Lillie got out of the car first. She heard the other door clicked open then slammed shut right after.

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"You forgot to wear your coat." Hopping out the car, Ethan quickly went to her side and draped her coat over her shoulders.

"It's chilly, you might get sick. So don't forget it again." He gently lectured.

"Sorry, and thank you." Not only did her body warmed up from the coat, her chest brimmed with warmth as well from Ethan's tenderness.

Intertwining their hands together, they strolled into the beautiful, vast park. Birds chirped a lovely song from the trees, children laughing and playing around the playground.

Blankets were spread over the vibrant, green grass as couples and families sat over it. Some bathe under the warm sun, while some sheltered under the tree's shade.

There weren't many people around, fortunately. But those few who were present noticed Lillie and Ethan strolling along the cobblestoned pathway, hand-in-hand.

It wasn't difficult to notice this couple's presence. Seems like the sunlight favored the two as it casted upon their figure like a spotlight, adding radiance to their aura and highlighting their unparalleled beauty.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who these two were. Having been exposed in the media together recently, it was quite impossible to forget their faces.

Today was their lucky day to be basked in the presence of two, venerated people.

As much as they wanted to attempt an approach—nah, you would have to make them drunk until rendered muddled before they have the guts to go near them—or secretly take a picture, they couldn't as their body was oddly not agreeing with them to move.

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They were literally frozen from being star-struck.

Ethan gently tugged Lillie towards a bench.

Before going out of the car, he also made sure to bring a water bottle with him for Lillie to drink. "Here." He offered it to her after opening the cap.

Not really feeling parched, Lillie accepted it nonetheless. She thanked him before taking a few sips.

"You drink too. I noticed you didn't drank that much water in the restaurant." Lillie returned water bottle.

"You can drink it all. I'm not thirsty."

"So was I, but I still drank some. Here." She insisted, pushing the bottle onto his chest.

Ethan exhaled through his nose in a helpless manner before bringing the bottle onto his lips and took a few gulps. He knew better than to oppose Lillie's stubbornness.

When the water washed over his throat, Ethan then realized how dry it was and how parched he actually was.

His wife really know him better.

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Leaning against the bench, silence enveloped them to savor this brief moment of peaceful afternoon observing the lovely swans swimming in pairs on the glistening pond ahead.

Minutes passed and they were ready to go again. Ethan was about to stand up when he felt Lillie wasn't lifting her head off his shoulder for him to do so.

"Lillie?" He stroked her head and cranked his head down to check on her.

"Are you alright?" Worry plastered Ethan's face as he observed Lillie's complexion. "You're pale."

"I feel well. It must've been from the chilly air." Lillie placidly reassured, rubbing circles on the back of his hand with her thumb.

Brows knitted together, concern hadn't yet settled down. "Then we should get back in the car quickly so you could heat up."

Eyelids fluttered open halfway. But instead of revealing a pair of cerulean orbs, they were crimson.

In just a millisecond after seeing a hint of red color from her eyes, Ethan quickly buried her face on his chest.

To other people's perspective, they would assume that the two of them were hugging.

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"Lillie...what was that? Why—"

"Ah, they changed, didn't they?" Her voiced was muffled from his suit, but it was coherent enough.

"They did." He quietly said. "Was that normal?"

"This is the first time they changed randomly, actually. So, no."

"Don't say it so indifferently. This is suppose to be serious."

It is quite serious. But fortunately, there's no one who's at proximity. And also, they were facing a pond.

Unless someone stands in front of them or was watching them across this broad pond with super binoculars, they would see nothing.

And since Lillie's red eyes were activated, her senses were ten times more sensitive. She made sure that there wasn't anyone near who could've accidentally taken a glimpse on them.

She would hate it if someone did. Because that means they'll have to be taken to the headquarters and have that particular memory removed.

What a hassle.

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Feeling the sensation when her red eyes are activated died down, Lillie slowly opened her eyes again and pulled away from Ethan.

"They're gone, don't worry."

Ethan sighed in relief when his eyes landed on a familiar pair of blue gems. "That nearly gave me a heart attack."

The corners of her lips curled into a slight, sheepish smile. "I'll have them examined tomorrow."

"Why tomorrow? Also, not only your eyes, but your health as well." Ethan didn't forget how she seem to be tired earlier and how pale her complexion is.

"We'll have to reschedule the meeting, we're paying Zihao a visit to give you a check-up."

He stood up and gently tugged her hand.

With a sigh, Lillie relented and walked alongside him. "No need to reschedule. Elliot and your secretary, Miss Yu, should be there already. They'll just have to stand-in for us."

"That's good. I'll let her know we wouldn't be able to attend, then she'll let your secretary know."

"No, no. I still need to call Elliot. I need him to pass a message to the twins. They're the ones who examines these." Lillie pointed her eyes.

"Alright, if you say so." He muttered petulantly.

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