The agreement had been settled without any opposition as both parties were assured to attain equal benefits from one another. However, the next course of action wasn't looking as effortless as the first one.

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Inducing Grandmaster Yang to revoke Gong Hei's seat as his first direct disciple to set him free from the invisible shackles binding him from the Academy.

He was no Death. Unlike that wild rodent, he can't simply go in and out of the island whenever pleases—vexing as it may.

Grandmaster Wei treats Death like his own, Grandmaster Yang treats him and his junior disciples as his subordinates.

Frankly, Gong Hei wasn't interested in being a direct disciple in the beginning. What provoked him to chase after it was when he found out that Death was Grandmaster Wei's first disciple.

And coincidentally, Grandmaster Wei's rival, Grandmaster Yang, doesn't have a direct disciple yet at that time. It was fairly easy to gain the old bat's interest.

Showing only a quarter of his skills, and the Dark Doctor was immediately smitten to take him as his first direct disciple.

"Hmm, I could coax my master to rescind my position. Now that his precious granddaughter is here, it wouldn't take long for him to bequeath it to her."

Luckily for them, if Grandmaster Yang was anything else, he's bias and a doting grandfather.

And if there's anyone—other than him, the first direct disciple—Grandmaster Yang sees as potential successor, that would be his granddaughter, Yang Nina.

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Rumors spreads within the Ebony Vulture Compound that the master was specially fond of this granddaughter of his due to her proficiency in martial arts.

Only problem is that she's still young and at level Earth.

Unless the old bat's health was deteriorating—which he doubt; mind you, he's not called the Dark Miracle Doctor for nothing—he could afford to wait maybe three years or less for his granddaughter to reach level Sun.

"Our stay here is due until two days from now. By that time, I hope you had resolved everything there is in need to be resolved."

"Affirmative. Leave it to me, sister-in-law." Hearing the title Gong Hei addressed towards Lillie, Ethan expressed his delight by nodding at him.

Gong Hei inaudibly sighed in relief. Hopefully, this would appease his boss' wrath and forgive him. Or if he still wanted to beat him up, he'll show him mercy at least.


About to head towards the door, the two males halted when Lillie's call caught their attention.

"Grand Disciple Gong," Lillie began but was politely interrupted by mentioned man.

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"No need to be so formal with me, sister-in-law." Gong Hei sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "I'll be more than pleased if you would call me by my first name instead."

"Is that so? Well then, Hei," Lillie amicably complied. "Is has been brought to my attention that Grandmaster Yang was keeping a rather peculiar patient?"

"Peculiar patient?" The only patient his master was taking care of was...

"Yu Mei?" Gong Hei had took turns in taking care of the formerly deranged woman. He may be slow sometimes, but his memory's quite sharp.

And if his memory serves him correctly, Yu Mei was Lillie Bai's friend, right? He didn't attended Sky Emperor University, but he knew some things about Lillie Bai because of his boss' infatuation with her.

"Are you planning to take her back?" Obviously, he doesn't have any idea of Lillie's vendetta against Yu Mei. No one could blame him if he assumed she wished to bring her friend back.

You know, like what friends would automatically do if they found their missing friends.

"Subsequently." Her monosyllabic reply hinted Gong Hei not to delve further into the matter. "Are you perhaps aware of what Grandmaster Yang has install for her?"

"Now that you mentioned that, I overheard the master asking her questions."

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"Elaborate." Lillie demanded placidly.

"Her kidnappers," Fingers snapped in recollection. "He was asking about her kidnappers."

"Her reply?"

"I'm afraid Yu Mei's ability to talk hasn't yet been restored. In lieu, she could write, but they're barely intelligible; just random scribbles so far."

Ethan glanced at his wife. She was unmoving, eyes were distant and staring at nothing in particular. Averting his gaze from her for a moment, he caught Gong Hei giving him a confused look.

"Uhm..." Gong Hei uttered, gathering his courage to elicit a question. "Is there—"

"You will be enlightened after we leave."

Welp, there goes his courage.

"For now, I ask of you to subtly watch over Grandmaster Yang's interaction with her. Proceed to your usual routine, and try not to act suspicious."

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Lillie's ambiance of a natural born leader made Gong Hei adhere to her commands subconsciously. "Yes, ma'am." He inclined his upper body forward to express compliance.

With a satisfied nod, Lillie beckoned Ethan for them to leave. Ethan opened the door to let her come out first, then curtly bobbed his head at his good friend to bid him goodbye before closing the door behind him.

Waiting for a few minutes to make sure the two were completely out of ears' reach, Gong Hei ungracefully slumped on his chair and let out a loud, tired groan.

"What a day." He mumbled to himself with a sigh. The day has been tiring, but nonetheless thrilling. "Ow, ow, ow!"

Ah, that's right. He realized just now that his body's aching all over from receiving most of Ethan's wrathful blows.

He should head to compound's main clinic to mend himself. Coincidentally, his master's there together with the subject of his mission.

That would be the perfect opportunity for him to probe without being seen as suspicious.

"Mission commence, I guess."

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