Lillie was quite surprised and impressed to discover everything was at peace and in tip-top shape during her absence. Nothing about her or the Empire was in the news, nor were there any foolish people demanding to see her, seeking trouble.

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However, years of having the same old routine of being incriminated by enemies from time-to-time in the most predictable and cliché ways, Lillie didn't allow her guard to loosen. An ominous occurrence lies ahead.

She guarantees.

Once entering her office, Elliot and Andrea welcomed her with a synchronized bow and said, "Welcome back, CEO Bai."

"En." Lillie said and acknowledged their greetings with a curt nod before sitting down on her swiveled chair.

Elliot went across her desk and pass over a folder. "The assignments that didn't required your presence had all been dealt with by Miss Houston and I. Overall results are excellent." He briefed, watching Lillie scan through the folder's content.

"And today's agenda?" She asked, her eyes not leaving the doc.u.ments.

"The merged company you and CEO Li are working with needs both of your attention." Elliot informed, checking the notes on his tablet. "The chief engineer will be expecting the two of you at a coffee shop just across the construction site at 2pm to hear your thoughts."

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"In addition, President Bai asked for you to head at the rooftop garden at 6pm for a dinner date together with Madam Crevier." Andrea further stated after Elliot. "The motive of the meeting wasn't clarified."

Putting down the folder on her desk, Lillie stared at the two. She propped her elbow on the armrest and reclined her cheek on her knuckles. "Ah, yes. I believe it's about the autumn collection mother will be showcasing at Fenhua Fashion Week."

Fashion week!

Andrea suppressed her excitement for professionalism's sake. Unbeknownst to her, her two superiors saw her eyes brightened, but choose not to say anything.

That's right. How could she forget one of the biggest and most anticipated event in Country K that will happen in three weeks?

"Will CEO Bai be attending as usual?" An inane question; of course CEO Bai would attend the fashion show.

Especially since her mother, Agathe Crevier will be displaying another one of her sensational collection.

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Andrea had never missed attending this event ever since she saw Madam Agathe Crevier's work of arts. Not to brag, but her family's well-off and could afford a ticket for the event.

The only difficult part is availing one before they sold off.

"Naturally." Just as she expected of the CEO's reply. "Is Miss Houston planning to attend as well?"

Pink flushed Andrea's cheeks. "I—uh, I would, if I could..." She meekly said, hiding her twiddling hands behind her back.

"Not to worry," Lillie waved her hand dismissively. "You will be joining us in attending the event. You're my secretary's assistant, it goes without saying that your entry will be handled by me."

Throughout the time Lillie was explaining, Andrea gawked in disbelief as the words registered in her brain.

"But before that, I hope you make sure that all of your assignments are carried out."

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Arousing out of her befuddlement, Andrea relied, "Certainly, CEO Bai!"

"Good to hear. Now then, I'll no longer prolong your stay here. You're free to leave and continue on with the rest of your tasks."

Lillie excused her so she and Elliot could have the privacy to discuss 'other' matters.

"If there's anything else, I'll be calling you from the landline." She added.

After a short parting remark and a quick bow, Andrea turned to her heels and made a way towards the door. She smiled and thanked Elliot for opening the door for her.

When she's completely out, the door clicked behind her. Elliot stood there, unmoving. His hand hadn't moved from the doorknob yet.

Lillie tapped her index finger on her desk out of habit while she's waiting for something; waiting for the time before she and Elliot are certain they're out of earshot.

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Elliot locked the door.

"Care to brief me with TS1's [1] current situation now, Elliot?"

"I apologize for failing to relay the report immediately, miss. The IT unit forwarded it to me at an unfavorable time; miss and CEO Li had already left." Elliot lowered his head in self-blame. "I was presumptuous to assume that it could wait."

"Raise your head, Elliot. I'm not angry, nor am I blaming anyone." Lillie said with a reassuring tone, beckoning him. "And you're right, it could've waited. I was simply inquiring because it just so happen that we encountered her there. Although, not directly."

"You mean...the place you and CEO Li went to,"

"My second alma mater." Lillie concluded for him. "And coincidentally, we found out that an acquaintance of mine there was actually one of the Vermillion Dragon Commanders, Drunk Python." She disclosed.

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