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Lillie's mother excited query has not snap her out of her trance. She was still in a daze on what happened yesterday.

"How's the progress between you and Ethan?" She interrogated.

She can't believe she agreed on his kiss. It was all a dream, she thought. Pinching herself multiple times, and all she felt.

"It's...confusing." She admitted. Mrs. Bai stopped blabbering and looked at her daughter in concern. There must be something troubling the Lillie Bai and only her family can tell.

"What's the matter, my dear? Is there something happening between you and Ethan, hmm?" Mrs. Bai's eyebrow arched in suspicion and neared Lillie's face, staring closely into her eyes.

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"Nothing's going on between us. There never was..." She muttered with the slightest bashfulness in her voice.

Her mother squealed in delight and grabbed her daughter's hands.

"My goodness, darling, I can sense your lie even up the heavens! So, what happened?! Tell me all about it!" Her mother's eyes brightened, sparkling like the stars in the galaxy.

Lillie was rendered speechless. Her mother's thirst for gossip was astonishing that her own daughter was not spared from her pestering.

"It's nothing. You don't need to know." Instead of letting the matter go, it only invoked her interest.

"Being defensive like that made the topic really intriguing." Her mother stated in an as-the-matter-of-fact tone.

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After yesterday's unnerving episode, Lillie received a call from the Bai mansion with her mother seeking her presence. Ethan wished to come too but her mother immediately denied, saying that it's their mother-daughter bonding day.

Lillie begged to disagree and called it 'mother wanted to know everything' day. Now that she's 'supposedly' fired from the company, Lillie had gotten a lot of space on her schedule for herself, unless she focused it all to the organization.

When she arrived at the mansion, her father and brother weren't present. And if they were, they'll be the first to greet her. Her father has taken the company under his reign once again while her younger brother was being tormented with all the works she've left.

Ethan really wanted to come with her but, 'coincidentally' his father called, wanting him to come to the Li household.

"What's with your boring relationship? Really, I bet you two haven't kissed yet or even held hands!" Her mother waved her hands up and groaned.

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Lillie blinked as she nonchalantly sipped her tea.


"So, this was the girl you're talking about?" She Gu raised his thick eyebrow, his eyes landed on the delirious and dirty woman. He suddenly covered his nose as he smelled something foul.

Yu Mei had peed herself while giggling crazily.

She Gu scowled in annoyance. "Get this sl*t out of my sight! Call for the doctor and have him check on her condition. We must make her speak about White Bird's identity!"

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The men in red held her arms and hoisted her up the now wet and stinky pavement. Even them had cringed at the sight and the smell.

"She's been under White Bird's captivity even before the her organization started. I caught some information saying that Yu Mei was the reason why White Bird's eyes are red and why she created the organization in the first place." With the 'obedient mask' on, She Lei told his father some truth. This was all part of their plan.

She Gu taking the bait, it won't be long before their plan unfolds.

"Good job, son. If it weren't for you, unveiling White Bird's real identity would've been impossible. With your capabilities and Rosenguard's help, not only are we a step further in unveiling her identity, we can also claim her organization and rule the Underworld!" She Gu's cruel laugh thundered through the room.

She Lei's outside expression was smiling happily for his father but in the inside, he sneered and looked at his father as if he was staring at the most pathetic and desperate creature.

Soon, your insignificant life will end.

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