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When Lillie came back home from the company, she was quite surprised to see her father.

"Father, what brings you here?"

"It's about you and Ethan." He started. Lillie sat beside him at the sofa so that she can listen carefully.

His father had a sad expression, his hands gently grasped hers and caressed them. "My darling daughter, you know how much I don't approve of you marrying but, whether I like it or not, you will need have a family of your own soon."

"I have to remind myself countless times that you're no longer that little girl who would want to have her father carry her all the time and would always call him daddy." Lillie's eyebrows furrowed by this.

"But, you know how powerless I am towards your mother and grandmother. The only ally I have was your grandfather but, your grandmother held him on a leash."

Lillie sighed, this father of hers was being emotional than a teenage girl breaking up with her first boyfriend. She had few guesses of what he wanted to say.

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"Please get straight to the point." Lillie deadpanned.

Her father stopped abruptly, coughing lightly he said, "Your mother and grandmother 'forced' me to have you step aside from your work and take on a one month vacation with Ethan." Emphasizing the word 'forced.'

"So, you're saying that I'm..."

"Exactly. Lillie Bai, you are fired."


"D-don't worry, it's not permanent. That good for nothing brother of yours needs to learn how to handle the business. Even though you are the heiress of WPE, Gabriel have other businesses he will operate when he finished school." He reassured her.

"He'll be turning 18 soon yet, he's clueless on how to handle our business." Mr Bai shook his head at how his only son behaves. He claims that he idolized his big sister and yet he does not follow her footsteps of being a young executive on the company. His face is either in front of a PC monitor or his phone.

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He slightly blamed his eldest daughter for creating those video games. When Lillie created her first video game, he was extremely proud when it became popular all over the globe. However, his son was one of the game's players and since then, his addiction to video or online games worsen.

His wife, Agathe, was concerned about their only son's future. She assumed Gabriel will be like those gamers who had no jobs and always eats instant ramen. He admits that his wife was overreacting but she has a point.

At first, they decided to have Lillie train him but then his wife thought up a 'brilliant' plan.

Her words, "How about you let Gabby take over Lillie's position so that we could give those two workaholic CEOs some time out with each other!"

When he was about to disagree, his wife gave him a dirty look saying, "Disagree or you'll be send to the doghouse." [1]

How typical of her, Lillie thought. The Bai men were powerless when it comes to their wives. She wonders if she'll be like her mother or grandmother when she became Ethan's wife.

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"You can't just fire me like this. The company currently faces and issue regarding the collaborations with Hong Long Corporation."

"C...Collaboration?" Mr Bai awkwardly scratch his head in confusion.

Lillie gave her father a cold glare. "Don't tell me you haven't read my reports?"

"Ah...ahaha...o-of course I had.."

Lillie's stare intensified.

"I didn't." Mr Bai's shoulders dropped in shame. He, the White Phoenix Empire's president, was the most clueless of what was happening in his own company.

You guys still wonder where Gabriel got his attitude from?

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Lillie pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed for the umpteenth time. "Ethan and I have decided to collaborate. I've helped his company by sending two of my people to work with him." She elucidated.

"Hm? Why? What happened to Hong Long?"

"Basically, they were being attacked by the She Group."

"What?!" Mr Bai roared at the awfully familiar name.

Hong Long was not the only company the She Group tried to attack but WPE too and more. Those who fell on their hands got their company handed to the She Group without a fight.

"Don't worry, those pests are not that hard to deal with." Now with Ethan by her side, Lillie was positive that their forces would send those fakers into the depths of hell.

They will never expect what hit them.

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