Blaring alarm jolted the couple out of their peaceful, idle time. Lillie's eyelids unhurriedly fluttered open, unperturbed by the sudden ear-piercing screech of the siren and the room's light flickering red; telling everyone that there's a potential threat ahead of the headquarters.

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"This is..." Equally unruffled by the dramatic alarm system, Ethan lifted his head to look at the flickering red light in recognization of its meaning.

Who could it be that's ballsy enough to attempt an invasion against White Bird? Way to ruin another sparse time with his wife.

If he gets the chance, Ethan would love to bring his wrath on them.

This is the second time he has witnessed this particular occurrence. The first one would be when She Gu attempted to raid the headquarters, intending to snatch Yu Mei—which Lillie intentionally allow to happen.

The headquarters was in full assault and defense mode. White Bird dominated the battle, swept She Gu's men like a tsunami.

It was a one-sided annihilation, and it was both painful and enthralling to see.

White Birds marching everywhere in an orderly fashion, their stance and expressions didn't emitted even a hint of fear. They didn't let their nerves impede their goal to kick out the invaders.

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A ringing sound from Lillie's desk snapped his attention back to the present. Feeling his wife shuffling, Ethan placed his hand on her back to support her in sitting up.

Lillie thanked him with a peck on the cheek.

Not moving from the couch, Ethan quietly watch as Lillie made her way towards her desk to answer the call from the intercom.

[Boss,] Elliot's static voice filled the air, allowing Ethan to hear him as well. [There's an unknown faction up ahead the headquarters. They're armed and hostile. First line of defense was already dispatched to retaliate.]

An unknown faction?

[Our surveillance division doesn't recognize them. They all wore varied attires and masks, and there's no insignia detected in their person. We hypothesize that they came from different factions hired by a single employer.]

While listening to Elliot's reports, Lillie took the remote on her desk and pressed a button that switched the painting at Lillie's left side of the room to rotate, revealing a large flatscreen TV.

Another press and the TV screen turned on. It was the surveillance camera interface displaying what what Ethan recognized as the external surroundings of the headquarters that was littered by large trees.

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Lillie shifted through the channels for a few times before finally halting at where they can witness a good glimpse of the fight.

Exactly what Elliot stated previously, the assailants were varied and doesn't seem to contain any sort of item or emblem that parade what group they belong to.

A group without any of those identification usually signifies that they are new bloods, or that they hide who they belong to.

But with skills like what Lillie and Ethan sees right now on the screen? The first assumption looks far-fetched.

"Do you recognize any of them?" Lillie glanced over her shoulder at Ethan who has his eyes glued on the screen, studying the mysterious group intently.

"Afraid not." He shook his head, a bit annoyed of himself for not contributing any useful information to her.

[Reported just in; they are seeking you, boss, and oddly enough, Silver Dragon as well.]

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Lillie's eyebrows furrowed. It wouldn't been unusual if it was her, but Ethan too? Silver Dragon hadn't made his debut yet, and didn't do anything to make him earn the Underworld's attention.

[Boss, one person slipped pass our defense. He's now heading towards the wall.]

Lillie didn't saw anything from the channel they were at so she changed it again.


The figure was leaping towards the wall in an impressive speed, nimbly evading her subordinates' ambush; sidestepping, jumping over them, and rushing forwards while making use of the swarm of heads as stepping stones for faster approach.

The Security & Defense Division stationed at peak of the wall readied their rifles to stop the incoming threat from advancing, but it was proven to be quite difficult as their comrades were down there trying to seize the slippery assailant.

"Ignore him."

[Boss?] Did Elliot heard her correctly?

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"Focus on immobilizing those bunch first. Let that one slide in." Lillie elaborated. "Instead, send out Silent Death to go after him."

For an Elder who's also the commander of the Assassination Division to go after one man? The boss is not messing around.


Ending the call, Lillie walked back to the couch with the remote still on her grasp. She sat next to Ethan again and relaxed her weight on him.

Two pairs of eyes carry on with watching the display on the TV. Lillie switching the channel every now and then to keep up with the mysterious man that managed to shake off the offending hands and the rain of bullets from her subordinates.

By now, he must've noticed the sudden halt of bullets firing down on his person and wonders why her subordinates stopped pursuing him.

If he's the crafty type, he should be extra careful as he's now entering the devil's domain with a pass.

Let's see what is it you want from us, stranger with the fox mask.

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