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In the middle of the deserted road, a midnight black bike roared through the setting sun until it made a sharp turn to the left and entered a forest.

The familiar trail that he created years ago disappeared. However, he's certain that he'll recreate them once again for the purpose of reactivating the real Red Dragon.

He was ashamed of himself, letting Lillie fix all of the things he've left behind in the Underworld. If he hadn't left, all of this wouldn't happen. The Red Dragon and White Bird Organization will, instead, be allies. The Underworld would've been peaceful with the Leaders harmonizing.

Nearing a huge tree with a red cloth on its branch, Ethan pulled it with his left hand while his right was on the bike's throttle.

A rumble occurs and an opening appeared from the ground. It was an underground tunnel that he, Red Dragon, used before.

Driving through the tunnel for a few minutes, he came across a huge metal door. Clicking something, the bike's headlight turned dark red. The door sensed the access code and opened, creating a loud creak.

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Ethan turned off the engine and came off the bike. His eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness upon entering the dark dome.

[Welcome back, Red Dragon.] A soft, high pitched, robotic voice of a little girl greeted as the place lit up and bestowed a grand computer laboratory.

"Ai, reconnect me to Blood Vemon." He immediately command.


Ethan sighed, this will take him for a while since AILif hasn't been used for almost a decade.


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"Ai, can you speed up the process?"

[If you had not left, I will not process this slowly.]

"You..." Ethan regretted giving her Lillie's sassiness. AILiF or Ai for short, is a computer artificial intelligent he developed. He gave her some of Lillie's attitude as well as his. However, the attitude that came from him was overpowered by Lillie's.

Now, it was like he was talking to two Lillies.



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Inside a dim room, where the only source of light appeared on a single computer screen, a man sluggishly sat on his swiveled chair with a can of beer on his hand. His eyes lethargically scanned through the small contexts that flashes through his monitor until it suddenly turned off.

"What the..." His eyes narrowed in puzzlement. The monitor's power light was on. How come the screen was off?

He took a sip of his beverage as he tried to decode what was happening.

[Calling...Blood Venom.]

"Pfff?!" The man spurted his drink in fright when he heard a very familiar, robotic voice. Then, a red dragon insignia appeared on his black screen. The dragon moved and its eyes blinked, staring directly at him.

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A..Ai?!" He cried in a fit of coughing.

[I have come to carry out Red Dragon's orders]

"R-Red Dragon?! W-wha—"

[We wanted to come back.]

"I could've guess that but what I wanted to know is why—"

[Because someone was bullying mommy.] Her robotic, cold voice suddenly turned childish, befitting for a sweet five year old girl, which is what she's supposed to be...except that she's a robot.

The man immediately shuts up. Who is she fooling, huh?! Mommy? Who the heck is your mommy?!

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