"Ah, good morning, you two." Lillie greeted their younger siblings who had their arms propped on the table with their heads lying on it, looking alarmingly lethargic.

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Two cups of untouched coffee were lying just in front of them.

Ethan's assumption earlier couldn't be any more on point. "What's wrong? It looks like you two didn't sleep a wink." He commented.

"How could you expect us to sleep after all of that?" Gabriel grumbled in annoyance. His lack of vigor didn't give his statement the intended bite.

"I didn't." Ethan curtly admitted.

"How could we scold you two when you're about to fall unconscious?"

"I vote that we should move the scolding session to a later date..." Li Yifei raised a hand while keeping her head down.

"Denied." Lillie firmly said, crossing her arms. "We are having this talk. However, rest assured that it won't take us long. You have classes to attend to."

The mention of school earned Lillie and Ethan matching disgruntled groans.

"We've heard and understood your reasons why you two did what you did. But as your elder siblings, we are not condoning your actions." Ethan pulled a seat for Lillie before taking his.

"We feel responsible for your decisions, Gabriel, Ah Fei. I hope you understand why we're being stern." Lillie clasped her hands on the table. Her expression was grim, yet her eyes were soft.

Gabriel and Li Yifei found the strength to push themselves up.

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Ashamed to meet their elder siblings' disappointed gaze, they cast their eyes down.

"I'll be lying if I said I wasn't upset."

Gabriel winced.

"I taught you how to fight so you can defend yourself," Lillie sighed, rubbing her temple. "Not the other way around. Do you have any idea how worried I was when I found out you were deliberately placing yourself in danger? I could've lost you, my only sibling. Mom and dad would grieve, they would blame themselves constantly, they would think that they've lacked as parents. And I would blame myself for not looking after you better, for not preventing you from stepping into this path. I failed as your elder sister."

Gabriel lowered his head further, shoulders hunched, and hands clenching onto the fabric of his borrowed sweatpants. Shame consumed him like a ship sinking into a monstrous whirlpool.

He acknowledges that he was at fault. Disappointing and upsetting his elder sister were something he despises.

His elder sister rarely gets upset with him. She was doting and lenient, always so accepting. That's why it was eating his conscience.

He wants to say that she didn't lack. He wants to shout that she was the best elder sister anyone could ask for.

"If I'm being honest, Gabriel, I would've forced you to leave that place if I found out much earlier." Lillie didn't felt sorry for being so harsh on her brother. "Considering my standing, I would've also dissolved your group for safety measures."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #!_11957027006657805/chapter-380-don%E2%80%99t-let-me-hunt-you-down-personally_51037639524014137 for visiting.

"Big sis!" Gabriel snapped his head up instinctively and exclaimed. His eyes widened, aghast by his elder sister's words.

Lillie smirked that she finally made her younger brother look at her. It took Gabriel a few seconds to realize her intention. He felt a blush crawl up his cheeks at his outburst, embarrassed for losing himself.

"But since you've already gotten so far, it's too late for me to have any reason to. I've seen what you're capable of, Gabriel. You're old enough to make your own decisions and know the dangers of the realm you've joined. That being said, I'm allowing you to continue."

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Relief washed over Gabriel's face and his racing heart slowly calmed down. Warmth spread across his chest, thankful for his elder sister's trust in him and for being understanding.

"Thank you, big sis." Gabriel softly said, the tension in his shoulders relaxes. "For years, I've wanted to tell you, but I was afraid. Guess that turned out to be the right course of action." He chuckled sheepishly.

"Brat," Lillie huffed, amus.e.m.e.nt swimming in her eyes.

The Bai's has settled their grievance, now the floor is open for the Li's to settle theirs.

"As for you, young missy," It was Ethan's turn to berate his younger sister. "Don't think for a second that I'll be as relenting and let you off that easily. Your reason isn't as sensible as Gabriel's."

Li Yifei gulped and shrunk under her elder brother's glare.


Concluding the scolding session, the heaviness in everyone's chests dispersed. Energies have been replenished after filling their empty stomachs with a delicious breakfast.

Gabriel and Li Yifei said their goodbyes and thank you's before they left. It was pretty obvious that they were reluctant to go back. Resuming another boring day after everything that happened last night was, frankly, underwhelming.

But looking at the bright side, they'll have time to gather themselves up and process everything properly.

In other words, they'll get their well-deserved rest with the help of their dear professors lulling them to sleep with their...enchanting lectures that are more effective than sleeping pills.

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While the younger siblings attended their classes, the elder ones carry on with the work at their respective companies.

Lillie was called into a meeting with the Empire's executive officers and even her father, the president.

She listened to the progress of the Empire and reports about a few minor setbacks that are bound to happen from time-to-time, while also inputting her comments and suggestions in between to help formulate a solution.

The chief financial officer discussed the budget they'll be spending on the upcoming big event, the annual Fenghua Fashion Week that her Fashion Queen mother will be displaying her autumn collection.

Needless to say, White Phoenix Empire is one of the biggest sponsors of the event. Her father is such a devoted husband, of course he'll be showing his exuberant support for his beloved wife.

Alexander Bai's affection for his wife is widely known. Even at their age, they still made many people's faces glow green with envy at their sturdy relationship.

And their only daughter wasn't that far behind with her relationship with Ethan Li.

" there anything you would like to further analyze, CEO Bai?" The CFO politely asked after finishing his report.

"What about the stock we're gaining from the collaborative business with Weishi Corporation?"

"The Empire is gaining generous profits, courtesy of CEO Wei."

"What do you mean?" Lillie's cold eyes narrowed.

Surprised of his CEO's hostile tone, the CFO flinched under her chilling glare. "O-on CEO Wei's insistence, instead of initial 50-50% of shares, he settled for it to be 70-30%, with us receiving the 70%."

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Lillie frowned. "And who authorized the agreement to his proposal? It certainly wasn't me. Dad, did you know this?" She turned to her father.

"I'm on the same page as you, daughter."

Cold sweat dripped down from the CFO's forehead. "It—it was the COO..."

"Why," Lillie demanded, shifting her glare on the chief operations officer.

"I apologize if I acted by myself without your consent, CEO Bai. I-I just thought it was a great offer. The Empire would benefit a lot than—"

"Yes, we would gain a lot, while the Weishi Corporation gains a meager amount." Lillie glared at the incompetent fool. "Isn't that enough to garner suspicion? Wouldn't that make you think that they're plotting something?"

The COO was trembling in his seat and didn't reply. He realized the gravity of his mistake.

Sighing exasperatedly, Lillie roamed her eyes at the quiet executives. "Who else knew about this?"

No one replied.

"Don't let me hunt you down personally. Because when I found you, the consequences will be much, much worst." Lillie's tone was filled to the brim with venom, highly signifying that her threat was anything but empty.

A few minutes later, shaking hands were raised.


"I'll take care of it."

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