Duan Qiqi seethed in contempt as she stormed out of the Finance Office with her termination letter and final payment.

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Not a single sentence of explanation was given to her. When she demands why she was being fired, the person in charge only said, "you know why" before shooing her out of the office like a dog.

She ripped the termination letter to find answers, but it was blank.

No one brazenly treated her this deplorable before! They were suppose to lower their head and kiss the ground she stepped on! She's their superior! They seem to think that just because she was fired that she couldn't do anything to them?

Hah! Naive!

Undoubtedly, Lillie Bai had been the reason why she was fired. Who cares if she's the CEO? This company wouldn't have flourished if it weren't her, Duan Qiqi!

So what if she bullied others? She was just letting them know their places! She's their superior, it's only right that she can do whatever she want with them!

"Just you wait, I'll make all of you suffer..." Her teeth gritted with harbored rage. She went to her office and began to pack all of her belongings, "Especially you, Lillie Bai..."

Her loud tantrums was heard by the employees. They poke their heads up curiously from their cubicle as soon as they saw Duan Qiqi storming in. The loud shuffling inside her office meant that the rumors going around was true!

She was being kicked out! Finally!

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Minutes passed and they saw her coming out holding a box of her stuffs.

Many of those who were victimized by Duan Qiqi's bullying, rejoiced. And they made sure to let her know how happy they are that she's leaving.

"See you never, Duan Qiqi!"

"Thank you so much for exposing yourself!"

"Karma hurts like a b*tch, doesn't it!"

"Just who do you think you are pretending to be? The company doesn't revolve around you!"

"Do you think you're the owner? Serves you right! Be grateful that CEO Bai was being benevolent and let you go lightly!"

"Shut up!" Duan Qiqi hollered, but their jeers and taunts didn't stopped. It only worsened.

Now that she had nothing to use against them, the scorn they held erupted unceasingly.

"Shut up, you low-lives! You can run your mouths all you want, but be ready for what will come next!" Her threats did nothing to stop their taunts. "You think I'm kidding? Wait for it! I will remember all of you!"

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Few of them shut their mouths. They saw her eyes turn to every single one of them, as if analyzing every inch of their faces.

"Humph! You still act big even if you're covered in mud? I doubt other companies would accept someone White Phoenix Empire barfed out. That big mouth and pretty face of yours might have a chance at some brothels or the streets!"

Snorts and laughters shook the four corners of the room at that comment. The sneer, the look of disgust and mock, caused Duan Qiqi's face to turn ugly and red in anger. Her chest heaving up and down, the cardboard box wrinkled under her rough grip.

The thin thread snapped in her mind.

Her stilettos clicked against the white tiles as she stomped out. She can still hear their loud cheers echoing until the elevator she rode, closed.

While most of the employees celebrated, there were others who Duan Qiqi left dumbfounded.

It appeared when she turned her back to them, and they only picked up a glimpse.

What is she smiling about? Did she finally went crazy? Were her threats true? Or was she just doing that to freak them out?

Duan Qiqi successfully bred a sense of restlessness to those who saw her creepy smile.

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But unbeknownst by them and Duan Qiqi, a certain Phoenix will make sure that no harm will befall her nest.

Lillie Bai will not lavish Duan Qiqi the privilege to do whatever she wants unrestricted.

When Duan Qiqi entered the empty elevator, she held the box on her waist with one arm and for the other to hold the phone over her ear.

"Hey, honey? Are you still in the parking lot?...yes, yes, they fired me...pick me up in front..."

On the ground floor, the employees waiting for the elevator suddenly made way for the woman getting off with continuous strides, who didn't even bother paying attention or apologizing to anyone she bumped into.

"Was that Duan Qiqi?"

"And she's holding a box."

"She's finally fired, huh."

"With the way she acted in front of CEO Bai, everyone was keeping track of the time she'll be leaving with her stuff."

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"So soon too. It didn't even took her an hour, I think."

Waiting in front of the building's entrance, the flashy red car from before, zoomed right in front of her.

The door opened automatically and she jumped in, throwing the box at the back seat without care for the scattered items.

"B-babe? Is everything—"

"Shut up." Duan Qiqi's boyfriend flinched. It wasn't the venom and anger in her voice that frightened him, it was that crazy smile.

"Drop me off at the hotel."



You brought this upon yourself, Lillie Bai. Don't blame me for being impolite!

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