Nobody moved even after Lillie released the signal.

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Ethan's muscles were tense, the air suddenly thickens that made it hard for him to calm his nerves.

This never happened before. Nothing had made him feel so unsettled, not even when he and his group had their first ever clash with a random gang who had years of experience in the Underworld than them.

What he felt back then was thrill; adrenaline pumping through his system. He was like a hyperactive five year old who accidentally drank coffee and was bouncing around the house in the middle of the night making his parents lose their minds.

But at this moment? He feels like he was trapped in a box, buried six feet underground with snakes binding and suffocating him.

This was probably what Lillie meant when she said, "We were taught by the master to hide our bloodlust, but also how to intensify it to the point that our opponents' drop on their knees even before the fight starts."

Grandmaster Wei was demonstrating how far his bloodlust can affect him, telling him how easy it was for him to strike while he's being affected by it.

Infuriating old man.

However, his dear wife and her menace of a Senior Brother gave him a taste of their bloodlust simultaneously for him to somehow grasp and handle the Grandmaster's.

"Don't let your sight off of him for a single second." His wife's warning resurfaced in his mind. "He will attack first."

True to her words, Grandmaster Wei soundlessly advanced in front him in a blink of an eye.

He didn't let Ethan compose himself from shock before he swung one hand forward like quicksilver, intending to jab his diaphragm.

Ethan barely managed to jump off at a good distance. He observed Grandmaster Wei's stance and couldn't help but think he's being underestimated.

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"Quick to your feet, I see."

One hand was kept on his back, while the other was in front of his chest in open palm, as if mocking him, saying "come and attack me if you can."

It was a common tactic; provoking one's opponent and make them attack in impulsive rage.

But years of brawling with hoodlums who knew nothing better than to taunt and poke their opponent's ego, Ethan learned quick to not let it best him.

Taking a deep breath, Ethan made his first move of assault. He rushed towards Grandmaster Wei and returned his attack by striking his shoulder with his leg.

As expected, Grandmaster Wei deflected his every hits effortlessly.

Ethan knew he wouldn't win if he's fighting purely out of strength. He needs to think of a strategy.

Firstly, he'll use Grandmaster Wei's old age to his advantage, going around in circles to tire him out.

"I see what you're doing, boy, and I must disappoint you by saying you will never tire me out."

"Everyone has their limits, master." Ethan said. "And you're not excluded."

Grandmaster Wei grinned in amusement. "Is that so? Well then, be my guest."

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Ten minutes into the match, and Ethan successfully landed one hit; a deep scratch on Grandmaster Wei's cheek.

"Don't be so confident in yourself yet, boy. This single scratch is nothing compare to the bruises you obtained."

"A mere scratch it may be," It was Ethan's turn to grin. "But it's proof that you're not untouchable."

"Irksome brat." Grandmaster Wei grumbled, but mirth continues to tinge his face.

Ethan staggered after another blow, he can feel the skin where the hit landed gradually swell; the blood vessels bursts, coloring the skin black and blue.

Those old bones are definitely tough and stubborn.

Lillie inconspicuously winced at every harsh hit Ethan receives. She and her Senior Brother never won a match against the master even if they join forces.

They may have cornered him at some point, but it wasn't enough to hold him down.

There were times when they thought they won, only to realize in the end that the master was holding back and purposely let them win; and that doesn't count as winning.

It's only been 20 minutes and Ethan was looking like he's ready to throw the towel.

" far, you're acceptable. But I can see that your style has recently been changed. I presume your former style was more brute and rigid. Thus, the fluidity of your movements seem to be new that your body is still adjusting to it."


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"Precisely as master said." Ethan grunted when he dodged another swift but deadly strike.

"Lillie trained you, didn't she? Smart girl." A devious grin crept up on Grandmaster Wei's face, his eyes gleaming.

"But I'm afraid you are still too inexperienced to land another lucky strike on me." Grandmaster Wei disappeared from Ethan's line of sight.

"Brace yourself, my boy!"

And before he knows it, his world turned upside down. His body was raised in the air and roughly fell on the hard floor.

The breath Ethan didn't realized he held was forcefully knocked out his lungs because of the impact.

Dark spots obstructed his vision momentarily, his mind slowly registered what just happened.

He blinked in confusion at the ceiling.

Deja vu was knocking on his door.

This was the exact attack Lillie executed for him to lose his balance, but it was more intense than hers. Pain jolted on right shoulder after it cushion his fall.

His shin might also been broken from that strike.

"My win, unsurprisingly." Grandmaster Wei didn't hide his prideful visage as he helped Ethan up.

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Stifled groan rumbled from Ethan's throat as the pain snapped him out of his reverie.

"I thank master for making me see where I lack." He managed to bow without collapsing.

Lillie was not surprised by the outcome. She knew Ethan didn't stand a chance against the master.

Death guffawed, making sure it's boisterous enough to poke a hole in Ethan's ego.

He knew it was successful when Ethan's shoe flew in his way.

"Hmm, since I'm feeling rather magnanimous today," Grandmaster Wei thoughtfully caressed his long beard. "I give you my consent to your demand."

Elated and relieved, as if the pain he attained magically disappeared at Grandmaster Wei's declaration. Ethan bowed again in genuine gratitude and thanked him several times.

"By the way, it looks like my first disciple is in such a good mood today too."

Death stopped laughing.

"How about he come here and show us the correct way to deflect my attacks?"

Death flinched, instantly shutting up.

"Well? Come here, boy! Have a spar with your master!"

"Master, I was wrong," Death kowtowed. "Please forgive me just this once!"

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