The small, wood pier creaked beneath her heels as Lillie approached the private gazebo that was situated just above the coast.

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She explicitly chose this particular spot because of the great view of the glistening blue sea and the beautiful sea caves ahead. And later when it's sundown, they would be able to witness the sun descend the sea and horizon.

Carrying the ocean's refreshing scent, the cool breeze kissed her skin and gently fluttered her hair and coat.

Pattering beside her was the mighty, midnight black beast that legends said to be enthralled by the glow of the silver moon.

Imposing and aloof with a pair of menacing yellow eyes that would make anyone die of spook, Storm glared at everything as if it would suddenly jump to attack his mistress.

Even the poor seagulls abandoned their known mischievous behavior in favor of preserving their lives. The enticing food on the gazebo no longer look as enticing when Storm made his terrifying presence known among the animals.

"Lillie-chan! It's been a while, I've missed you~" Fujikawa Haruka jolted out of her seat upon seeing the approaching figure of her dear friend.

About to prance towards her and tackle her into a hug, Fujikawa Haruka skid to a halt—nearly stumbling in the process—when she saw the massive wolf.

Gasping dramatically, she ignored his warning glare from said wolf, and spread her arms wide, exclaiming, "And you brought Storm too?! Oh, I've missed you!"

Storm flinched and snarled in annoyance as the familiar Japanese woman—who nursed him back to health when he was badly wounded—changed her course and went to hug him first instead of his mistress.

He's having a hard time deciding if this was a good thing or not.

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Doesn't matter, it appears, as Haruka still hugged Lillie after.

"Haruka, I'm glad to see that your eccentricity hasn't changed." Lillie smiled.

Haruka's eyes widen at the rare sight. "You—did you just—did you just...smiled?!"

"Hm? I did. Is that wrong?"

"No, no, no, no, no! Not wrong, not wrong at all!" Haruka quickly said, shaking her head vigorously until it made her dizzy. "It's just that, you rarely smile. You also never greeted me with one before. Are you feeling well? Wait. Who are you and what have you done to Lillie-chan?!"

"It's me." Lillie huffed with a trace of mirth in her voice. "As if Storm would go with a fake."

"Ah, you have a point." Realization dawned into her. "You've changed, Lillie-chan; it's a good change. I reckon this is the work of your future hubby?"

The glow was noticeable and the sternness she was used to seeing in her considerably softens.

"I see you're already half-way through dessert."

"Hehe, sorry for not waiting for you."

"It's alright, I intend for this."

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Haruka sn.a.k.e.d her arm around Lillie's curvaceous, tiny waist, and tread along with her towards the gazebo. Settling back into her seat with Lillie across her and Storm stationing himself on her right, Haruka picked up where she's left with her meal.

"Ex-excuse m-me, va-valued guests..." A minute later, two waiters announced their presence, bringing with them were Lillie's and Storm's meal.

Poor souls were confused why they were bringing raw meat and bones with this particular patron's meal, now the answer was evident when they caught sight of the massive wolf.

The waiter who was assigned to bring Storm's food to him was trembling in fear, the bones clattering against the plate. He approached him in a slow, cautious manner.

'What are you dawdling for, stinky human? Bring my food quickly!'

When Storm let out a low growl, the waiter shrieked. He felt his soul almost escaping out for a moment.

Sighing, Lillie spared the poor waiter of the mental torment and a potential heart attack. She took the place from him before setting it down in front of Storm.

"You two are dismissed, thank you."

'Incompetent neanderthals! How dare you make my mistress do your job!'

Hearing Storm's angry growl, the two waiters almost chose to jump into the waters in their haste to escape the monstrous wolf's fury.

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"Storm, behave." Lillie scratched the back of his ear, softly scolding him. "Don't frighten anyone, unless I told you so."

Storm ears lowered in obedience, whimpering lightly, leaning to her touch.

"Aww~ he's only acting cute and cuddly when it's you. I'm so jealous." Haruka cooed, pouting. Taking a big bite of her dessert, she ate away her sadness.

Noticing her friend's dampened mood, Lillie asked, "Do you want to have a companion like him?"

"Why?" Haruka perked up. "Does he have a sibling?"

"Afraid not. It's not 'exactly' like him, per se. If I recall, you weren't much of an animal lover before Storm." Lillie sipped on her coconut juice.

"Hm, indeed. But I had a change of heart, alright? Storm was just so..." Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #!_11957027006657805/chapter-382-loyalty-isn%E2%80%99t-easily-obtained_51807429180061189 for visiting.

Lillie nodded in agreement without Haruka needing to put the qualities of why she adores Storm into words.

"What do you think about adopting a Bengal tiger?"

"What do I think?" Haruka hummed and pinched her chin, deep in thought. "I guess it's alright. My mom was a cat person, so I think I'll come to like the fella."

"I won't give you a fully grown one, just so you know."

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"Ehhh? Why not?"

Lillie's eyebrow quirked, looking at her as if she's just asked a stupid question—which she did. "Loyalty isn't easily obtained, Haruka. Storm wasn't like this the first time I had him. He was cautious and hostile, bitten me several times too."

Thankfully, he was but a mere pup at that time. There were some scratches and shallow bites. But overall, nothing serious.

Haruka spluttered, coughing aggressively. "Storm did?" She gestured to him in disbelief, finding it hard imagining that the sweetheart beside Lillie and the one in her description were the same.

"As in 'if anything happens to my mistress, I will kill everyone in this planet and then myself' Storm?" She asked again.

Storm's ears flattened, and looked down in shame, seemingly understanding what they were talking about.

Lillie caressed his head in consolation. "Now you see, Haruka, earning someone's trust and loyalty takes effort and time."

"I completely understand." Haruka nodded. "I reckon that this future companion of mine is still a cub?"

"Precisely. So, what do you say?"

There was no need to ask. Haruka eagerly agrees.

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