"Mr. Wei, what do I owe the displeasure?" As the doors of her office burst open, Lillie still didn't retract her eyes from the doc.u.ments she was reading. 

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"Displeasure? You wound me, Thea." Wei Fang sighed dramatically. "Is my presence bothering you that much?" 

"Considering that you've trespassed my company without further notice then bothered my father with your tantrum after being refused," She finally lifted her eyes and shot him an unamused look. "You still dare to ask and act confused?" 

About an hour ago, the receptionist notified her of Wei Fang's unexpected arrival, telling her that said man wished to speak with her. 

Slapping him with a hard "no", Wei Fang stubbornly stay put even when the security was trying to escort him out as politely as they could. 

But somehow, Wei Fang managed to glue himself in the lobby. The employees were a bit intimidated by his status. Of course, they know who he was and his connection with the Empire. 

He declared to her employees that he wouldn't leave the building until either Lillie comes down to see him or he goes up to see her. 

Wei Fang stood there like a sore thumb, determined to wait until Lillie yields and let him see her. 

However, he failed to measure how far her stubbornness goes. Finally acknowledging that there's nothing he could do to budge her, he called her father instead. 

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Poor Father Bai had enough of the two's hostility—mostly Lillie's—against each other. 

They used to be such close friends. It's been years ever since the two had a proper conversation regarding their issues, so he thought it's time for them to try to mend their broken friendship. 

Furthermore, the Wei and Bai family's respective companies are in a temporary partnership. Whether Lillie likes it or not, she's bound to interact with Wei Fang more than usual to discuss the flow of their business. 

So for Lillie's sake, Father Bai asked her to talk things out with Wei Fang and hear him out. He's not asking her to forgive him, no. 

Frankly, Father Bai is still upset with what Wei Fang did to his precious daughter all those years ago until today. He doesn't give a single f.u.c.k if Wei Fang was young and naive at that time. Anyone who wronged his daughter is immediately write down in his hit list. 

He hurt his daughter emotionally, broke her trust, and betrayed her. But since they're a.d.u.l.ts now, he trusts his daughter to handle and fix her issues on her own accordingly to her method, and that Wei Fang is mature and old enough to admit his faults. 

"I'm a busy woman, Mr. Wei, I don't have time for you at the moment." Lillie returned her gaze on the paper and waved her hand at him in dismissal, shooing him like swatting an annoying fly. 

Frowning, the smile on Wei Fang's lips disappeared at the evident indifference from the cold, silver-haired beauty. "Won't you hear me out first? I'm sure you have a lot of questions for me, Thea." 

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"None of the sort, Mr. Wei. You saw me and received my answers, now leave." Lillie nonchalantly shifted the doc.u.ments to the next page. 

"You're not even a bit curious about why I know something that only a few people know?" Wei Fang challenged. Slowly, he approached Lillie's desk. 

"I know your mind is restless, Thea. I would answer whatever questions you have for me. I also would like to talk about what happened to us in the past. Tonight, over dinner, please. After that, I'll stop bothering you about personal affairs." Wei Fang pleaded, his eyes downcast. 

"I just want to make things right. I want to fix my mistakes. Please, allow me this chance, Thea. I want to mend our relationship." 

"For the last time, I have no questions for you. And this relationship you speak of, there's nothing for you to mend, Mr. Wei." Lillie pushed her swiveled chair and stood up. "I suggest that you forget the past. I did the same and it no longer bothers me as you can see."

Lillie's heels clicked noisily on the floor as she started to make her way out of the door, brushing past Wei Fang without meeting his gaze. 

"Thea, wait." But before Lillie could open the door, her body was hauled towards a hard chest and caged by a pair of strong arms. "Please, please, hear me out." 

"Mr. Wei, let me go." Flames of rage burst in Lillie's cold blue eyes, her voice dripped with venom as she growled at the shameless man. "Your behavior is absolutely intolerable." 

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Her patience was running thin, and Lillie was ready to throw this man out the window. Her arms were trapped at her side, and this man's strength was certainly something. 

"Please hear me out, Thea."

"I have no intention of humoring you, Mr. Wei. So for the umpteenth time, let me go, or else I will stop being polite." 

She could easily break free if wants to, so he should be grateful that she's holding back, or else things wouldn't look pretty. 

However, the main reason is the fact that Wei Fang is a Demon. Lillie doesn't want to show a hint of her real strength to avoid his further suspicion. 

"No, not until you agree to hear me out." His hug tightened and it made Lillie worry that it might squish the life growing inside her belly. "Please, Thea. I promise I won't bother you ever again." 

Disgust was all she felt when Wei Fang's hot breath reached her ears. Her skin tingled uncomfortably as his arms wrapped around her body. 

Sighing, she relented. "Fine. Now let go of me." 

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Instantly, Wei Fang drew back and looked at her with a bright smile that reached his eyes on his face. "Really? You will? No take-backs?" 

Lillie restrained the urge to roll her eyes at his childishness. 

"I will not repeat myself.��� She muttered, avoiding his glittering eyes and reeling away from the proximity of his face. "Let go of me or I'll change my mind."

The aggravating man-child conceded and finally let her go, but it came with an exchange; her agreement to his intent. 

"Be there at eight. If you're even a few seconds late, everything will be voided, understand?"

"I'll be an hour early. Know that I won't let this chance slip my fingers, Thea." He smiled boyishly. 

Tsk. I hope it slips out of your grasp. 

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