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Ethan shuddered by the coldness Lillie emitted. She must've been upset because he didn't trust her while she trusted him a lot.

He was ashamed of himself, he made a terrible choice with his words. Lillie was unlike any woman, unlike any of the other Underworld Leaders. She cares for the people close to her. She protects her subordinates, her family.

His arms quickly outstretched and grabbed her wrist, pulling her against his chest. His arms slithered around her small waist and trapped her in his embrace.

"I'm sorry."

His warm breath touched her ear, making them red. Lillie slightly shivered by his sudden behavior. Their clothes were the only thing that come in between them touching skin-to-skin. But, Lillie can still feel the warmth and hardness of his body.

"You have nothing to apologize for. It's natural for anyone to think of it like that." Her voice was still cold, Ethan's heart ached because of that.

"No, I should've trusted you. I'm sorry, Lillie. I'm sorry." He repeated non stop.

Lillie felt his sincerity so, she did not let it go on for long. "Just...believe me next time." She muttered.

"I will." Ethan was relieved. A small smile curled into his lips when he realized their closeness. Her shampoo seemed to change, she smells like fresh peach blossoms.

Noticing his odd demeanor, Lillie placed her hands on his chest and tried to push but wouldn't budge.


"You know that there's still war breaking out, right?"

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"Then we should—"

"They can take care. White Bird's wall isn't that easy to push."

Confident, aren't you? Who are you? Who am I? Aren't I White Bird? Why does it sound like you are the boss?

With She Lei's orders, the men in red retreated in vain. The number of people they sent to attack were halved. And all of them were either injured close to death or battered terribly.

White Bird and her subordinates are as rumors told. Fight them with a thousand army, they'll obliterate with only five hundred people. One person from the White Bird Organization can beat twenty people. And one person from the elite section can beat a hundred.

If their purpose was really to attack, then Red Dragon would truly be annihilated.

They pondered on what kind of brutal trainings did White Bird engraved in their bodies to have the strength and power that could've conquered every land back in ancient times.

[Boss, Red Dragon's people had retreated.] White Crow called through Lillie's cellphone, who was still in Ethan's embrace.

"Any casualties?"

[Only around fifty were injured but it wasn't anything serious.]

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"Good. You may be excused for the day, take a rest and have your wounds, if there are any, checked."

[Yes, ma'am.] The phone call has ended.

"I know it's not the time to ask but, who was Yu Mei?" Ethan suddenly asked. When Lillie and She Lei were having a discussion, their topic seemed to focus around Yu Mei—using her as bait for Red Dragon.

He noticed a change of expression on Lillie's face as the name was mentioned.

"This is not the right place to talk about her." She removed herself from his warm embrace.


It was Lillie's turn to grab his hand and pull him with her. "My office."

The two have entered the double oak doors of Lillie's office after two minutes. Lillie made sure that the room was secured and locked. The room was soundproof, away from any suspecting ears.

Sitting on her throne-like chair with her legs and arms crossed she said, "What would you like to know?" In solemn tone.

"Who is this Yu Mei?" Ethan started, straight to the point.

"She used to be my friend. Unfortunately, greed has taken upon her senses and made 'a lot' of unforgivable actions."

"Like what?"

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"Well, first crime was when we were young, she stole a very expensive historical artifact that my grandfather bought from an auction for three hundred billion dollars. Then, she sold it for five hundred dollars to some hooligans." Ethan mentally winced.

"Regardless of what she've done, we forgive her. However, she took our kindness for granted and soon came up with more schemes. Me and my family turned a blind eye on her actions as it wasn't that serious."

"And the time came when my father offered me to be an acting CEO on the company, I had her as my assistant. She stole my project proposals and gave it to a rival company. The company made millions because of it but, that wasn't the reason behind my anger."

"That day, Yu Mei drugged me with a powerful drug that she bought from Hong Kong, knowing I was weak from many sleepless nights. It was a newly developed drug. They gave it to her at cheap price in exchange for a guinea pig. And guess what?"

"You were...that guinea pig." He slowly confirmed.

"Correct. That drug was actually aphrodisiac, a very powerful and dangerous one. It was also because of that drug that I'm known as White Bird." Her eyes glowed deep red and changed into her ocean blue ones. Relieving those memories has caused her face to darken.

The drug had drove both her hormones and adrenaline to act. Her body was so hot that it felt like she was being cooked alive. To resist the lust, Lillie stabbed herself. The pain helped over power the lust however, it made her consciousness to weaken.

Having the complete experience in fighting, Lillie did not sweat in killing those men.

She left the suite Yu Mei rented for her and the men that was supposed to **** her, in a bloody state. It was a stupid idea for Yu Mei to wait around the corner of the building to see her plan unfolding. Finding her target, Lillie vaulted towards her in a state of insanity and mercilessly kicked her on the neck, causing her vocal cords to snap.

Before her sight has completely darkened, Lillie immediately called for Elliot and gave him the instruction before fainting.

When Lillie woke up, she cannot see anything as thick bandages were wrapped around her eyes. Her family doctor explained how the drug has caused her eyes to change in color and how that new colored eyes has cured her myopia.

That's why every time Lillie used her red eyes, her sight was clear as a diamond.

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Because of this incident, Lillie wanted to hunt those bastards that created the drug and destroy them. Those bastards were well known and feared mad scientists of the Underworld. And when the Underworld caught the whiff of their end by the teenage Lillie's hands, the Underworld Reapers suggested that she'll be an Underworld Leader with her strength.

After listening to Lillie's past and how the organization came into a start, his body trembled and his fists were clenched until they turned white. He was angry to himself for making her dig into her past. But, he was also glad that she didn't hid it from him.

Lillie placed her hands above his and unfold them to release the pressure.

"Everything has been settled. I had my revenge on Yu Mei and removed every single mad scientists out there who creates those dangerous drugs." She consoled him.

Ethan lifted his hands and cupped Lillie's soft cheeks, her mask was removed, allowing his hands to caress her face.

"It must've been tough for you, those years." His eyes were sad, as if he felt Lillie's pain.

An antagonizing pain has crept upon his heart. He can't believe she suffered all of those things and survived. Truly, his wife was tougher like no other. He cannot compare.

Lillie's heart skipped a beat. His warm palms caressed her cold cheeks until they turned bright red.

Her eyes were looking down, refusing to look into his soft, phoenix eyes.

It was the first time Lillie felt at ease. Ethan's comfort has eased all of the very weight Lillie has carried from those years.

"I promise that you won't ever experience those kinds of things as long as I'm alive." Ethan gently tilted her head up. He moved his head forward until their nose touch.

"May I...kiss you?" Lillie was surprised by his sudden question. Her face steamed and turned into a darker shade of red. Her eyes turned away with a shy expression.

Lillie was silent but after a few minutes with her thoughts, she nodded.

A soft grin painted Ethan's exquisite face. His smile seemed to make the flowers bloom and the birds to sing in glee. Removing the last inch of gap between them, Ethan has captured Lillie's sweet lips.

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