"Not a single hit on the face this time." Lillie praised as she gently pushed a cold compress at the blue and dark purple patch-like bruise swelling on his arm.

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Ethan monotonously replied, "Thanks. I'm glad you find that impressive."

"Do you still have a lot to do at Hong Long?"

"Sadly, yes." He sighed. "But it'll be the last ones, I believe. I entrusted the rest to Secretary Yu."

Death entered the gym again after changing from his sweaty clothes. He hated to admit it, but his fight with Ethan today had been rather interesting and exciting. His Junior Sister wasn't lying when she said that Ethan was a quick learner.

His fighting style from before does contain fluidity, but it relies more on brute strength, and it was a bit daring.

"Climbing through the ranks as one of the Leaders is no easy feat. There must be someone who taught you." Death asked as he approached the two by the bench.

"I learn some martial arts from the tutors my dad hired."

"Those kind of tutors wouldn't teach you much." Lillie's curiosity also piqued from Death inquiry. "I doubt they would acquaint their students the drills to climb the ranks in the Underworld."

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"You're right. But what I learned from those tutors had been my foundation." Ethan elucidates. "When I started forming my group, we came across a guy who beat all of us in just a second. I asked him to train us, he agreed."

"Just like that?" Lillie found that hard to believe.

Ethan nodded but then added, "Well...I pestered him until he got annoyed and agreed."

"That's more believable." Death blurted, snorting.

"Did he know who you were?" Lillie asked.

"With his capabilities and my lack of experience, I'm not surprised if he did."

"Who was he?" If this person was Ethan's master, he should be a big-shot, so Death might know him too.

"He told us to call him Mochi."

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"Apparently, he really love those sweets." He shrugged indifferently.

Cute name, but the person who carries it was likely to be anything but cute or sweet as the name represents.

"I don't know anyone by that name." Lillie voiced, then turned to the white-haired man. "Does Senior Brother know?"

"Never heard of him. He might've used a different alias." He said, pinching his chin thoughtfully. "It's not uncommon to have several aliases, especially to people like us. But that kind of sh*t annoys me."

It's troublesome yet useful in hiding your real identify.

Finally ridding the sweat and grime after a cool shower, Lillie and Ethan treaded downstairs in their work clothes, and outside to the driveway where the car was already prepared.

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The driver hands the key to Ethan.

Lillie halted her steps and looked behind to where Death was leaning by the door frame, waiting for them to leave. "I expect to see eighteen, uneaten, mont blanc when we get home."

Death faltered, "B-but I thought training him was enough—" The icy glare was enough to shut him off. "Y-yes, ma'am."

Death dejectedly watch as the car drove out of the gates and into the distance. He fished out his feathery wallet from his pocket and peered at its emptiness with soulless eyes.

"I need a job...quick."

In the city where White Phoenix Empire was situated, the streets surrounding it was packed with loud people and cars. It took Ethan almost an hour before he finally brought the car to the building's drop off point.

"Since it's rare for me to drop you off at work, how about I'll pick you up too? What time are you leaving later?" Ethan asked, parking the car right in front of the building's entrance.

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He ignored the guards' signal for him to move away quickly as there was a flashy red car that honks at them loudly from behind. The guards weren't familiar of Ethan's car, so they didn't know that inside were him and their CEO, Lillie Bai.

"Are you sure? I might go overtime."

"I'm the one who should be concerned about overtime." Ethan chuckled. "And just in case I did, are you willing to wait for me?"

"Of course."

"Hey! What are you still dawdling for? You're causing traffic!" They heard one of the security guard's muffled protest.

What nonsense was he spouting? The driveway was wide enough for three cars to simultaneously drive pass them. And whoever they needed to drop off could've just gotten down from where their car was, and walk.

Whoever it was that honks at them obnoxiously, really wanted to park their car exactly where Ethan's car was.

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