"What is that man plotting now..." Lillie mused, drumming her fingers on the desk.

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"CEO Wei's action does insinuate an ulterior motive. No sane person would place themselves at disadvantage." Elliot remarked, reading the reports she handed him so he could share his thoughts with her.

He wasn't with her in the meeting earlier; busy administering the preparations for the upcoming event they'll be attending at Fenhua City.

"Unless he's a saint or the most generous man on earth,"

"Of which, is extremely doubtful." Lillie finishes. Looking at the time, she let out a lethargic sigh before pushing herself up.

"I've listed the executives who need to be fired. I trust that this issue will be dealt with immediately. More importantly, the extra shares we've 'graciously' received needs to be returned to their rightful owner by today." Sarcasm dripped from her tone.

"Yes, miss." Elliot took the file from Lillie. "I've cleared your schedule and prepared the private plane. All there's left to do is wait for the event itself. Additionally, Madam Bai informed me that she'd invited the Li family. Hence, insisted that they should fly with us."

Elliot's attention didn't drift away from her. He watched her saunter and stand in front of the mirror to neaten her attire.

"En, that does sound more convenient." She nodded as she scrutinizes her reflection.

If this were to happen before she and Ethan established their relationship, Lillie would've taken a separate plane. And to avoid being persuaded or guilt-tripped by her dear mother, she would wordlessly take the plane ahead of them.

All just so she doesn't have to stay in one place with Ethan for more than the necessary time.

But that kind of thing won't happen anymore. Now, all Lillie could think of is how she prevents being separated from Ethan for too long.

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Being pregnant became the biggest influence on her emotions, and consequently, her decisions. Sadly, their respective jobs were demanding.

They weren't afforded the luxury to waste their time with each other's presence as much as they want. Lillie will need to plan for a solution for this.

Hopefully, she doesn't annoy Ethan with her clinginess.

Unbeknown to her—or not that she realized it—Ethan has a deep liking to the idea of a Clingy-Lillie. It's what he hopes for, to be honest. Clingy-Lillie means Affectionate-Lillie, Cuddly-Lillie, and many more types of Lillie.

"That reminds me, how are the young master Gabriel and young miss Li? I reckon you revealed yourselves to them?"

"You would be correct. Ethan and I gave them a good scolding this morning."

"Poor souls." Elliot lamented, but the intended sentiment was lost when an amused smirk crossed his face. "Have they slept well?"

"Not at all." She mirrored his expression, mirth dancing in her eyes. Lillie was many things, and the typical older sister who loves messing with her younger brother is one of them.

A conclusion reached her mind. Lillie hummed and gave her reflection a final look before walking inside her office bedroom. After a few minutes, Elliot saw her come back donning a different outfit.

Regardless of the casual approach, her clothes still held a sophisticated decorum.

Ash-blonde hair styled into a low bun with some strands swept on both sides of her face. She wore a beige, round neck pullover sweater with lantern sleeves, tucked inside a plum, high-waisted square pants that reaches her ankles.

Her pumps from before were switched for a more comfortable Marc Fisher, stacked-heel bootie that matches the color of her top.

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For the finishing touch, she dr.a.p.ed a camel-tan coat over her shoulders.

"What do you think?"

"Exquisite," Elliot smiled softly. "As always."

Lillie lightly chuckled and shook her head. "Really? You're not just saying this because I'm your boss?"

"When was the time that I ever lied? Moreover, I've noticed that you're

looking more, dare I say, glowing." Seems like the little one is already taking good care of his or her mother. What a filial baby, ah.

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Lillie gave her secretary a curious look.

As if on cue, someone knocked on the door.

"Pardon me, CEO Bai," Speak of the devil. Andrea Houston poked her head in first when Elliot opened the door.

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"Drea, great timing."

"Hi, El." Andrea chirped, acknowledging him with a radiant grin. "Great timing for what?"


"What do you think of the CEO's outfit?"

"Ah! CEO Bai, you look so fabulous as always!" Andrea swooned when her eyes landed on her boss' figure. "Clothes that wouldn't look good on you are non-existent. You look great in everything! I bet my whole career that you'll even pull off wearing rags that were hideously patched together."

Lillie greatly appreciates the...melodramatic compliments. But putting that aside, what's going on between these two?

They're calling each other by nicknames? When and how did that happen?

"You two are being dramatic." In due time, Lillie will ask them.

If this was the reason why Elliot has been in good spirit more than ever. She won't do anything to disrupt it.

"I'll be off then." Lillie grabbed her purse and slung it on one shoulder. "Thank you for accompanying Elliot once again while I'm gone, Andrea."

"No problem, CEO Bai. You can always count on me." Andrea beamed, eager to be useful for her boss. "I hope you enjoy your lunch meeting."

"En. It'll be interesting, I'm sure." Lillie waved goodbye at the two before turning her back fully and strode off. She insisted for them to not see her off, as it was unnecessary.

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Getting inside the elevator, she willed it to take her to the underground parking lot.

As it went down, Lillie took her phone and dialed home. "I'm on my way. Has Storm made it at the beach resort?"

[Everything is in order, young miss. Storm is behaving well. He's currently waiting patiently for you.]

"What about my guest?"

[She's already at the gazebo.]

"Hm, I hope my lovely guest hasn't seen him, yet."

[We made sure of it, eldest miss. The personnel diligently adheres to your instructions. They're also done preparing the food you've requested to be served.]

"Ask them to bring it out. Knowing her, she couldn't wait to have her fill with our country's cuisine."

[Will do.]

"Very good. Great work, Butler Tian."

[It's my pleasure to be of service, eldest miss.]

Unlocking her car, she gets in and started it. The engine quietly roared into life, making the car faintly quiver for a moment.

Lillie blinked when the sunlight hits her windshield as she ascended out of the underground parking lot. She acknowledged the guards saluting at her with a single honk before stepping on the gas towards the beach.

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