The clock's hands read 5 o'clock, Han Taiyi dashed out of the main building immediately after they were dismissed from their first class in the early morning.

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Chu Lizheng was tagging along behind her at a much reserved yet fast pace. They had also bumped into a frantic teenage girl who was breathing heavily from running all the way from her grandfather's compound in the West and towards Grandmaster Wei's in the North.

As soon as they reached the Gentle Tempest's front gate, tears welled up the girls' eyes when they saw Lillie in her casual clothes and with a duffle bag hanging over her shoulder.

"Ah Ming!

"Sis Ming!"

Two faces stained with tears lunged right in front of Lillie, deafening wails was enough indication that her departure would sadden them greatly.

"Taiyi, Little Nina, Lizheng," Lillie's lips plastered a solemn smile. "I'm afraid it's time for us to go back."

"Waahhh! Y-you can't leave!" Han Taiyi cried ugly, gripping onto Lillie's shirt and refusing to let go; Yang Nina aided in restraining her.

It's unfair how time fleet so fast and unnoticed when you're too engrossed with spending your days having fun. How could five days feel like two days?

The most pitiful among them was Yang Nina, having a prideful and stubborn as a mule grandfather who refuses to permit her in visiting Lillie and the others.

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Luckily, she woke up earlier today and managed to escape her "bodyguards" so she could see Lillie and Ethan off.

Things had been rather strange lately; her grandfather was now being strict towards her. Hence, she was being kept under surveillance by his people from time-to-time.

She had been informed by her dear grandfather that he'll be molding her to be his successor since his first direct disciple, Gong Hei, had unexpectedly revoked his seat.

It really was out of the blue for her.

She heard Grand Disciple Gong had been her grandfather's disciple for years, and there wasn't anything that hinted he had a plan to revoke his discipleship and the highest honor of becoming a Grandmaster in the Academy.

Everyone from Soaring Dragon Academy are revered in the society, most especially Grandmasters and students like the Grand Disciples.

Fame and respect are instant if people found out you attended this prestigious school for martial arts.

Curious how this unexpected event unfolded when Grand Disciple Life and her husband came into the picture.

She remembered a few days ago that they spoke with Grand Disciple Gong after he and Jun Jihuo held their match.

Does this married benefactors of hers had anything to do with this matter?

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"Sis Ming..." Yang Nina whimpered like a kicked puppy, making whoever saw her doe, glistening eyes have their hearts ache in pity. "I know you two have other lives to get to outside the island, but please don't forget to visit us again when you can, okay?"

Whatever if Grand Disciple Life and her husband were the reason for Grand Disciple Gong's nullifying his discipleship, that's his decision so she couldn't care less if that's the case.

What she cared at this moment is that her big sister and big brother figures are leaving now.

For only a short time, these two had taken a special place in her heart. She grieved that she couldn't spend her time with them to the fullest.

Their next visit is unpredicted. God only knows when or how long before they come to visit. She silently curse the Academy's d*mn policy of forbidding cellphones.

Solving that predicament would've been much easier.

Han Taiyi and Yang Nina's cries intensified after Lillie engulfed them with a heartwarming hug. "I promise we'll visit again soon." She softly coaxed them.

It's not long before the two calmed down and ended up sniffling. They sadly stared at Lillie with puffy cheeks and red eyes.

"Taiyi, Lizheng, before we go, I have something to impart," Chu Lizheng went beside his partner to listen earnestly to the Grand Disciple.

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The two Sun students were slightly fidgeted under Grand Disciple Life's unusually serious gaze.

Suspense lingered around the air as Lillie remained silent for a while before saying with a bright smile. "Seeing as you two are yet to enter discipleship with a master, I recommended you to Grandmaster Wei."

Garnering a pair of amusing reactions, Lillie continued. "He agreed to take you under his tutelage. It's up to you now if you accept."

If we accept?

If 'we' accept?!

"Are you kidding me?! Why wouldn't we accept this generous privilege?" After snapping out of her stupor, Han Taiyi shrieked. Her response was sufficient to also voice out Chu Lizheng's expression.

"Grand Disciple, this—this is too much. Our skills are modest. We fear that Grandmaster Wei wouldn't be impressed." Chu Lizheng prompted humbly.

Also, if words flew that the only reason for them to be accepted under Grandmaster Wei's discipleship was through Grand Disciple Life's support, narrow-minded people would assume that they were favored since they befriended her.

"My eyes don't betray me, Lizheng. If you failed to recall, I was with you two in the forest and thereby witnessed your prowess against those high-level supervisors." Lillie reasoned.

To be praised by someone of Grand Disciple Life's calibre puts a rest of the doubts in Han Taiyi and Chu Lizheng's minds.

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They remind themselves that this woman before them was a Grand Disciple. She had no reasons to lie and recommend them to her master to gain their good favor.

Also, it would be insulting towards Grandmaster Wei if they presume that he forthrightly accepted them just because his second direct disciple vouched them.

"My second disciple is correct." Speak of the devil. Grandmaster Wei sauntered out of the compound's towering main gate. "Her eyes are keen to those with potential. And indeed, her judgment hadn't failed me as I, too, had witnessed your capabilities long before."

Chu Lizheng steadied his swaying partner who's about to faint from being over-praised by two revered individuals.

Grandmaster Wei's expression was normally stern, but his eyes held gentleness in them. He turned to his second disciple and his face completely softened. "Until next time, child. However, let it not be prolonged for years, alright?"

Lillie chuckled sheepishly and said, "I will."

"You better hold onto your words. Aiyo, it would upset me greatly if your next visit would take years again." Grandmaster Wei lightly reprimand and shook his head.

"You'll be seeing us again soon, master." Lillie's underlying meaning to her words was clearly conveyed to him.

It'll only be a few more months before he sees her again. But that time, he'll be the one coming for a visit to attend a very special celebration that binds two people who wishes to spend the rest of their lives together.

See you at the wedding, master.

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