Assuming that he noticed her subordinates' sudden change of plans, he would've think twice about delving inside the devil's domain.

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Either he's confident that he'll make it out alive after completing whatever mission he has, or he's downright stupid.

Although, there's a thin line between the difference of the two.

But if it's against all odds, that he did managed to escape death's grasp, Lillie can say with all confidence that he will not leave unscathed.

There isn't even a trace of hesitation, or at least an abrupt halt to ponder the abnormalities of his surroundings.

Zooming past the guards stationed by the entrance without looking back, the fox-masked intruder was now labelled an anomaly on Lillie's book.

By now, everyone of her subordinates inside the headquarters were already informed of the intruder.

Adhering to their boss' rather odd command—that White Crow conveyed to them through their earpiece—these subordinates deliberately changed their route to avoid stumbling across the intruder.

But if they did met him somehow, they were ordered to not engage with him as much as possible. Fortunately, the intruder wasn't interested in exchanging blows.

He blatantly sprinted pass her subordinates, as if he knew that they wouldn't attack him.

Not surprising, he's bound to figure it out sooner. And he would be a fool if he didn't use it to his advantage.

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Receiving the order, the Elder and commander of the Assassination Division, Song Mokun, or known in the Underworld as Silent Death, immediately followed after the intruder.

Unbeknownst to the intruder, a shadow was already trailing not far from him as soon as he entered, engulfed by darkness.

20 minutes has passed, and the intruder doesn't seem to know where he's going.

The fox-masked intruder skidded into a halt as he finds himself on the center of yet another intersecting hallways.

Truthfully speaking, it was amusing to watch him look all confused and lost. The headquarters' layout was intentionally build intricately for the purpose of dragging any potential intruders' feet from reaching their intended destination.

Without proper guidance or a good memory of the labyrinth-like headquarters' ins and outs, you'll only be running around in circles until the patrol finds and catches you.

This little rodent didn't seem to think this through well enough.

However, luckily for him, Lillie graced him a bit of benevolence. She held his pursuer on standby, allowing him freedom to roam around to his heart's content, but only for a limited time.

Where are you heading, little rodent?

"He's really annoying." Lillie grumbled as another surveillance camera was destroyed by a flying dagger from the mysterious fox-masked intruder.

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That's already the 229th camera that he indiscriminately destroyed...and still counting.

He's been opening and closing doors all throughout, searching for whatever it was he's looking for, but to no avail. After seeing that there was nothing for him there, he went on to look for the stairs again.

He couldn't access the elevators as he would need an identification card for it. He could've easily snatched one earlier, but it slipped his mind due to adrenaline clouding his sense of rationality, and too occupied of his mission.

Sighing, Lillie pinched the bridge of her nose, thinking how much collateral damage would cost them this time.

Although it wasn't as extensive as the ones before, damages are still damages, and they're costly.

Yes, she's incredibly wealthy. You would naturally assume that a powerful and insanely rich woman like her wouldn't be dismayed when it comes to spending large sum of money. Oh, how naive you are to think so.

She may not look like it, but Lillie hates wasting money.

Beside her, Ethan lightly snorted in amusement, but still stroked Lillie's shoulder in consolation.

"Ouch." He uttered monotonously when she pinched his side.

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"It's not funny." Lillie shook her wrist after she pinched Ethan's stone-hard body, muttering indignantly that she didn't even managed to poke a nerve ending to make him say 'ouch'.

"Sorry." He kissed her hand apologetically.

"Hmph." Whoa, where's this sudden grumpiness coming from? Even Lillie was surprised.

Ethan didn't delve deep into it and just peppered his wife with kisses to make her forgive him.

What was he being apologetic about again?

Neither Lillie knows the answer, but she continue pretending to be upset.

What? He's not the only one who enjoys receiving kisses. She's been spoiling him for quite a while now, it's his turn.

It slipped Lillie's mind momentarily about the fact that Ethan never did stopped doting and pampering her.

The TV turned static again, and Lillie let out another disgruntled sigh.

"Silent Death, where is he now?" Lillie connected to Song Mokun's earpiece.

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[He's at the 37th floor, boss. And it appears he's starting to feel miffed...]

37th floor? Wait. That's where they're at.

[I know what—who he's after now, boss. He's talking to himself. Asking where you could possibly be hiding.]

So this whole time...he's been looking for her after all?

"White Crow told us that they're looking for Silver Dragon and I already. But the question is, why would he do it alone?" Lillie pondered. "Also, how did they know that I would be here today?"

His group were still fighting outside, their numbers already decreasing. Several had made an escape to preserve their lives, while a few brave souls persisted but were unfortunately caught by her subordinates.

[Boss, he's in front of your office.]

Finally knowing his motive, Lillie didn't find any more reason to continue this game of cat and mouse.

"Silent Death, apprehend him."

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