.

But where she got her wealth was still a mystery to him. Ming Ting promised to tell him everything eventually.

If she suddenly pulled out millions out of nowhere, people might make guesses. Her identity as Azure Tortoise may already be at risk of being exposed that's why she needed Anthony as a cover to not attract any unwanted attention.

Her foiled plan of killing Wei Fang might've been a trigger for him to be suspicious of her affiliation in the Underworld. That guy is dangerous, she only found out in the end.

While investigating that man's background, she discovered a bit of his past and his little secret.

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Wei Fang was still infatuated with his middle school sweetheart, Lillie Bai, and that he wouldn't dare offend anyone in the Bai family, including their close associates.

And it was only by luck that she encountered her college boyfriend, Anthony, again after their break-up. The heavens must be on her side for this college boyfriend of hers was related to that woman.

"Now that everyone knows you have the Bai family behind you, that blasted Wei Fang should already stop tormenting your family."

"All thanks to you." Ming Ting chirped, boosting his confidence.

"All thanks to being related to Lillie, that is." Anthony humorously corrected. "Really, that baby cousin of mine has an impact to everyone."

"Can't deny that one."

That woman was really something else. She looked up at her background before, and she's clean from the Underworld.

Too clean.

The couple continue chatting, unaware of the lone figure hiding in plain sight, pretending to be among Azure Tortoise's shadow guards.

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