"How are you coping up?"

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Elliot stood up from his chair when the office door opened. "Miss Bai, good morning." He greeted.

Lillie waved her hand, "Continue what you're doing. I simply wanted to see how you're fairing."

"Not much different from what I'm used to." He said with amusement in his tone.

"I have nothing to worry then." Lillie wandered her eyes around the office, as if in search for something, before locking the door behind her.

"The place where I'm going doesn't allow people to bring any phones or gadgets, hence no one can contact me. So, if anything serious happens in the organization or the company, I'll let you and the others handle it."

"Yes, miss."

"Although there are telephones there, we still cannot risk it. My identity is confidential in that place. A few knew who I really am."


Lillie drew near the desk and pulled a particular folder from the stockpile. Elliot's eyes caught the familiar folder and said, "That's the investigation report you've requested."

"Have you read it yet?"

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"Yes. Miss Bai's speculations are correct. There were countless, serious violations Duan Qiqi committed."

Rustling papers resonated in the silence that followed as Lillie moved each sheets after scanning its contents.

Abusing her position, editing the company's income statement, making others do her work, stealing, maltreating co-workers, and many more violations.

"Why did no one filed this sooner if it was this serious?" Lillie's brows furrowed, the edge of her lips creeping down. If she didn't had her secretly investigated, she would've continued to do her ways with the company.

"The person in charge in collecting and handing the report confessed that they were blackmailed by her..." Elliot said.

"Therefore, the first reports filed against her were edited to make it sound less serious..." Lillie muttered in conclusion, piecing everything in her mind.

Before Elliot took over as the interim CEO, a report against General Manager Duan had already been placed on her desk.

But it was only about using her position to order people around, and it didn't sound too serious compare to the real report. If it was only that, General Manager Duan would've had the chance to keep her job. However, Lillie sensed it wasn't that simple.

So, she had her investigated privately. The report arrived today, and it's the folder Lillie had on her hands.

"So, we're infested by rats."

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"I'm already taking care of that, miss."

The first time there was a report about Duan Qiqi's iniquity, it didn't held any strong evidences that proves it.

And because she held a high position and contributed many benefits in the company, she wasn't thoroughly investigated and the complaints were set aside, only giving her a warning—which she didn't seem to take seriously.

It wasn't Lillie's job to look after every employees, but she'll do something about people like General Manager Duan when she personally stumbled upon it.

That's why Lillie didn't use her car today. Instead, she asked Ethan to drive her at the company because she knew no one would've recognized his car and expect that she's in it. Lillie wanted to see for herself who General Manager Duan truly was, so she timed their arrival in the company.

Hiding her misdeeds this long, someone must've been looking after her.

"I've already conducted an investigation to the people she associates with. It's highly possible that she also sells our company's information to others and spy on our movements." Elliot added.

Lillie tapped a finger on her forearm. "While we wait for those reports, ready her termination letter and have the finance office hand her salary for this month. We'll show her our gratitude for the services she contributed in the company..." She said with double meaning. There was nothing in her face that showed any sign of maliciousness.

But Elliot knew just from her tone, that Lillie Bai was plotting something...diabolic

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As by the Empress' decree, former General Manager Duan is unlikely to leave the company in peace.

Lillie indifferently turn on the shredder and watched Duan Qiqi's employment contract be rendered into pieces. "Do you remember Jessica's sister?"

Elliot lifted his eyes from the laptop's screen, "Andrea Houston?"

Lillie nodded. "She'll be working today as your assistant."

Elliot's eyes slightly widen, "But, miss—" Soft knocks interrupted his protest.

Lillie went to open the door, and outside, there stood the woman she's expecting.

"Good morning, CEO Bai!" Andrea Houston's liveliness was a refreshing change in the monochromatic office.

Andrea Houston looked a lot like her elder sister, Jessica Houston, with her strawberry blonde hair, but with hazel eyes instead of green. Another difference between them was that Andrea was bubbly and energetic.

The people who she had worked with before described her as the bright sun on a dark, cloudy day.

Elliot was taken aback. She may look like her elder sister, but their personalities differs greatly like polar opposites. While Jessica was the mature, stern and serious type, Andrea seem to be...innocent, easygoing and vibrant.

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"Thank you for accepting me, CEO Bai. It's truly a privilege to finally work for you," Elliot wondered if her cheeks hurts because of that wide smile.

He and Lillie were not the most expressive of people. But since he's the CEO's secretary, smiling became a requirement to show politeness.

Lillie Bai wouldn't even smile at a Queen. So Elliot will have to compensate for it by smiling in her stead.

"I apologize for keeping you waiting, Miss Houston. I'm thankful for your patience." Lillie said.

He hoped that this strawberry blonde haired woman wouldn't end up losing that vibrant smile—

Huh? Where did that came from?

"Miss Houston, this is Elliot Anderson, my secretary and the interim CEO in my absence."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Anderson. I'm Andrea Houston, I'll be your assistant for the time being." She collected herself gracefully, her arm stretched out and her hand spread for a shake. "I'll do my best to be of assistance."

"Likewise, Miss Houston." He said as he gently grasped her soft palm with his calloused hand. "I look forward to working with you."

The charming smile he presented to her didn't failed to evoke a pink hue on her cheeks.

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