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Ethan was brought inside the infirmary, where doctors and nurses didn't wasted even a seconds of their time in treating the injured. When the subordinate that assisted him inside left to help with the others, a nurse quickly went by his side and began treating his punctured wound.

"This may leave a scar on normal circumstances, you're lucky that you're with capable hands." The nurse spoke in humor to lighten up the mood. Sadly for her, this man is the ice king. Cleaning the wound with lukewarm water and putting on a pain reliving cream, the nurse wrapped her arms around his waist to place the gauze.

"Good thing you were brought in earlier or else you may have loss too much blood." She said, wrapping another layer of gauze around his waist.

Ethan was silent, not even replying to any of her statements as he found it unnecessary. The nurse didn't mind his lack of response and continued on talking. She was not being persistent, it's just a part of her job as a nurse to talk to patients so that they would redirect their attention away from the pain.

"Done! You can go ahead and rest with the others on the room just two doors ahead. You're no longer allowed to enter the fight, Boss' orders." She grinned and patted his back before heading to another patient.

Ethan glanced behind to watch how dedicated Lillie's subordinates are. He really wanted to applaud on their capabilities in handling situations like this.

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They're calm and professional, everyone were doing their designated work sincerely. A small curve appeared on his lips. If would've been a beautiful scene to look at if he weren't wearing the terrifying mask.

Walking through the quiet halls, Ethan heard a man speaking. It was barely audible, nonetheless, he can still catch some words.

"All clear. The girl's with us....her mentality is beyond saving but, it wouldn't hurt to try, right?....White Bird was really cold-blooded, if I were caught by her, god knows what tortures she'll give me....yeah, yeah, I'll go now. Call every and order the rest who're still alive to retreat, our mission's done."

Ethan heard enough to connect the dotes. This whole ambush's purpose is not to attack the organization but to bust someone out.

When he was about to confront him, he was surprised to see Lillie beside the man. The man saluted to Lillie and said, "All done, Boss. Red Dragon fell into our trap. It appears that Yu Mei wasn't useless after all."

"En, thank you for your hard work."

"It's my pleasure, Boss. I will retreat for now. I shall contact you once Yu Mei is within Red Dragon's grasp"

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The man Lillie spoke to was a very important piece on her game. He was an unknown Elder, the most well hidden mole that she placed within Red Dragon's lair, a double crosser. He's non other than She Lei, She Gu's favored son.

"Your old man hasn't been suspicious of your suggestions in attacking us for that woman?"

"Not at all. That bastard is under my spell. With the idea of his son as the future head of the Rosenguard Clan, a sheer possibility of me being an Elder of White Bird Organization would never cross his mind." Chuckling sadistically, his golden eyes glinted with malice. His hate for his own father cannot be measured.

It was because of him his mother died. He will make him regret for keeping him alive. It was not like She Lei repaid kindness with malevolence, it was She Gu who did it first.

If he did not killed his mother for power, the Rosenguard would've been his. As She Gu thought before, the Rosenguard will never forsake their own blood. Especially if that person is the holder of the golden eyes.

The Clan just wanted to teach Evangeline, She Lei's mother, a lesson. They would eventually ask her to go back. But, when she died, the Clan was in a dilemma. She Gu regretted his actions greatly but, it was too late.

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He killed her because of her uselessness. When She Lei was born, he began scheming once again. Unfortunately for him, She Lei found all about his dark secrets and conspired on his demise.

"Good. And by the way, send my regards to your grandfather."

"Of course. You should visit him soon, you know how much he enjoys your company."

"When I have time."

With that, the conversation ends. She Lei turned around and left. Ethan was still hiding at the corner, blinking in disbelief.

"Did you enjoy our conversation, Silver Dragon?" Ethan felt a chilly presence. Turning his body slowly, his eyes landed on Lillie, who suddenly appeared behind him.

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"How did you know it was me? What if there are others who've heard it?"

"If it wasn't you, would you think I would let the whole conversation continue?"

"I believe not but, why would you let me eavesdrop?"

"I would eventually discuss it to you since it involves Red Dragon. But, this approach is good too, I get to explain a few things to you now." She shrugged.

"Then the whole attack? They are many of your subordinates who were injured because of it." He said in an upset tone.

"The phone call, it was She Lei, the man a while ago, telling me that they plan to attack today. Even he didn't know that She Gu planned to attack today. He was surprised as I am. All of this, was half planned by us." Coldness enveloped her body, her eyes turned dull.

"You should trust me more." Her last word before turning her back against him.

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