It was exactly 12:00 midnight when Song Zhihao's doorbell let out a loud chime, signaling the anticipated arrival of visitors that came to retrieve the captive inside his 'future office library'.

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Switching his TV off and standing from the comfort of his couch, he walked towards the door to receive his guests.

In his head, he imagined them to be the typical mafia-looking men in black that magically make themselves appear and disappear in places without a trace.

However, he was proven wrong as he absolutely didn't anticipated what came next. 

Weren't...weren't these people Imperial Jade's employees? Clearly, because he recognize all of them.

"Can I help you?" He asked in puzzlement. What are they here for at this time?

"Sorry for disturbing you at this hour, Mr. Song." One of the employees greeted him with a polite smile. "But we're here to deliver your parcel."

"Parcel? What parcel?" He cranked his neck to the side, and indeed, there was a large package sitting on a trolley behind the men. "I don't recall ordering something. Are you sure it's mine?"

Smiling rather mysteriously, the employee nodded and hinted, "It's from Miss Bai."

Eyes widening slightly in realization, Song Zhihao played it off, saying, "Oh, right! Sorry, it must've slipped my mind."

He opened the door completely to let the men in with the large package—now that he think about it, it could fit in a whole a*s a.d.u.l.t.

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Entering his unit, free from potential prying ears and eyes, the men proceeded to get straight to the point and ask where the captive was, and Song Zhihao led them in his future office library—oh what the heck.

Fine, he'll call it a bas.e.m.e.nt just because calling it his future-office-library is a mouthful.

Observing one of the condominium's employees carrying the unconscious captive—courtesy of Song Zhihao—without any signs of difficulty, the doctor couldn't help but be curious.

How did Lillie Bai bought these guys to do her bidding? Are these people really normal civilians who were tempted by money? If so, aren't they afraid of being caught by authorities?

But, impressively, look at these guys go. There's not a hint of anxiousness nor fear in their faces and body language. It's almost as if...they're used to it.

"You're not really this condo's employees, are you?" 

"We're not here to answer queries, Mr. Song." The employee carrying the unconscious captive shot him a close-eyed, dark smile that gives off the vibe of an evil anime character when they're hiding something.

Song Zhihao wisely listened and stopped probing. He reminded himself that he's no longer a Demon—he left that part of him for years now—and that he should stay away and not associate himself with people from the Underworld as much as possible.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Song, we'll be taking our leave now." The employees tipped their caps and turned to see their way out as one pushes the trolley with the large package that contained their captive's body.

"It's best if we don't speak of this again, Mr. Song." But before they exit his unit, the man that warned him before halted.

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Facing Song Zhihao, the employee sends him another one of that enigmatic smile. "Tomorrow onwards, not a single word of this encounter is spoken between us, okay?"

Puzzled by his odd statement, Song Zhihao slowly nodded in compliance without any protest.

Satisfied of his answer, the employee nod at him one last time before he and his co-workers left.

Song Zhihao closed his door, his mind filled with questions. The silence of his unit didn't helped in shaking off the eeriness that clung onto his bones since those weird employees arrived.

The ambiance they radiated wasn't what it used to be. Whoever those are, they're not the same people who he came to acquaint with during his years of residing in this building.

Nevertheless, he shouldn't dwell too much of this matter. Their employer in Lillie Bai, and that's enough of a reassurance that they're not foes.

In the underground parking lot of Imperial Jade Condominium. 

"We're done here, let's go." Securing that the truck's door is closed and locked, the three employees who retrieved the captive jumped in the vehicle then drove off.

"So that's your cousin." Unobstructing their faces from the masks, the three employees' identities were revealed to be none other than three of White Bird Elders; Cyra, Cyrus, and Song Mokun.

"No offense, but I was this close in punching your cousin before," Cyrus said, pinching the air to show what he meant. "Fortunately for him, there was a valid reason for his incompetence."

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Cyrus was actually the 'employee' whose smile Song Zhihao described as creepy. The reason why Cyrus acted that way was because there's still a bit of contempt against him that was left in his system.

"Too bad we don't get to beat up the real perpetrator though." Cyra clicked her tongue in annoyance, glaring at nothing in particular up ahead the road. "I would've relished to rearrange his face. But boss was adamant of having solely his memories altered."

"None taken." Song Mokun replied to Cyrus' remark as he drove the truck en route for the HQ. "I was also this close in slicing his head off."

Song Mokun copied what Cyrus did with his fingers, but the only difference was that there's no space between his index finger and thumb.

"Oh, pff—sorry, man, I thought you were joking. Then I remember you don't

have a sense of humor. So dang, that's brutal."

"I was joking."

"You were?!"

Earlier, after safely escorting the intruder out, Song Mokun came back inside the headquarters to continue his tasks, only to be pulled inside a room and got confronted by the twins about his cousin, Song Zhihao's, carelessness.

For the duration of the twins' rant, he stood there, frozen from shock. Who would be calm after finding out that their precious boss is pregnant? And that she and her baby's lives were nearly put in danger because of their cousin?

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He nearly stormed off to seek his cousin in the hospital to beat him up. Slicing his head off did crossed his mind, but he wouldn't do it unless the misdiagnosis was done on purpose. 

The twins were rational enough to stop him, reasoning him that it's best if they wait for the boss' orders than acting out on their own. Soon enough, the boss did, and it came with an explanation of the whole matter.

So it wasn't his cousin's fault, thank goodness. Song Mokun is not that thrilled in spilling the blood of his relatives. 

Prohibited to lash their anger out on the man inside the package, the three could only silently curse and think of something to do to release the steam off their heads.

"Wanna take out some fools after we deliver this package to the HQ?" Cyra prompted.

"I'm down."


"It's settled then!"

Let's see...which unfortunate souls should be at the receiving end of their pent up wrath?

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