After figuring where the couple are heading, the woman took it upon herself to lead them to it for convenience's sake—and also because her daughter fervently insisted after deeming this couple as her new big brother and sister.

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"Excuse me if I might sound intruding, but I couldn't just help but feel like I've seen your faces before."

"Maybe they're celebrities too, momma!" Her little girl suggested. "We have a lot of celebrities here. Some are a meanie, but there's also some who are really kind."

"Sorry to disappoint, little one, but my husband and I are just entrepreneurs." Technically, Lillie wasn't lying. 


"Business people, darling." Her mother helped.


Arriving in front of the doctor's unit, the mother and child waved goodbye to their new friends. "It was very lovely to meet you two, even if it was only for a short while."

"Bye-bye, big sister, big brother! If you're going to visit Doctor Haohao again, come visit us too. There's our room." The little girl pointed at the other door situated at the farther end of the hallway.

"We'll hold you to that, then." The couple waved goodbye at the mother and child until they disappeared into their room.

Lillie and Ethan didn't gave their names to the mother and child, but so did they.

Nevertheless, it is for the best. The less people who knew where they are, the better. Lillie's pregnancy must be kept a secret just until they're certain everything is smoothed out.

Pressing the doorbell, it didn't take long before the door opened and Song Zhihao greeting them with a serious expression.

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"Please come in." He opened the door further. Closing the door behind him after they walked in, Song Zhihao lead the couple to the living room.

He offered the two apple juice and pastries he got from a really popular bakery nearby.

"To start, I apologize for nearly endangering yours and your baby's lives, Miss Bai." Plopping down on the armchair across them with tired huff, Song Zhihao apologized to Lillie, bowing his head.

"Something like this is not easily forgiven, Doctor Song, I hope you understand why I'm being stubborn." Lillie rested her hands on her knee, her legs crossed out of mannerism, schooling her usual domineering character.

The gentleness she wore while speaking to the little girl and her mother was completely wiped off.

"No, no, please," Song Zhihao's eyes widen in surprise and shook his hands wildly. "I understand completely. Miss Bai has every rights to be upset. I would never hold it against you if you choose not to forgive me."

Song Zhihao reminded himself who he is dealing with. He couldn't afford to let his guard down or mess up around Lillie Bai even if she is his good friend's fiancee.

Albeit, he doubts Ethan could do anything to stop her from skinning him alive. He might even join her, the whipped b*stard.

A She-Devil, he reminds himself.

This is what Lillie Bai is known for. A cold, merciless, and tyrannical woman who wouldn't hesitate to end you if you've done something unforgivable to her and everyone who she holds dear.

And he, Song Zhihao, just happens to do both—even if it wasn't completely his fault.

So, imagine his relief and astonishment to find his head still attached onto his neck, especially since he's in one room with the devils themselves.

Song Zhihao thinks he's the only one who came out alive after seeing the rage in the She-Devil's eyes. Twice. The first would be when Ethan was hospitalized due to an old injury that he kept secret.

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"Apart from apologizing, you mentioned that you have someone you wanted us to meet." Ethan recalled. "Get on to the point, Zhihao. What are we really here for?"

Impatient as ever, his good friend is. Song Zhihao thought with a mix of fondness and helplessness.

"There's a reason why Miss Bai's results didn't turn out the way it should be." Standing up, Song Zhihao beckoned the two to follow him.

"I'm not asking for an excuse by showing you this." Stopping in front of a large decor on the wall, Song Zhihao ran his hand over it until he found what he was looking for.

There was a soft beep, and then the wall opened.

A secret room, huh.

Walking inside the dark room, Song Zhihao flicked the lights on and the couple were greeted by a very interesting sight.

"Ngh." The person tied at a corner grunted as a. . .somewhat form of greeting.



"Zhihao. . .I never knew you were this type of person."

"What the hell, man?!"

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The secret room was an empty, but surprisingly clean, bas.e.m.e.nt of sort.

Seems like the kind psychotic murderers use to hide and, later on, butcher their victims.

Though, they're not judging him—that's hypocrisy. Besides, Ethan was just teasing him.

"I was planning to make this room my office library! Not whatever your f*cked up mind is thinking!"

"Then what is this tied up and gagged man doing in this. . .future office library of yours?"

"The real question here is how he managed to sneak him in." Lillie added. To say the least, she was impressed.

Said tied up and gagged man looked at them with a feral glare, most particularly at the doctor who apprehended him and brought him in this place.

He immediately recognized who his captor had brought, since the woman had been his assignment. 

Lillie Bai. 

He's been following her around for weeks, but he'd only seen her for a couple of times because she's incredibly slippery—it's like she knows that someone like him is after her that's why she's being extra careful. 

Just as when he thought he had locked her location, Lillie Bai would suddenly disappear out of his radar.

But that one particular day, he recognized Ethan Li's car then immediately proceeded to trail after them to the hospital.

He easily slipped pass the securities and maneuvered his way in without looking suspicious. An expert like him could manipulate his presence to the point that he would seem invisible in people's eyes.

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He lingered near the room where Lillie Bai and Ethan Li entered. When he saw the doctor come out, he treaded after him towards a laboratory. 

What he discovered was sensational. This information he acquired would definitely cost a large sum, and his employer is bound to pay more than the initial agreement. 

However, no one f*cking warned him that there was a f*cking expert in the hospital. After he's done his purpose at the hospital, he was just about to leave peacefully with the real test results inside his coat when this f*cking doctor hailed him.

When Song Zhihao realized he was an intruder with bad intentions, he proceeded to chase him. And likely, there's a fight that happened. 

Humiliating as it is for the intruder, he lost to this not-so-ordinary doctor. But luckily—or unluckily?—no one was around with them, so their fight was only caught by the surveillance cameras—which Song Zhihao easily took care of, along with the guard who was watching the whole thing. 

Song Zhihao didn't maimed the poor guard, rest assured. He simply asked him to zip his mouth. 

After that, he knocked the intruder down and brought him here, to his condo. He couldn't hide him inside the hospital, his uncle wouldn't like it. 

Whoever this doctor was, he was infuriatingly cautious. The intruder begrudgingly thought to himself. 

He rid all of his belongings, removed the suicide pill on his teeth—how did he know that was there? Is he a Demon too?—then proceeded to bind him with very thick ropes until rendered immobile.

All the while he was unconscious. He clearly knows exactly which pressure point to hit for him to take so long to regain consciousness. 

He also couldn't wiggle out to scratch himself!

That's torture!

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