A perfectly good view of the Academy's infrastructure was made possible by being suspended above it through the gondola.

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Lillie and Ethan looked over the window and into distance as the valley where the Academy was situated drew farther gradually.

They timed their departure early in the morning so they could catch the morning sun rise above the horizon and bestow its warm glow across the earth.

The gondola slides through the thick cable, back towards the port from where they arrived the first time.

Shortly, thick mist surrounded the mountain terrains, completely covering the Academy's landscape and its silhouette from sight. An enigmatic sigh fell out of Lillie's lips as she retracted from the window and sat down.

Ethan wasn't certain if his wife's deep exhale was of melancholy, relief, or exhaustion. Perhaps all three?

Nevertheless, he didn't voiced a question and lucidly joined her on the seat. Settling besides her, he gently pulled her head to rest it on his shoulder before encircled his right arm around her waist.

Lillie snuggled closer to immerse in the warmth his body extrudes. She expressed her appreciation of his sweet gesture by sandwiching his free hand to warm it up.

A smile of content curled Ethan's lips, glancing happily at his hand intertwined with his wife's much smaller and slender ones.

Gong Hei hadn't left with them. It's not to avoid suspicion, but to keep an eye on Grandmaster Yang and Yu Mei for two more days.

And most especially, so that there will be no more third-wheel that would definitely disrupt his alone time moments with his beloved wife.

Finally, it's just him, her, and the birds singing above them on gondola's roof.

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Wait...he noticed their surrounding was completely quiet. The birds must've flew off?

"The birds flew off, huh." He brought up his discovery

"I noticed." He felt Lillie's head moved, nodding to his comment.



"Chirp, chirp, motherf*ckers!"

The couple disentangled themselves from their warm embrace and jolted up from the comfort of their seat. The gondola lightly swung sideways as an additional weight was suddenly applied at one edge.

"Senior Brother." Lillie looked at him with a straight face. She'd already expected that Grandmaster Wei locking him up wouldn't be enough to contain her wayward Senior Brother.

Ethan's eyes darkened, itching to step forwards and kick this bothersome white-haired b*stard out of the window's edge.

He won't die, maybe receive some broken bones here and there as the thick forest below them would cushion his fall.

Making up his mind, he was ready to proceed to his plan, but his wife block her arm in front of him as if she read his mind.

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"That was pretty cruel of you, Junior Sis," Death dramatically dangled over the window's edge without fear, putting on a hand over his head like a damsel in distress. "You connived with the geezer in locking me up and left without me."

"We should've tied him with ten more chains." Whispering is useless when the subject can pretty much hear them clearly at this proximity.

"Unfortunately, even that much would be futile in holding him down. Nevertheless, it bought us ample time."

"Bought time for what?" Death curiously inquired.

"I'm sure you know."

"Oh god, you could've told me beforehand. I would even willingly let you guys have time to eat each other's faces." Death realized the words that came out of his mouth and regretted it immediately. His face contorted into disgust as he shivered. "Forget I said that."

"And it's not even what I meant." That's exactly what she meant, but Lillie pretended it's not. She raised her eyebrows and said, "Get your mind out of the gutter, Senior Brother."

Death wanted to vomit blood in anger. Could you blame me?!

Peace had once again prevailed after that. Seeing that his Junior Sister stopped bullying him, Death hopped inside and made himself comfortable on the seat.

"I'll be separating from you two after we dock back on the first port, so don't worry about me ruining your lovey-dovey time afterwards." Death waved his hand in reassurance.

"From everything you'd said priorly, that statement was the only thing I found pleasing to hear."

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"The feeling's mutual, sissy boy."

The five year olds in the body of a.d.u.l.t males glared daggers at each, both opting to strangle or throw one out of the suspended lift, blissfully unaware of the impending danger the only female, who has grown tired of their nonsense, leeks out.

"I see you two need a mind refresher."


"Aiyo, what happened to your face? Did a crab pinched you or something?" Arriving back at the initial port, Master Qi quizzically looked at the wincing white-haired man whose cheek was marred red.

Grand Disciple Life's husband was acting odd too, cautiously holding his left arm as if he's afraid someone would bump into it.

"A crab jumped on the ship, and Senior Brother thought it'll be fun to play with it." Lillie smoothly lied with a straight face.

You would've believed her if not for the fact that what she said sounded so bizarre and unbelievable.

Or maybe it did happen? Who knows what kind of bizarre phenomenon Mother Nature brews.

Saying their farewells to Master Qi and the crew, Lillie, Ethan, and Death walked towards the bustling streets that's not too far away from the port and stopped by the side of the busy road that's lightly crowded with cars and other vehicles.

"This is where we get separated." Death turned to Lillie. "Take care, Little Flower."

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"You as well, Senior Brother." Lillie gently smiled at Death.

"You want a hug?"

"No, thank you."


"That reminds me, if you plan on barging in our home again in the future, do notify me in advance, alright?"

"Yes, ma'am." Death nodded nervously at frosty gaze his Junior Sister casted.

A taxi pulled over right ahead of them after Ethan hailed it. The door opened and Ethan stuffed his and Lillie's duffle bags inside.

Death didn't moved from his spot yet, deciding to see the two off before he, too, proceed to where he's heading.

Rolling down the taxi's window, Lillie faced her Senior Brother and said her final remark, "I packed a jar of wine on your bag, if you haven't noticed yet."

The taxi already drove off when Death woke up from his state of stupefaction. He hurriedly brought his duffle bag on his chest and opened the zipper.

His eyes glistened and tears nearly rolled down.

Aiyo, his Junior Sister's truly thoughtful. Brushing aside her affectionate bullying, she knows how to treat him well.

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