Lillie and Ethan left Zodiac restaurant with satisfied stomachs as Head Chef Zhuo see them off by the driveway. "Come again soon, you two. Be careful on the road now." He firmly reminded, waving his hand goodbye.

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"We will. Thank you for the delicious meal, Yeye." The couple bobbed their head in gratitude at the elderly man. A valet walked to them and hands Ethan the key of his car.

Snaking an arm around her waist, Ethan led Lillie towards the car and opened the door for her. He went to hop in at the other side and started the engine but didn't drove yet.

"We still have an hour left before the meeting," He said, checking his wristwatch before glancing at Lillie on the passenger seat. "Is there a place you would want to go while we wait for the time?"

Lillie absentmindedly hummed. Her eyelids closing halfway as the feeling of after-meal sleepiness take over.

To fight off the drowsiness, she forced to lift the heaviness of her eyelids and keep them open. "Anywhere quiet..." She muttered, stifling a yawn. " fine."

Ethan obviously noticed his wife's drowsiness. "How about you take a nap while I drive around?" She's in an upright position, so it should fine for her to nap.

"Hm, that'll be nice..." She let loose another cute yawn.

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Mirroring her smile but with much amus.e.m.e.nt, Ethan leaned towards her and planted a chaste kiss on her forehead.

To make his wife a bit more comfortable while she naps, he pushed the backrest of her seat just slightly so she could still digest the food better compare to lying down.

He twisted his body around and reached for something behind. "Here, lie your head on this instead."

Lillie sighed in content as she rested on the soft, small pillow Ethan placed under her head. She lethargically faced him and smiled softly. "...thank you."

"My pleasure." He couldn't help but kiss her again. A sleepy Lillie is a cute and much expressive Lillie.

It's only been 3 minutes after Ethan drive into the main road and Lillie has completely doze off.

He expertly drove the car around the city in a steady, not-too-fast-not-too-slow pace.

Thirty minutes later, he decided to park for a while by the park. He didn't turned off the car to let the AC running. Lillie was still napping, so he decided to busy himself with his phone.

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Scrolling through his private social media, he looked for some interesting news. Stuck in the Academy for a couple of days without any sort of modern technology can be bit difficult for him.

But since Lillie's with him, it wasn't so bad. On the contrary, it was really great. Doing laborious tasks really kept him in shape, unlike sitting inside his office and having meetings most of his days.

It's the end of spring. This month is going to be busy very soon as two, conservatively anticipated events will take place. First would be the Fenhua Fashion Week for the Autumn Edition, and lastly would be the annual Blue Starlight Film Awards.

When he arrived earlier in his office, Yu Minglian immediately fill him in with what he missed, and informed him of a great news; Sunrise Entertainment has received the most nominations for the awards this year again.

Fighting for the Best Female Lead award was his cousin, Ping Xiaoyue and an actress from a rival company.

Ping Xiaoyue was fired from the company before due to her scandalous act at Elder Ping's birthday party. But her mother, his aunt, begged him to forgive her, vouching for her that she has learned her lesson and changed.

Still, Ethan resented her for attempting to attack his wife at the party. He would've thought of a way to destroy her with a snap of his finger.

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But after he found out that she stood up for Lillie from a woman who's impersonating her, he decided to give her a second chance.

She should be thankful that even Lillie pardoned. Because if she didn't, no amount of pestering from his aunt, granduncle, and grandmother would've saved her from his wrath.

She would've been eliminated from being nominated as Best Female Lead in this year's Blue Starlight Film Award if not for him covering for her and bringing her back in the company.

Unexpectedly, despite Ping Xiaoyue's sullied reputation, she managed to win over people's favor once again through her talent. The film she was leading in last year became a blockbuster hit.

One thing he admired from her was that she didn't use the back door to enter the entertainment industry nor use money to be where she is today. All was because of her hard-work and resilience.

Shuffling sound pricked his ears. His peripheral view allowed him to see Lillie arousing from her nap.

"Good afternoon, moonlight," He caressed her hand. "That was quick for a nap, wasn't it?"

"That's the point of napping, honey." Her voice was hoarse, but that's what made it s.e.xy.

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"Was it enough?"

"It is. I feel energized now." Lillie removed the pillow on her head and placed it on her lap. Then, she readjusted her seat's backrest. "Time?"

"1:43," He answered. "Seventeen minutes left."

Lillie nodded, turning her head to look at where they were. They were at the city's central park.

"Do you want walk around the part to stretch your legs?" She heard Ethan suggested.

That doesn't seem like a bad idea. Since it was the start of autumn, the air had gone a bit chilly, and the sun wasn't scorching.


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