"Big sis?!"

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"Elder bro?!"

If it was possible, Gabriel and Li Yifei's jaws would've dropped on the floor with eyes popping out of their skulls.

"You—you're White Bird? This whole time?!" Gabriel exclaimed in disbelief.

"So cool!"

When Li Yifei noticed everyone's eyes were on her, she quickly corrected, "I mean, oh no..." She waved her hands dramatically.

Ethan sighed, already used to his younger sister's antics.

"Elder brother is Silver Dragon, huh. Now that explains everything clearly." Li Yifei said, removing her mask. "Though, I'm actually not that surprised. I had my suspicions before." She admitted, casually shrugging.

Don't get her wrong, her heart was still beating rapidly from a mixed feeling of fright and excitement.

When she was younger, and her elder brother was a fervent teenager with a knack for attracting trouble like a magnet, she had caught him sneaking out at night when he thought everyone was asleep.

One time, she even stayed up all night just to sate her curiosity about where he was running off to. Her initial assumption was that he was hiding a girlfriend and was on his way to have a pleasant date under the moonlight.

As the sole young miss of the Li family, she's always doted on and pampered by the males in her family. She was particularly very fond of her big brother and would cling to him most of the time.

She was just a little kid, and the thought of losing her big brother to a girlfriend who might be leeching onto his good looks and family name—kids have wild imaginations, can't blame them—greatly upsets her.

So when she caught him sneaking back home, she wasn't certain if she was relieved or horrified—probably both—at his state. Her beloved elder brother's handsome face was marred with bruises and scratches.

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Although it did nothing to ruin his charm—as the matter of fact, it added points to his bad-boy appeal—Li Yifei was still worried because he was hurt.

She didn't disclose it to her parents, not wanting to pry on her elder brother's business. Eventually, she had grown tired and bored of observing him. The late-night watches weren't worth it for a growing kid who needs sleep.

In Gabriel's case, he didn't share his girlfriend's laidback reaction. His big sister had always seemed like the type of person who wouldn't associate themselves with criminals—especially when she has such a good relationship with the country's major general, Tang Hejiu; hence, the government to that extent.

He loves his elder sister and idolizes her very much. But he doesn't see her much often as he should when she was living with him and their parents.

Gabriel was aware of the horrifying incident that befell his elder sister, so he understood why she needed to go away often; it was to train at Soaring Dragon.

That's why he didn't question anything.

But little does he know, she was already forming her organization and making a name for herself in the Underworld.

She wasn't only associated with criminals, she's one herself! The biggest and most influential of them all!

"...our siblings are staying for the night, lead them to the guest rooms."

"Yes, miss Bai." The servants bowed.

Gabriel snapped out of his trance when he realized they were already out of the car and inside the villa.

Lillie and Ethan turned to their wayward younger siblings. "As Ethan said, we'll scold you two in the morning, so get some rest."

'You'll need it', was left unsaid, but is heavily hanging in the air.

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That...sounded ominous.

Gabriel and Li Yifei watch their elder siblings walk up the stairs and disappear behind the wall to retire for the night.


In the morning, Lillie woke up feeling well-rested despite last night's unexpected turn of events that left her both mentally and physically exhausted. She fell asleep almost instantly the moment her body hits the soft mattress.

Although her mind was already awake, her body isn't. Her eyelids still felt heavy, stubbornly refusing to open and welcome another day. What made it more difficult was Ethan cocooning her body and radiating warmth, soaking her to the bones.

She can feel his chest rising and falling in a calm, consistent pattern. One arm was wrapped around her shoulders under her, acting like a pillow, and the other was resting over her h.i.p.s.

Even in his sleep, Ethan's protective instinct was remarkable. He keeps on a secured hold onto her, not hugging her too tightly as to harm their baby.

After a few minutes, Lillie finally mustered up the strength to lift her eyelids open. She frowned, displeased that her body decided to announce that her bladder is full.

Sighing, she carefully peeled herself off the comfort of Ethan's embrace. She slipped away easily, which indicated that Ethan must also be consciously awake, and thus, softened his hold onto her so she could go.

"...morning." Her assumptions were proven to be correct as Ethan sleepily mumbled, eyes still closed. His deep and husky voice rippled through his throat.

Lillie shamelessly admitted in her mind that she just wanted to listen to it all day. 

"Good morning." Lillie softly greeted back. Leaning sideways, she planted a chaste kiss on his temple.

Ethan's expression visibly softened as a content smile stretched his lips. He opened his eyes and stared at the goddess who bestowed him a gentle kiss.

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Lillie couldn't help but giggle at the drunk-like look he's making. "Those two are probably awake now." She flung her legs on the edge of the bed and stood up.

"I doubt they'll sleep peacefully after everything that happened last night." Ethan sat up and yawned, stretching his arms above him. He groaned in satisfaction when he heard the pleasant pop of his stiff bones.

Blinking off the drowsiness in his eyes, he squinted at the digital clock on the nightstand.

It read 6:03 am.

Standing up, he made his way towards the bathroom—right after when Lillie just went in—to freshen up.

What? They're living under one roof, slept in one bed, and are already expecting a baby soon. Going in the bathroom together is not weird.


Now that they're fresh as lettuce, Lillie and Ethan went down and headed towards the dining area to have breakfast.

Nearing their destination, Lillie caught the strong smell of freshly brewed coffee wafting in the air. Displeased, her eyebrows creased into a frown.

Fortunately, it wasn't overwhelming enough to make her hurl.


She wasn't in her first trimester yet, and Lillie already dreads every pregnant women's nightmare.

Morning sickness.

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Ever the observant, Ethan noticed her discomfort straight away.

"Are you feeling unwell?" He asked, lightly squeezing her hand in concern.

"Ah, nothing serious. It's just that the coffee..." Lillie didn't need to explain further.

Ethan nodded, understanding his wife's situation. "I'll have coffee banned in the house from now on."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #!_%!d(string=11957027006657805)/chapter-379-get-some-rest-you%E2%80%99ll-need-it_%!d(string=51037642996902089) for visiting.

"I can bear it still." Lillie insisted. "It's okay if I don't smell it, so don't be excessive in banning it. Besides, I don't think it would bother me the whole phase."

She reasoned that banning coffee completely would dishearten a lot of people in the house.

Nearly everyone in Tranquil Villa loves drinking coffee—especially the younger housekeepers and the securities. The elders like Butler Tian and Nanny Ying mostly prefer tea.

"Understandable," Ethan relented. "But once the coffee smell gets to you, tell me immediately."

"There's probably no need to. I'm sure it'll be pretty obvious." Lillie chuckled with a teasing smile.

"You still need to tell me everything that makes you uncomfortable." Ethan stubbornly said. "For all I know, my scent is making you nauseous."

"You're being silly. I'm sure that wouldn't happen in the long run."

Truth be told, she's getting more and more enticed by his scent as she progresses through pregnancy. For the lack of a better word, you could say she's grown addicted.

Ethan doesn't usually wear cologne, which was a relief. Lillie was also glad he doesn't style his hair with wax or gel. She loves running her fingers on his smooth hair without the icky sensation, thank you very much.

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