The windows were tinted. No matter how much the guards squinted their eyes, they couldn't discern even the silhouette of the occupants.

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He knocked on the window to catch their attention.

Lillie removed her seatbelt, about to get out when Ethan held her wrist, stopping her.

"Forgetting something, Mrs. Li?"

Lillie turned her head to see him raising an eyebrow and puckering his lips.

"Excuse me! Could you please hurry up?!" The guard's anxious shouting and the red car's loud honking did not disrupt the mellow kiss the two shared.

The driver of the red car was fed up. He got off to yell at the owner of the black car that blocked them.

"My girlfriend is General Manager Duan! Get out of the way or you'll make her late!" The man shouted through the tinted window. "And You! You're not doing your jobs properly! How dare you not remove this car away yet?!"

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"W-we're trying our best, sir."

"Like hell! Then why is this car still not moving?!" Spits flew out with his rage.

The poor guards look troubled, almost at their wits' end. Just because he's General Manager Duan's boyfriend doesn't mean he have the rights to treat them harshly.

And that entitled General Manager Duan always wanted her car to be parked exactly right in front of the building's entrance just so she doesn't have to walk too far and so that she could flaunt herself as if she was a celebrity walking on a red carpet.

Unfortunately, General Manager Duan is their superior, they didn't dare talk back in fear of losing their jobs.

"Punk! Move out of the way or else—!"

"C-CEO Bai!" The guards exclaimed in surprise, as a head covered in ash-blonde locks emerged from the black car's passenger door.

The obnoxious man's heart nearly jumped out from his mouth when he heard what the guards addressed the gorgeous yet domineering woman.

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"Sorry for the inconvenience, my phone fell off." Lillie explained calmly, the coldness in her tone made them shiver.

"Of c-course! T-that's r-reasonable, CEO Bai!" One of the guards replied. This might've been the first time they witness their mysterious CEO enter through the main entrance hall in broad daylight.

Usually, she would enter from the underground parking lot's elevator and straight to her office's floor, and leave in the same process. That's why not all employees have seen their CEO in personal.

The obnoxious man didn't know what to do in this situation and looked behind to his car where his girlfriend, the so-called General Manager, was.

His eyes told her to get down and handle the mess she made him do.

Who was he to shout at White Phoenix Empire's CEO?! The woman who'll soon inherit the company?! His girlfriend's boss?!

Lillie nodded at the guards before peering inside the black car, saying, "Go on, don't block their way."

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When the guards and the obnoxious man caught glimpses of the figure inside the black car, they felt their hair turn white.

That's Ethan Li!

When Lillie closed the door, Ethan finally drove out of the building's driveway and back to the busy streets. Lillie faced the shivering guards and the obnoxious man, heels clicking as she walked pass them.

Lillie paused when she reached the top of the stairs. She glanced behind and directly at the passenger seat of red car and said loudly, "General Manager Duan, you said?"

The obnoxious man and the woman inside the red car flinched in fear.

"Was the driveway too narrow for your car? Or was the entrance too far for you to walk with your stilettos?"

The flamboyant, red car's door opened and came out a woman in an outfit that shows too much skin. Her cleavage popped out of her camisole crop top, and her pencil skirt was too short that people might see her what's under it when she climb the stairs. The only thing appropriate in her outfit was the coat draped on her shoulder.

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Nevertheless, it wasn't enough to cover the fact that she didn't look anything like a respectable General Manager.

"C-CEO Bai," General Manager Duan stuttered, already foreseeing that her haughty days are over. Although it was her fault for making her boyfriend go out and fend off the black car that blocked them, he was the only one she could blame.

If only she knew that her boss, CEO Bai, was inside that car, she wouldn't have dared act so haughty.

Lillie eyed her up and down with a scrutiny. She was a valuable and talented employee. However, her arrogance got the best of her. The files reported about her atrocious behavior piled up, and it was time to stop it.

As if she didn't heard her call, Lillie turn her head forward and proceed walking.

The employees who curiously poked their heads out due to the loud hocking and yelling, quickly scurried back to their posts when the ash-blonde haired She-Devil entered the lobby.

They heard and saw everything. In their minds, they jumped and cheered at the high chances of that entitled woman, General Manager Duan, getting fired.

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