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"Why wouldn't I be here?" Lillie asked, eyebrow raised in challenge.

The woman did not know what to answer. This ash-blonde haired woman seemed to be from a prestigious and influential family, but Ethan's power was surely superior so she wasn't afraid to retort.

"Humph! You still ask? You're being incredibly rude and a complete eyesore!"

Everyone in the room shook their head. Insulting Lillie Bai and in front of Ethan Li? This woman have guts! One Devil was enough to make someone suffer but two? Oh ho'll be a slow, antagonizing annihilation.

They secretly pity the child growing inside the shameless woman. An innocent child should not be raised by someone like her.

"Miss, it's better if you don't speak anymore." Tang He Jiu, who received a clean towel from Yu Ming Lian, offered her a blunt warning.

The woman's glare darted at him. "Hah?! Why shouldn't I? Who does she think she is? What can she do to me?" She said in a mocking tone.

"That's enough, He Jiu. She'll know who's foot she is stepping in just a few moments. In the meanwhile, Ming Lian?"

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"Yes, miss?"

"Help He Jiu out and call for Song Mo Kun. Tell him to 'ready everything'" Lillie emphasized her commands with hidden meaning, which Yu Ming Lian had no idea of yet she still oblige.

"Yes, miss." Yu Ming Lian bowed and helped Tang He Jiu, who was being oddly obedient all of the sudden.

The pregnant woman observed their every interaction and felt that something's not right.

Coincidentally, when Yu Ming Lian and Tang He Jiu left, Song Mo Kun was already there with a briefcase in hand. Yu Ming Lian passed him Lillie's orders, which he immediately understood and entered the room without dallying any seconds.

"Miss." Song Mo Kun announced his presence. Lillie nodded and replied with a "hm."

Seeing the emotionless man carrying a briefcase, the pregnant woman assumed that he's probably a lawyer.

Song Mo Kun opened the briefcase and pulled out a file and gave it to her. The woman snatched it from him and read its contents.

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After just a minute, her complexion turned pale, her face was covered by cold sweat and her eyes widen.

"Care to elucidate, Miss She Xi Lan?"

She Xi Lan shuddered in fear, how did they found her real identity?

She Gu's illegitimate and only daughter.

"Hmm...She Gu is really a tough weed to pull. Don't worry, I'll pull the roots soon."

"H-how did you...w-who are you..." She Xi Lan's eyes shook in disbelief. Her body trembling in an unmeasurable fear.

"Acquiring a confidential information such as that of She Gu's daughter, or should I say...Vermillion Dragon's daughter?" [1]

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"Care to guess who I might be?"

She Xi Lan racked her brains for quite a while, her mind was in a frantic mess but still came up with an answer, "W-White Bird?"

Lillie's lips curled into a vicious smirk, her eyes slowly turned crimson red, a rare eye color everyone from the Underworld is familiar of.


If there was a fainting switch she could turn on, She Xi Lan would've turned it on the moment Lillie's eyes changed color. A long time ago, she met White Bird when the Underworld held a party for the Leaders. The Underworld Leader signed a temporary peace treaty for that day.

There are no wars, deaths or threats, it's simply a get together between the most notorious members of the Underworld.

When She Xi Lan saw White Bird for the first time, she couldn't help but feel envious of everything she had. Power, wealth, influences and beauty.

Even if the gold phoenix mask was in the way, just by her luscious red lips, her flawless, jade white skin and her slender body, everyone can tell that White Bird's a beauty.

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This made She Xi Lan, who was supposed to be the most beautiful woman in the Underworld, pale in comparison when you place her beside White Bird. She isn't even an ounce of White Bird's beauty.

After the party ended and a new day rose, the peace treaty was dissolved. She Xi Lan nagged her father nonstop to get White Bird Organization and give it to her.

She Gu was annoyed and reprimanded his stupid daughter. If it was that easy, he could've done it a long time ago.

She Xi Lan was angry that her father refused to seek her wishes. But then, his father gave her a proposition.

Interested, She Xi Lan listened. His father wanted her to be the Lis daughter-in-law and trap Ethan Li into marriage. With the Li family's influence and backing, adding with their own, they could easily dethrone White Bird and make the Reapers come to their side. She Gu tried to trap Ethan to sleep with her daughter but failed.

He underestimated Ethan Li's will. Because of their failure, She Gu made another plan and that is to fake a DNA test results.

He knew that a DNA test was not a sufficient evidence to prove that it is his but, if the DNA results came from Shengming, he had no choice but to accept.

She Gu wasted so much money just for forging an authentic-looking results. He thought that his plan was sure to succeed.

Unfortunately for him, Ethan Li was actually the real Vermillion Bird and his fiancee was actually White Bird.

Even if you would beat him to death, he would've never guess.

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