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The Bai mansion's family room's door bursted open by an emphatic force as Lillie's father and brother have entered. Her mother abruptly stopped chattering and glared at her husband and son.

"Mom, how could you hide and keep big sis away from us?!"

"I did not. You two were busy in the company. How could I disturb your work for something, like your sister visiting?" Mrs. Bai smoothly made up an excuse without clenching her teeth.

"You know how much I wanted to visit sis at their villa but you tried to stop me every time! Now that she visits us, you tried to shoo us away!"

"Did I?" Mrs. Bai tilted her head in feigned confused expression.

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"Y-you-..I can't believe you!" He moaned in annoyance.

"Come on now, Gab. You know how much your mother wanted to spend time with Lillie." Mr. Bai was grieving as well however, he wouldn't dare reprimand his wife like what his son did. It'll be like courting death.

Lillie softly shook her head, her fingers massaging her temples as they ache because of their usual shenanigans. The Bai family mansion has once again emitted an aura of warmth and happiness just by her mere presence.

The servants were glad to see the family interacting so childishly and lovingly to one another. They could hear the young master and his mother bickering while his father tries to ease him. Even though the eldest miss was quiet, the family can still enjoy each others' company.

"Working as an acting CEO made me feel like I'm already working like one. Was dad being ruthless to me or you also experienced these?" Gabriel couldn't help but ask. His father made him do mountains of paperworks, researches and the lots. He felt like he was doing this on purpose for being disobedient and troublesome.

"Let's see. I created projects that helped the company stand as it is now. I made connections with foreigners, acquired partnerships with government. Hundreds of companies came flocking on my phone for connections. I attend the Elite Society's ball every month. I fight off pests who doesn't know where they belong. Do some surprise visits on every department and firing some insignificant people., I'm afraid that's all I can think of." Lillie listed with an 'I don't think that's all what I did' face.

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Gabriel stared at her, expressionless and speechless.

"She also flew around the globe to check on the branch company. Plus, she manages the production of hundreds of games. Which you enjoy very much." His father smugly added.

Ah, it seems father was being too light on me, hasn't he?

With his chest out and an air of arrogance surrounding him, Mr Bai haughtily glance at his good-for-nothing son as if saying 'what you did was nothing compare to what your big sister did'.

It was a good idea coming here as soon as he received the news of his daughter on the household's premises, regardless of the 'punishment' his wife will give later. He can no longer endure his son's nonstop nagging and whining. Just acting like a spoiled brat in general.

Sponsored Content was worth watching him receive an earful from Lillie. He can finally take a break.

The family continued on spending their time on one another by bombarding the eldest daughter with countless questions. Lillie thought that her mother was the only person who could annoy her with irrelevant questions, she didn't expect that her own baby brother had inherited the 'annoy-Lillie-and-bombard-her-with-questions-she-cannot-answer' syndrome. Her father may also been infected with it.

If it was just her mother doing all the chatterings, she might've endured but, how about you add two more?

"I'll be going now." The trio stopped bickering when Lillie suddenly stood up.

"Eh? But darling, I'm not finish asking you about your—"

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"My relationship with Ethan is stable. There aren't any dramas; which you were hoping for." Gabriel's soothe out questions were also heeded. As for Mr. Bai, his perpetual reminder about the usual 'you must stay away from this, should not do that' was ignored, much to Mr. Bai's horror.

Taking only a few steps forward, Lillie halted when her mother said, "Wait a minute! Did you just call Ethan, Ethan? Weren't you so dead on the decision of calling him 'Mr. Li'?You're finally on first name basis, huh?" A sly grin appeared on the woman's red lips that put even the cheshire cat in shame.

Lillie did not face her mother in fear of seeing the slight red tint on her cheeks. Clearing her throat she said, "Well, he insisted. Regardless on how I address him, our relationship won't past of being friends."

"Friends can turn lovers too you know—"

"I'm leaving."

The trio gaped at Lillie's retreating figure. Mrs. Bai was the first to shook herself from daze and laughed heartily.

"It seems our Little Flower has blossomed."

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