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Lillie's eyes widen in disbelief, his cold yet soft lips touches her. Then, she felt a wet sensation trying to pry her lips open. Shivering by this, her trembling hands placed itself on his chest.

Then, with all her strength, she pushed him off. Lillie scurried to get off her seat and back away.

Vigorously wiping her lips with her sleeves, she gave Ethan her most ferocious glare.

"Ethan Li!" She growled. Ethan smirked and raised his hands in surrender.

"Worth it." He huskily replied. Lillie finally calmed down, she went back to the table and grabbed her sling purse.

"Searching for loopholes, aren't we? Expect this one to be the last and also our last meeting." She indifferently stated, turning her back coldly at him.

"See you at March twenty nine." Both her eyes and voice were covered in ice. But then, Lillie was yanked back and stumbled on his chest.

"That was not on the contract." He said.

"Ah, so you know there's a contact." Lillie mocked.

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Ethan sighed, "It's all your fault..." He muttered.

"Mine?" Lillie raised her eyebrow. "How is it my fault? Care to enlighten me, Mr Li?" Lillie Bai crossed her arms.

"It is for me to know, and for you to find out." Lillie scoffed and ignored him, pulling out her phone once again and typed something.

"It's time for me to go. I must say, this dinner is anything but pleasant." She coldly stated.


Lillie Bai left the suffocating room and went on ahead, she already texted her parents that she'll go first. Just as she was about to exit the building, her little brother called.

"Sis, are you going home already?" He asked, his tone to her was polite and a bit childish, much different to the tone he used to others.

Lillie turned around, her gaze soften just seeing her precious little brother. "Not yet. I was about to head to the company."

"Here's the key to the car. Dad said he'll just call Lukas." Lukas is their family driver.

"You're putting on an all nighter again?" He asked.

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Lillie nodded, grabbing the key. "If you want, I can drop you off the mansion."

Gabriel shook his head. "No, I want to go with you."

"Alright." Gabriel happily went to his sister's side, like a puppy to his owner, waging his tail.

"Sis, can you teach me how to beat the mega boss on 'Nightingale'?" He enthusiastically pleaded.

"WAIT!" A familiar high pitched voice exclaimed behind them. Gabriel's face darker and glared at the annoying girl.

"W-wait, *pant* I want to c-come too..." She was already out of breath when she reached them.

"No." It was Gabriel who answered. Yi Fei glared at him.

"I'm not talking to you!" She haughtily retorted.

"Sister-in-law! May I come with you?" Her persona changed into a cute, timid, and sweet teenage girl when talking to Lillie.

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"I said no!"

"Shut up! You're not my Goddess!"

Lillie oddly looked at the two arguing teenagers. 'Are they suffering from bipolar disorder?' She sighed, rubbing her aching temples.

"Yi Fei, did you asked permission to your parents about this?" Yi Fei stopped arguing with Gabriel and stared with big bright eyes at Lillie.

"Yes! You don't know how much I begged my mom about this. I was so bored in there!" She pitifully explained. "So, when I saw Gabby here going out..."

"Gabby?!" Gabriel exclaimed.

Yi Fei paid him no heed. "...I followed him. And thank goodness for that, I finally get to bond with my sister-in-law!" She happily grinned.

"Who's your sister-in-law?!" Yi Fei stuck her tongue out at Gabriel.

"Alright that's enough, you two can come with me. In one condition..." She started with a piercing glare. The two properly stood up like soldiers.

"Behave." She simply said before coming inside the car. The two obediently sat behind, while silently giving each other a glare.

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Ethan pulled out a pack of cigarette from his pocket and light it up. Whiffing the smoke out in frustration.

'Knock knock'

The door opened after the knock and a head slowly peaked inside.

"What is it?" Ethan raised his eyebrow at his father, who entered along with his mother and Lillie's parents.

"Ah, I see Lillie left already." He said looking around the room before stopping his attention back to him.

"How unfortunate, she's not going to hear the good news." Senior Li sighed and shook his head. Ethan gave his father the go-straight-to-the-point look.

"Well, we discussed about it and had an agreement, my wife, at least." Mr Bai grumbled in annoyance. No, he doesn't agree to it but he doesn't have a choice as his wife already decided.

Ethan quietly stood in his place, impatiently waiting.

Mrs Bai slyly grinned. "You and Lillie will live together!"

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