Elliot's eyebrows shot up slightly in surprise. So that's why they can't reach him.

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What a pleasant coincidence it is, truly.

"We'll be expecting him tomorrow at the headquarters. Gather the rest of the Elders by then, as well as Blood Venom." She instructed.

"Yes, miss."

"And by 9pm, send me the complete recording of TS1 from the day she was transferred in the Academy."

"What about She Jing, miss?"

"A written report would do."

"I will relay your instructions with the unit shortly." Elliot bobbed his head a single time then continued imparting notable occurrences that happened while Lillie was away.

"—from the military. An Jiaying was murdered by one of the prisoners. Although, Tang Hejiu believed that the fake White Bird was behind this modus operandi."

"To permanently stop her from spilling information, hm. Nothing unusual." It's already expected. Why would anyone keep a useless and loud-mouthed pawn like An Jiaying alive?

Although her impersonator took quite a while to dispose her.

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"Thank you, Elliot, that'll be all for now."

Elliot removed his gaze from the notes in his tablet and withdrew it down on the side of his hip, shifting his attention at Lillie.

"You're free to go and be on standby until the meeting with the chief engineer." Lillie wasn't looking at him, instead had her eyes fixed on her laptop screen, analyzing the Empire's growth and some other affairs.

"Would you like anything else before I go back to my station?" Elliot asked, wanting to make sure. "Coffee, perhaps?"

Lillie would often ask him to brew her a cup of coffee as soon as she arrives in the early morning. He had postulated that she forgoes eating breakfast at home in favor of punctuality.

"Thank you, Elliot, but I already had breakfast at home." Lillie politely declined.

However, that was before she moved in with Ethan.

"How about you? Have you had breakfast already?"

"I stumbled across Miss Houston in the lounge area's cafe earlier. She's quite determined that I join her, so I did."

"Good to hear you two got along very well." Lillie hummed, leaning onto her the back of her swiveled chair. "We wouldn't want Jessica running after us if she heard we're making things difficult for her little sister."

"That'll be terrible, indeed." Elliot chuckled.

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Making an enemy out of the country's best attorney who's also secretly the Underworld's Eris? You have nowhere to hide; it'll be the end of you in both realms.

Elliot's liking the fact that Lillie's now developing her sense of humor. It's refreshing to see his indifferent, inexpressive, and cold boss genuinely engage herself in a casual conversation.

"That reminds me, miss, I didn't get the chance to offer my gratitude for the coffee and cheesecake you bought for Miss Houston and I just before you left," Elliot arched his back forward. "Thank you, we enjoyed it very much."

"It was a simply treat, but you're welcome." A small smile curved the corner of her lips. Lillie realized that for the years she's been with Elliot, she'd rarely treated him with anything.

He may be the type of guy who would politely refuse being lavished with gifts, Lillie still think he deserves a lot for his perseverance and diligence as her right-hand man to both the Empire and the Organization.

Hours flew passed at snail's pace. Lillie was left alone inside her office, and Elliot nor Andrea had come back to send her anything after they left the first time.

And once again, she had finished everything there's need to be done in advance. Now she doesn't have anything else to occupy her time other than stare at the tedious streets right below from her window.

Occasionally, she would shake her left sleeve to check the time on her wristwatch. A long-suffering sigh escaped from her when she found out there's still three hours more before hers and Ethan's joint meeting with the chief engineer.

Lunch time had struck. Lillie saw quite numerous of her employees exiting the building and going towards nearby restaurants or food stalls.

There's a cafeteria inside the building. How come they would still go out to buy food? The food here's not even that costly, as far as she's aware.

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A change of environment, or they've grown tired of the food, perhaps?

Lillie shrugged to her intr.a.p.ersonal debate.

Sigh...what to do, what to do...

Suddenly, soft rumbles stimulated from her stomach.

"Ah, right. Lunch." Lillie caressed her stomach.

As if on cue, a firm knock resounded from the door and Elliot entered. "Miss, where would you like to have lunch?"

"I think I'll just buy from the ca—" A familiar ringtone interrupted Lillie's sentence.

"Ethan?" She answered her phone almost immediately when she saw his name lit up the screen, bemus.e.m.e.nt underlining her tone. "It's not time for our meeting with the chief engineer yet, isn't it?"

[Correct. But is it wrong for me to know how my wife's doing? Or was this not a good time?] She could hear the cheekiness from his tone, and Lillie couldn't help but sigh from his antics.

"Elliot and I were in the middle of—"

[Bah, so it was a good time after all.] Upon hearing the British man's name and his wife in the same sentence, Ethan shamelessly admitted how pleased he was to interrupt.

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Lillie shook her head. "What's the reason for your call? I'll hung up if it's anything useless."

[Meanie...] Lillie bets all of her fortune that Ethan's pouting right now. [But kidding aside, I'm at the entrance. Come down and let's have lunch at Yeye's place. Then after that, we can go straight ahead at the meeting place.]

"Hm, how convenient."

As expected of Ethan, always in the lead out of everyone by a wide margin.

Ending the call, Lillie informed Elliot about the change of plans and apologized for the inconvenience.

Elliot wasn't bothered. "No need to apologize, miss. I'll just drive towards the café afterwards. Enjoy your lunch date with CEO Li." He smiled softly.

"Thank you, Elliot." Lillie hung her coat over her shoulders without putting on the sleeves. "I'll make it up for ditching you, don't worry."

This made Elliot laugh again. "No need, no need. In fact, Miss Houston was hoping the three of us could have lunch together. I guess it's only the two of us again, so I'm not entirely alone."

He's not complaining. At least he still had a companion to have lunch with.

"Is that so? Enjoy your lunch as well then. Please tell her I'm sorry to disappoint."

"She'll understand, I'm certain." Elliot opened the door for her as she strode her way towards it.

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