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A red car zoomed past the other cars in humane speed as possible through the city. Ethan was having a bad day right now. Ai contacted him about the former members of the real Red Dragon Organization, explaining how they are not on her radar. It means that they're either dead or were really good at hiding that even Ai cannot locate them.

Also, his father called. Someone was making their ways inside the company again for the purpose of acquiring money. He was positive that they are of no relation to She Gu because Lillie already took care of him. He's confident of his wife's capabilities.

This new vixen might've been from a rival companies. Placing their moles inside and infiltrating the company's accounts and finances.

But, Ethan will not focus his attention to those measly matters. There's something more important coming. Something he would not miss in a lifetime.

"Ming Lian, how is the situation on your side?" An earpiece was placed on his ear as he spoke to Yu Ming Lian, driving steadily.

[Everything has been completed up to your expectations.]

"Good. And the weather for that day?"

[Perfect, sir. It'll be sunny with no rain or heavy wind.]

"Good work. Because of this, I'll double your salary."

[Thank you, sir!] Yu Ming Lian responded with a delighted tone before hanging up.

Yu Ming Lian stared at the bright sun on the window with flattering heart. She really wanted to give this boss of hers a big round of applause. Despite his extremely busy schedule, he would sacrifice some sleepless nights for a certain someone.

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Sigh, so touching. She hopes to find someone like that in the future.


A few days had gone by since Lillie's visit from the Bai mansion. As soon as she came out of her room in the morning, she was greeted by Butler Tian and Nanny Ying's warm smiles.

"Good morning, miss Lillie."

Also responding with a 'good morning', Lillie was about to head towards the dining room when she saw the vases on the hallways were filled with colorful flowers. Mainly were roses and lilies.

"The flowers in the garden were in full bloom. It would be a shame if we were to let them be." Butler Tian informed upon noticing Lillie's line of sight.

"The flowers are very pleasing to the eye. It gives the villa some wonderful fragrance too." Nanny Ying added.

Lillie let out a soft hum, pleased by the change.

Inside the dining room, the curtains and windows were opened to let the slightly chilly air and the warm sun in. Scrumptious food were placed, elegantly, on the table. The room was surrounded by a wonderful aroma of freshly baked baguette. The food consist of scrambled eggs with vibrant greens on the side.

Simple yet fulfilling. Lillie felt like she was suddenly transported at the Crevier household; her mother's maiden house in France.

Then, the door from the kitchen opened with Ethan coming inside, carrying a tray with steaming soup.

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"You cooked?" Lillie guessed.

"How'd you know?" Instead of Lillie, it was Ethan who was surprised. He pouted mentally whilst mumbling incoherently.

"Lucky guess." She bluntly replied.

The soup was placed on the table before Ethan pulled a chair for Lillie.

Hmm? Is the sun rising from the west? [1] Why is he doing these all of a sudden?

Ethan closely watched as Lillie lifted the spoon and scooped some of the soup he made. His heart was thumping crazily, antsy for her reaction.

Lillie's lips puckered. There was no trace of aberration on her expression, but the usual coldness in her eyes was replaced by confusion. Perhaps it was due to her quietness that caused Ethan's body to stiffen.

"What do you think?" You would have to give him credit for not stumbling on his words because of anxiety.

"Good." Her brief reply has saved many Michelin star chefs' job. Ethan was busying himself the whole weekend just to learn how to properly cook different types, especially french, meals. In the future, he will gladly cook breakfast for her. Also maybe some lunch and dinner. But, that will be all for later. *wink wink*

"I'm glad you like it." Glad was an understatement, he was ecstatic. He's just extremely good in hiding it.

After breakfast, the two went on their separate ways. Lillie sat on her swiveled chair, reading some proposals from different companies, as usual, when a soft knock came.


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Elliot entered her office, holding what appears to be a red heart-shaped box of chocolates. "This was delivered for you." He said and gently placed the box of chocolates on her table.

"Hm? This are...?"

"The sender was anonymous. I've checked the contents for poison or any sharp objects. It's safe to consume." He reassured.

Lillie replied with a 'thank you' before sending him off. When her office door was closed, Lillie glanced at the box and saw a familiar insignia.

Isn't this the same brand of chocolates her high school suitor sends? Coincidentally, they were her favorite.

She untied the beautiful ribbon and opened the lid. Inside, there was a letter. A letter which she recognized. Her high school suitor used to write his letter on a special, fragrant paper. Its design was simple, the envelop was sealed by a gold wax with a fleur-de-lis symbol.

Lillie's hand froze. She couldn't believe what she saw. Was she dreaming?


"Ouch..." She uttered, unenthusiastically. She wasn't dreaming. Lillie bent her body on the side and opened a drawer, pulling out a pocket knife.

Gently slicing the beautiful wax seal off, she took the letter and unfold it with care.

[Time has passed and yet, your beauty can still cause hundreds of countries' downfall and thousands of hearts' beat for you. And mine was one of them.

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I will be the most happiest man alive if I will ever be basked by your radiance in person. I wish to see you, hug you, and tell you how much I love you back then and now.

How I hope and prayed for your heart to be unoccupied. And by the time we meet, I hope to be its permanent resider.

Years has gone by. Wasted years without you in my embrace. I think it is finally time for us to meet.

My flower, I will meet you at the docks of Sapphire Blues by 8.

Yours truly,

H W K D Q <— 3 ]

HWKDQ? Well, isn't this new? What is was it suppose to mean?

The slender, white hand that held the paper shook by intense emotions. Lillie was experiencing the greatest yet scariest roller coaster ride in her life.

This was what she hoped for, what she dreamed for to happen. Shouldn't she be feeling happy? Why is she feeling...uncertain.

This high school suitor, whom she thought was just experiencing puppy love back then, and thought was already married, suddenly appeared out of nowhere and chose an explicitly wrong time to make himself known.

She's to be married soon. And her feelings for Ethan...

For the first in her life, Lillie Bai didn't know what to do.

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