Standing in front of the mahogany double doors, the fox-masked intruder hadn't even made contact with the door handles yet when he felt the hairs behind his neck rise, his instincts screaming for his to move out.

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Barely missing the quick, silver sheen onslaught that successfully sliced a few strands of his hair, the fox-masked intruder arched his upper body backwards and did a backflip to give himself a considerably wide space away from his attacker.

"You sensed me." The malignant force presented himself, occupying the point near where he stood once.

He brandished a Japanese sword, a katana, in the air; the place where his neck was suppose to be.

The fox-masked intruder didn't replied.

Donned in all black with a full-face mask, his attacker slowly faced him in a lazy manner. He tilted his head at him like curious cat, nonchalantly tapping the dull side of his katana on his shoulder.

This man before him was in a completely different league compare to the others he encountered.

"I won't let that happen again." And with that, his attacker disappeared from his line of sight.

Quickly, he turned his head at every direction in search for his attacker's shadow, feeling the air for that familiar sense of death.

Nothing. Now that's bad news.

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Guess his loitering time was up. White Bird was done toying with him, so she send in one of her best arsenal.

No, he's not aware that he's currently facing an Elder, but he assumed he's facing someone at least of higher rank.

What an honor, he thought. He would've been terribly disappointed with White Bird if she send out a half-assed stooge.

He didn't purposely show off just to be underestimated.

Welp, guess this is the end of the tunnel for him. Certainly, it's his loss. But he wouldn't give up without a fight to whoever this dude was.

Sigh. For sure, he'll be late for school because of this. That d*mn woman will be getting an earful from him if he manages to crawl out alive.

He could only hope that the rumors about White Bird was true.

"Who are you, and what business do you have with us?"

Everything was a blur.

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He knew from the beginning of meeting his attacker, that it wouldn't take long before he's caught. Tied up and forced on his knees.

A katana on his throat—threatening to separate his head from his body if he did anything suspicious. And if that wasn't already enough of a precaution, then there's this other guy pointing a gun on his head.

D*mn, White Bird have some really overprotective and overly cautious bunch.

Admittedly though, this was rather flattering. These guys must've seen him as a big threat.

He's now inside the room that he was about to enter initially. So, this is what the infamous boss of the White Bird Organization's office looks like.

Great taste with the interior design, he must say.

But never mind about the cool, mafia-ly interior. Let's focus on the elephant in the room, shall we? White Bird is front of him.

Settled on her swiveled chair behind an ebony desk. She emits an indifferent and reserved demeanor, reminiscent of that a tyrannical monarch who's about to watch yet another execution—something that doesn't pique her interest anymore because she seen it happen frequently.

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The only thing missing in this picture was a cat, and boom; godfather.

"That blade won't sink through your neck unless you answer my question." Lillie's scarlet irises glared at the intruder's boring brown pair. He's wearing contacts, she could tell, but wouldn't dwell onto it.

Inconspicuously shuddering at her cold and unnerving voice, the man answered to her demands.

"I go by the name Daunting Spirit." The intruder, Daunting Spirit, began as he didn't back down from the staring contest with the big boss. "As for our business, I recall that we already made it clear; we're looking for you and the one named Silver Dragon."

"Care to elaborate on that? Although, you don't have much of a choice, considering the situation you're in."

Yeah, no sh*t, Sherlock. Does it kill you to not remind him?

"I suggest you start talking. I don't have the time nor patience to wait for you."

Grumbling under his breath at the distinct apathy and mockery in her tone, Daunting Spirit reluctantly obliged.

"Wait," White Bird's hand rose, beckoning him to stop before he could utter a word. "Before you start with your presentation, how about we remove that hindrance on your face first."

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Daunting Spirit wasn't fazed. He had expected this to happen.

"After all, it's not a good impression during a presentation."

Daunting Spirt felt the cold blade withdraw from his throat. His captor bending down a bit to peel off his mask.

With his face now bare for everyone to see, White Bird hummed and said. "Well then, you may begin."

He would answer her questions readily at first. But she just have to get on his nerves. She annoyed him, so he's grumpy.

"I, co-leader of the Thrilled Phantom, am representing my group. Those people outside are of no connection to us."

His statement had Lillie's eyebrow raised in bewilderment.

She had never heard of his group. Thrilled Phantom, was it?

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