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Tension surrounds the once extravagant and glamorous room. The waiters and waitresses were glad that they could leave or else they might become insane because of the menacing air that the two most powerful tycoons gives off.

The silence was cut off by a soft ring of a cellphone. Lillie opened her white purse, that her mother personally designed for her, and fished out her phone.

It was her lawyer calling so she answered it, letting Ethan hear her conversation.


[Miss Bai, the documents of the contract are done. Would you like it to be delivered now or—?]

"Now." She said immediately.

[Yes ma'am, uhh. May I know where you are right now?]

"L'incarnation du Loisir.[1]" She said in fluent French. Ethan's pupils dilated as he tried to distract himself by shoving a piece of steak in his mouth.

'She sounds so sexy.' He shamelessly thought. 'I wish she could talk French to me all day, no matter even if it's an insult.'

Tapping the 'end' button, Lillie continue eating her meal.

"Would you like to share your phone conversation, my dear? As it might not be much of a secret since you let me eavesdrop." Lillie stared at him before gently dabbing her lips on the napkin.

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"Ah yes, I forgot to mention." And hoped I forget you as well.

"My lawyer will arrive shortly with a contract, which you 'will' sign whether you like it or not. The contract states all about my conditions after we're married, so I hope you won't show and resistance and just comply." She heartlessly elucidated.

Ethan raised his sharp eyebrow, his phoenix eyes blankly stare the cold woman. "And what makes you think I'll agree to your 'conditions'?"

Lillie expected his answer, she took a sip at her wine, not even bothered to reply him immediately. She licked her lips as she savors the drink, Ethan secretly gulped.

"Then we're going to have a problem. If you don't agree, after we're married expect that I will never live with you for the rest of your life. Like a collared dog with no leash, roaming around and free."

"But the dog had its tag on the collar." Ethan retorted.

"You are correct but, what if others remove it? What will happen then?"

Ethan narrowed his eyes and glared at the audacious woman.

Lillie smirked mockingly at the triggered man. "Point for me, Mr Li."

"Hmp! Won't be long before I have my score, Mrs Li." Lillie ignored his words, too immense by joy to see Ethan's defeat.

'Knock knock'

"Miss Bai, someone seeks your presence." The same hostess came back.

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"Let her in."

"Yes ma'am." The hostess bowed and left. After a few seconds she came in with a super model—I mean Lillie's lawyer. The woman had strawberry blonde hair and bright green eyes. She wore a grey professional attire, her hair was made into a messy yet stylish bun that made her look so sophisticated.

"Miss Bai, I apologize for my tardiness." The woman spoke in a professional tone, much like Lillie. Seems the two are of the same feather.

"It's alright. Jessica, I believe you recognize this man behind me?" She unconcernedly gestured.

Jessica nodded, "Yes, Good evening, Mr Li. I am Jessica Houston, Miss Bai's personal lawyer." She was about to offer her hand for a handshake when she remembered that this man had a reputation of having germaphobia, so she bowed instead.

"Pleasure is all mine, Attorney Houston." Ethan nodded at her in acknowledgment, pleased of her professionalism. As expected of Lillie Bai's people.

"So, let's go talk about the contract, shall we?"

Lillie ordered one of the waiters to fetch them another seat for Jessica. As the three sat down, Jessica opened her briefcase, pulled out a stack of papers.

"Mr Li, allow me to read Miss Bai's terms and conditions after the marriage." Jessica begin.

"First things first, Miss Bai wished that the marriage will the take place on the twenty ninth of March, 20XX."

Ethan almost vomit blood in anger. It is May six today! So she expects him to wait for eleven months?! How many days was that?

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"No, it's too long." Ethan forgot his words and immediately disagree, and it's just the first condition.

Lillie's eyes narrowed. "I am a busy woman, Mr Li and you're not my priority. My father's company needs my full attention so, a mere marriage must not get in my way."

Ethan's body was boiling in anger. This woman will be the death of him. Suddenly, realization struck him like lightning.

Containing his marvelous and cunning idea he said, "Alright, I agree to it." To say the least, she was quite surprised but quickly regain her composure and signaled Jessica to continue.

"Now that's decided, next condition is to never touch her intimately, that includes kissing. Miss Bai will only agree to it if she finds it necessary." Ethan reluctantly nodded.

"Next, if the two of you are at a public place such as a party, Miss Bai expects you to behave and do as she says." Sigh, this woman is control freak.

"And if the two of you are alone, you must speak to her with formality. Do not call her with endearment such as wife, dear, honey and etcetera." The conditions go on for almost 30 minutes and Ethan hoped he could jump off from his seat and strangle his future bride.

"Now that's done, please sign here, Mr Li." Jessica gave him a fountain pen and pointed to where he must sign.

"Thank you for you cooperation, Mr Li. Miss Bai may I now take my leave?"

"Yes, thank you for the trouble, Jessica."

"My pleasure, Miss Bai. Please, enjoy your meal." Jessica put everything back to her briefcase before leaving.

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Lillie was happy that she could make Ethan agree to her terms, now she can relax for ten months before tying herself with this man.

"You are enjoying this, aren't you?" After being mentally tormented, Ethan no longer had the appetite.

"Very much." She didn't even denied. Ethan sighed and calmed himself.

"Oh, Miss Bai. For a woman who claims to be a genius, you sure do not know where you went wrong." Ethan slowly stood from his seat and casually strode towards her, like a lion to his prey.

Lillie suddenly shiver as goosebumps appeared on her porcelain skin. "What do you mean?" She said in authority.

Ethan suddenly caged her on her seat by placing his arms on the chair's armrest.

"Mr Li! We just had an agreement!" Lillie menacingly growled.

"Now, this is where you miscalculated, Mrs Li." Ethan's slowly went near hers.

"You mentioned 'after' we're married, before doesn't count, right?" Lillie's eyes widen.


"How about we get to know each other better?" He said before harshly smacking his lips on her.

Lillie Bai: Hmm?!

Sigh, poor Jessica. She even had the trouble to send a useless contract.

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