Ethan made a call to his good friend, Doctor Song Zhihao.

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"Lillie and I are on our way at your hospital. She needs a check-up." Ethan said while his are fixed on the road.

[What are her symptoms?] They heard Doctor Song's voice, the phone was on loudspeaker.

"We had lunch and she felt tired afterwards so she took a quick nap. And when we walked around the park for a short while, her complexion turned pale."

[For the pale complexion part, that might've been from the autumn air, but hmm...since it's associated with lethargy...]

[Miss Bai, did you had your period this month?] Right off the bat, Doctor Song assumed the major reason of those two symptoms.

"It was on the first week." Lillie replied without feeling bashful.

[Are you two sexually active—oh wait, of course you are.] Doctor Song cleared his throat, correcting himself. [When was the last time you had sex?]

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"Last night." Ethan answered this time.

[...] This is one of the times when Song Zhihao hated being the doctor of a friend or family.

From all the years working as a physician, he was used to asking his patients this type of questions when the situation insists.

It was awkward in the beginning, that's not unusual—but you don't let it be known.

So, regardless, he continued to be professional, and continued asking Lillie and Ethan's 'activities' and analyze it.

[Well...if I had to guess, there's a high chance that Miss Bai could be pregnant.]

Two breaths hitched from the revelation. Ethan's hands almost, almost lose control of the wheel.

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[But other than being pregnant, Miss Bai might be lacking iron—wait, that's also a symptom for pregnancy.] Doctor Song muttered the last part to himself.

[But in spite of that, those are just some guesses. I can't conclude anything so casually without proper examination. We'll just have to wait and see once you two arrive.]

"Alright. Thank you, Zhihao."

"Anytime, bro."


Inside the hospital room, Lillie sat on the hospital bed while Ethan sat on a stool beside it. Physical check-up was conducted first before a blood sample was collected from her.

Now, they just have to wait for Song Zhihao to come back with the result.

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Agitation gnawed on Ethan's mind as he held onto Lillie's hands. They were both feeling nervous.

What would the result be? Is she really pregnant? Are they going to be parents soon?

How could this happen? She was meticulous in taking contraceptive pills, she never missed a day.

And as she said before to Doctor Song, her cycle was smooth sailing and she had it on the first week of this month. She couldn't have gotten pregnant that instantly after, right?

Could it be that it's because her body was modified to repel certain drugs? No, she and the twins made sure that her body could still accept unharmful medicines.

As much as Lillie wanted to have a child, she hoped it's not now. The world is still dangerous for their child to be brought into existence.

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Her enemies are still lurking around the corners, waiting for a moment they could strike. She couldn't afford to place their possible child in her womb in danger, the risk is too high.

"Ethan..." Lillie's tone was heavily laced with worry. "I'm worried."

Warm hands grasped hers to comfort and reassurance. "Me too." Ethan admitted softly.

The two of them wanted to have their child, but they also know the risk of having one right now.

"Whatever the result, I want to let you know that I'm here," Ethan planted a kiss on her temple. "And I won't let anything happen to you and our baby if he or she is already residing in your womb."

"There's still so much for us to do," Lillie didn't realized that her voice cracked slightly from the sudden surge of emotions in her brain. "Our child...I could place our baby in danger because of me."

"I won't let it happen." He repeated, his tone deepening. "Our baby will be safe because he or she have us as parents."

Ethan stood up from his stool to sit down beside Lillie on the bed. He enveloped his arms around her frame in its fragile state, whispering every comforting words he could think of to soothe her worry.

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